>= 11.0.0 ------ * The list of monitor hosts/addresses for building the monmap can now be obtained from DNS SRV records. The service name used in when querying the DNS is defined in the "mon_dns_srv_name" config option, which defaults to "ceph-mon". 11.0.0 ------ * If you have manually specified the monitor user rocksdb via the ``mon keyvaluedb = rocksdb`` option, you will need to manually add a file to the mon data directory to preserve this option:: echo rocksdb > /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-`hostname`/kv_backend New monitors will now use rocksdb by default, but if that file is not present, existing monitors will use leveldb. The ``mon keyvaluedb`` option now only affects the backend chosen when a monitor is created. * The 'osd crush initial weight' option allows you to specify a CRUSH weight for a newly added OSD. Previously a value of 0 (the default) meant that we should use the size of the OSD's store to weight the new OSD. Now, a value of 0 means it should have a weight of 0, and a negative value (the new default) means we should automatically weight the OSD based on its size. If your configuration file explicitly specifies a value of 0 for this option you will need to change it to a negative value (e.g., -1) to preserve the current behavior. * The `osd crush location` config option is no longer supported. Please update your ceph.conf to use the `crush location` option instead. * The static libraries are not included by the debian development packages (lib*-dev) any more. As it is not required per debian packaging policy. And their shared versions are packaged as before. * The libtool pseudo-libraries (.la files) are not included by the debian development packages (lib*-dev) any more. As it is unneeded, and per https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/LAFileRemoval and https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/advanced.en.html, we should remove them.