local g = import 'grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet'; local u = import 'utils.libsonnet'; (import 'utils.libsonnet') { 'radosgw-sync-overview.json': local RgwSyncOverviewPanel(title, formatY1, labelY1, rgwMetric, x, y, w, h) = $.graphPanelSchema({}, title, '', 'null as zero', true, formatY1, 'short', labelY1, null, 0, 1, '$datasource') .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( 'sum by (source_zone) (rate(%(rgwMetric)s{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % ($.matchers() + { rgwMetric: rgwMetric }), '{{source_zone}}' ), ] ) + { type: 'timeseries' } + { fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: formatY1, custom: { fillOpacity: 8, showPoints: 'never' } } } } + { gridPos: { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h } }; $.dashboardSchema( 'RGW Sync Overview', '', 'rgw-sync-overview', 'now-1h', '30s', 16, $._config.dashboardTags + ['overview'], '' ) .addAnnotation( $.addAnnotationSchema( 1, '-- Grafana --', true, true, 'rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)', 'Annotations & Alerts', 'dashboard' ) ) .addRequired( type='grafana', id='grafana', name='Grafana', version='5.0.0' ) .addRequired( type='panel', id='graph', name='Graph', version='5.0.0' ) .addTemplate( g.template.datasource('datasource', 'prometheus', 'default', label='Data Source') ) .addTemplate( $.addClusterTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addJobTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema( 'rgw_servers', '$datasource', 'label_values(ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, ceph_daemon)' % $.matchers(), 1, true, 1, '', 'RGW Server' ) ) .addPanels([ RgwSyncOverviewPanel( 'Replication (throughput) from Source Zone', 'Bps', null, 'ceph_data_sync_from_zone_fetch_bytes_sum', 0, 0, 8, 7 ), RgwSyncOverviewPanel( 'Replication (objects) from Source Zone', 'short', 'Objects/s', 'ceph_data_sync_from_zone_fetch_bytes_count', 8, 0, 8, 7 ), RgwSyncOverviewPanel( 'Polling Request Latency from Source Zone', 'ms', null, 'ceph_data_sync_from_zone_poll_latency_sum', 16, 0, 8, 7 ), RgwSyncOverviewPanel( 'Unsuccessful Object Replications from Source Zone', 'short', 'Count/s', 'ceph_data_sync_from_zone_fetch_errors', 0, 7, 8, 7 ), ]), 'radosgw-overview.json': local RgwOverviewPanel( title, description, formatY1, formatY2, expr1, legendFormat1, x, y, w, h, datasource='$datasource', legend_alignAsTable=false, legend_avg=false, legend_min=false, legend_max=false, legend_current=false, legend_values=false ) = $.graphPanelSchema( {}, title, description, 'null as zero', false, formatY1, formatY2, null, null, 0, 1, datasource, legend_alignAsTable, legend_avg, legend_min, legend_max, legend_current, legend_values ) .addTargets( [$.addTargetSchema(expr1, legendFormat1)] ) + { type: 'timeseries' } + { fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: formatY1, custom: { fillOpacity: 8, showPoints: 'never' } } } } + { gridPos: { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h } }; $.dashboardSchema( 'RGW Overview', '', 'WAkugZpiz', 'now-1h', '30s', 16, $._config.dashboardTags + ['overview'], '' ) .addAnnotation( $.addAnnotationSchema( 1, '-- Grafana --', true, true, 'rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)', 'Annotations & Alerts', 'dashboard' ) ) .addRequired( type='grafana', id='grafana', name='Grafana', version='5.0.0' ) .addRequired( type='panel', id='graph', name='Graph', version='5.0.0' ) .addTemplate( g.template.datasource('datasource', 'prometheus', 'default', label='Data Source') ) .addTemplate( $.addClusterTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addJobTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema( 'rgw_servers', '$datasource', 'label_values(ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, ceph_daemon)' % $.matchers(), 1, true, 1, '', 'RGW Server' ) ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema( 'code', '$datasource', 'label_values(haproxy_server_http_responses_total{job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}, code)', 1, true, 1, 'HTTP Code', '' ) ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema( 'job_haproxy', '$datasource', 'label_values(haproxy_server_status, job)', 1, true, 1, 'job haproxy', '(.*)', multi=true, allValues='.+', ), ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema( 'ingress_service', '$datasource', 'label_values(haproxy_server_status{job=~"$job_haproxy"}, instance)', 1, true, 1, 'Ingress Service', '' ) ) .addPanels([ $.addRowSchema(false, true, 'RGW Overview - All Gateways') + { gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 24, h: 1 }, }, RgwOverviewPanel( 'Average GET/PUT Latencies by RGW Instance', '', 's', 'short', ||| label_replace( rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ||| % $.matchers(), 'GET {{rgw_host}}', 0, 1, 8, 7 ).addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| label_replace( rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ||| % $.matchers(), 'PUT {{rgw_host}}' ), ] ), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Total Requests/sec by RGW Instance', '', 'none', 'short', ||| sum by (rgw_host) ( label_replace( rate(ceph_rgw_req{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ) ||| % $.matchers(), '{{rgw_host}}', 8, 1, 7, 7 ), RgwOverviewPanel( 'GET Latencies by RGW Instance', 'Latencies are shown stacked, without a yaxis to provide a visual indication of GET latency imbalance across RGW hosts', 's', 'short', ||| label_replace( rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ||| % $.matchers(), '{{rgw_host}}', 15, 1, 6, 7 ), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Bandwidth Consumed by Type', 'Total bytes transferred in/out of all radosgw instances within the cluster', 'bytes', 'short', 'sum(rate(ceph_rgw_get_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % $.matchers(), 'GETs', 0, 8, 8, 6 ).addTargets( [$.addTargetSchema('sum(rate(ceph_rgw_put_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % $.matchers(), 'PUTs')] ), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Bandwidth by RGW Instance', 'Total bytes transferred in/out through get/put operations, by radosgw instance', 'bytes', 'short', ||| label_replace(sum by (instance_id) ( rate(ceph_rgw_get_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) + rate(ceph_rgw_put_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval])) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ||| % $.matchers(), '{{rgw_host}}', 8, 8, 7, 6 ), RgwOverviewPanel( 'PUT Latencies by RGW Instance', 'Latencies are shown stacked, without a yaxis to provide a visual indication of PUT latency imbalance across RGW hosts', 's', 'short', ||| label_replace( rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, "rgw_host", "$1", "ceph_daemon", "rgw.