
The Accelio XioMessenger is built conditionally only, when --enable-xio is
provided to configure.

Accelio depends on OpenFabrics verbs development headers/libraries.
Prior to installing the Accelio package, the following prerequisites are required:

RedHat (RHEL 6.4 and above)

        yum groupinstall "Infiniband Support"
        yum install libtool autoconf automake
        yum install infiniband-diags perftest libibverbs-utils librdmacm-utils
        yum install librdmacm-devel libibverbs-devel numactl numactl-devel libaio-devel libevent-devel

Ubuntu (Ubuntu 13.04 and above)

        apt-get install libtool autoconf automake build-essential
        apt-get install ibverbs-utils rdmacm-utils infiniband-diags perftest
        apt-get install librdmacm-dev libibverbs-dev numactl libnuma-dev libaio-dev libevent-dev


        Mellanox OFED pacakage is optional and recommended
        look for latest OFED packages at:

If either the Accelio or OFED development environments are in non-standard locations,
include and library paths must be added to both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, in the Autotools
build as of 1/1/2015.
