======================== Custom Container Service ======================== The orchestrator enables custom containers to be deployed using a YAML file. A corresponding :ref:`orchestrator-cli-service-spec` must look like: .. code-block:: yaml service_type: container service_id: foo placement: ... spec: image: docker.io/library/foo:latest entrypoint: /usr/bin/foo uid: 1000 gid: 1000 args: - "--net=host" - "--cpus=2" ports: - 8080 - 8443 envs: - SECRET=mypassword - PORT=8080 - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 volume_mounts: CONFIG_DIR: /etc/foo bind_mounts: - ['type=bind', 'source=lib/modules', 'destination=/lib/modules', 'ro=true'] dirs: - CONFIG_DIR files: CONFIG_DIR/foo.conf: - refresh=true - username=xyz - "port: 1234" where the properties of a service specification are: * ``service_id`` A unique name of the service. * ``image`` The name of the Docker image. * ``uid`` The UID to use when creating directories and files in the host system. * ``gid`` The GID to use when creating directories and files in the host system. * ``entrypoint`` Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image. * ``args`` A list of additional Podman/Docker command line arguments. * ``ports`` A list of TCP ports to open in the host firewall. * ``envs`` A list of environment variables. * ``bind_mounts`` When you use a bind mount, a file or directory on the host machine is mounted into the container. Relative `source=...` paths will be located below `/var/lib/ceph//`. * ``volume_mounts`` When you use a volume mount, a new directory is created within Docker’s storage directory on the host machine, and Docker manages that directory’s contents. Relative source paths will be located below `/var/lib/ceph//`. * ``dirs`` A list of directories that are created below `/var/lib/ceph//`. * ``files`` A dictionary, where the key is the relative path of the file and the value the file content. The content must be double quoted when using a string. Use '\\n' for line breaks in that case. Otherwise define multi-line content as list of strings. The given files will be created below the directory `/var/lib/ceph//`. The absolute path of the directory where the file will be created must exist. Use the `dirs` property to create them if necessary. * ``init_containers`` A list of "init container" definitions. An init container exists to run prepratory steps before the primary container starts. Init containers are optional. One or more container can be defined. Each definition can contain the following fields: * ``image`` The name of the container image. If left unspecified, the init container will inherit the image value from the top level spec. * ``entrypoint`` Customize the default entrypoint of the image. * ``entrypoint_args`` Arguments that will be passed to the entrypoint. Behaves the same as the generic ``extra_entrypoint_args`` field. * ``volume_mounts`` Same as the Custom Container spec's ``volume_mounts`` - selects what volumes will be mounted into the init container. If left unspecified, the init container will inherit the primary container's value(s). * ``envs`` A list of environment variables. * ``privileged`` A boolean indicate if the container should run with privileges or not. If left unspecified, the init container will inherit the primary container's value. Example with init containers: .. code-block:: yaml service_type: container service_id: foo placement: ... spec: image: quay.io/example/foosystem:latest entrypoint: /usr/bin/foo uid: 1000 gid: 1000 ports: - 8889 dirs: - CONFIG_DIR - DATA_DIR volume_mounts: CONFIG_DIR: /etc/foo DATA_DIR: /var/lib/foo files: CONFIG_DIR/foo.conf: - db_path=/var/lib/foo/db init_containers: - image: quay.io/example/curly:howard entrypoint: bash entrypoint_args: - argument: "-c" - argument: "[ -f /var/lib/foo/db ] || curl -o /var/lib/foo/sample.dat https://foo.example.com/samples/1.dat" volume_mounts: DATA_DIR: /var/lib/foo - entrypoint: /usr/bin/foo-initialize-db entrypoint_args: - "--option=threads=8" - entrypoint: /usr/local/bin/import-sample-datasets.sh entrypoint_args: - "/var/lib/foo/sample.dat" envs: - FOO_SOURCE_MISSING=ignore - FOO_CLEANUP=yes .. note:: Init containers are currently implemented as a step that runs before the service is started and is subject to start-up timeouts. The total run time of all init containers can not exceed 200 seconds or the service will fail to start.