================================= Deploying a development cluster ================================= In order to develop on ceph, a Ceph utility, *vstart.sh*, allows you to deploy fake local cluster for development purpose. Usage ===== It allows to deploy a fake local cluster on your machine for development purpose. It starts rgw, mon, osd and/or mds, or all of them if not specified. To start your development cluster, type the following:: vstart.sh [OPTIONS]... [mon] [osd] [mds] In order to stop the cluster, you can type:: ./stop.sh Options ======= .. option:: -i ip_address Bind to the specified *ip_address* instead of guessing and resolve from hostname. .. option:: -k Keep old configuration files instead of overwritting theses. .. option:: -l, --localhost Use localhost instead of hostanme. .. option:: -m ip[:port] Specifies monitor *ip* address and *port*. .. option:: -n, --new Create a new cluster. .. option:: -o config Add *config* to all sections in the ceph configuration. .. option:: -r Start radosgw (ceph needs to be compiled with --radosgw), create an apache2 configuration file, and start apache2 with it (needs apache2 with mod_fastcgi) on port starting from 8000. .. option:: --nodaemon Use ceph-run as wrapper for mon/osd/mds. .. option:: --smallmds Configure mds with small limit cache size. .. option:: -x Enable Cephx (on by default). .. option:: -X Disable Cephx. .. option:: -d, --debug Launch in debug mode .. option:: --valgrind[_{osd,mds,mon}] 'valgrind_toolname [args...]' Launch the osd/mds/mon/all the ceph binaries using valgrind with the specified tool and arguments. Environment variables ===================== {OSD,MDS,MON,RGW} Theses environment variables will contains the number of instances of the desired ceph process you want to start. Example: :: OSD=3 MON=3 RGW=1 vstart.sh