(.*)" ) ||| % $.matchers(), '{{rgw_host}}', 15, 8, 6, 6 ), $.addRowSchema( false, true, 'RGW Overview - HAProxy Metrics' ) + { gridPos: { x: 0, y: 12, w: 9, h: 12 } }, RgwOverviewPanel( 'Total responses by HTTP code', '', 'short', 'short', ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_http_responses_total{code=~"$code", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service", proxy=~"frontend"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (code) |||, 'Frontend {{ code }}', 0, 12, 5, 12, '$datasource', true, true, true, true, true, true ) .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_http_responses_total{code=~"$code", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service", proxy=~"backend"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (code) |||, 'Backend {{ code }}' ), ] ) .addSeriesOverride([ { alias: '/.*Back.*/', transform: 'negative-Y', }, { alias: '/.*1.*/' }, { alias: '/.*2.*/' }, { alias: '/.*3.*/' }, { alias: '/.*4.*/' }, { alias: '/.*5.*/' }, { alias: '/.*other.*/' }, ]), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Total requests / responses', '', 'short', 'short', ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_http_requests_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Requests', 5, 12, 5, 12, '$datasource', true, true, true, true, true, true ) .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_response_errors_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Response errors', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_request_errors_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Requests errors' ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_redispatch_warnings_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Backend redispatch', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_retry_warnings_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Backend retry', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_requests_denied_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Request denied', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( haproxy_backend_current_queue{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"} ) by (instance) |||, 'Backend Queued', 'time_series', 2 ), ] ) .addSeriesOverride([ { alias: '/.*Response.*/', transform: 'negative-Y', }, { alias: '/.*Backend.*/', transform: 'negative-Y', }, ]), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Total number of connections', '', 'short', 'short', ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_connections_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Front', 10, 12, 5, 12, '$datasource', true, true, true, true, true, true ) .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_connection_attempts_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Back' ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_connection_errors_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) ) by (instance) |||, 'Back errors' ), ] ) .addSeriesOverride([ { alias: '/.*Back.*/', transform: 'negative-Y', }, ]), RgwOverviewPanel( 'Current total of incoming / outgoing bytes', '', 'short', 'short', ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) * 8 ) by (instance) |||, 'IN Front', 15, 12, 6, 12, '$datasource', true, true, true, true, true, true ) .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_frontend_bytes_out_total{proxy=~"frontend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) * 8 ) by (instance) |||, 'OUT Front', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_bytes_in_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) * 8 ) by (instance) |||, 'IN Back', 'time_series', 2 ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| sum( rate( haproxy_backend_bytes_out_total{proxy=~"backend", job=~"$job_haproxy", instance=~"$ingress_service"}[$__rate_interval] ) * 8 ) by (instance) |||, 'OUT Back', 'time_series', 2 ), ] ) .addSeriesOverride([ { alias: '/.*OUT.*/', transform: 'negative-Y', }, ]), ]), 'radosgw-detail.json': local RgwDetailsPanel(aliasColors, title, description, formatY1, formatY2, expr1, expr2, legendFormat1, legendFormat2, x, y, w, h) = $.graphPanelSchema(aliasColors, title, description, 'null as zero', false, formatY1, formatY2, null, null, 0, 1, '$datasource') .addTargets( [$.addTargetSchema(expr1, legendFormat1), $.addTargetSchema(expr2, legendFormat2)] ) + { type: 'timeseries' } + { fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: formatY1, custom: { fillOpacity: 8, showPoints: 'never' } } } } + { gridPos: { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h } }; $.dashboardSchema( 'RGW Instance Detail', '', 'x5ARzZtmk', 'now-1h', '30s', 16, $._config.dashboardTags + ['overview'], '' ) .addAnnotation( $.addAnnotationSchema( 1, '-- Grafana --', true, true, 'rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)', 'Annotations & Alerts', 'dashboard' ) ) .addRequired( type='grafana', id='grafana', name='Grafana', version='5.0.0' ) .addRequired( type='panel', id='grafana-piechart-panel', name='Pie Chart', version='1.3.3' ) .addRequired( type='panel', id='graph', name='Graph', version='5.0.0' ) .addTemplate( g.template.datasource('datasource', 'prometheus', 'default', label='Data Source') ) .addTemplate( $.addClusterTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addJobTemplate() ) .addTemplate( $.addTemplateSchema('rgw_servers', '$datasource', 'label_values(ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s}, ceph_daemon)' % $.matchers(), 1, true, 1, '', '') ) .addPanels([ $.addRowSchema(false, true, 'RGW Host Detail : $rgw_servers') + { gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 24, h: 1 } }, RgwDetailsPanel( {}, '$rgw_servers GET/PUT Latencies', '', 's', 'short', ||| sum by (instance_id) ( rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_get_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) ) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), ||| sum by (instance_id) ( rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_sum{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) / rate(ceph_rgw_put_initial_lat_count{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) ) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'GET {{ceph_daemon}}', 'PUT {{ceph_daemon}}', 0, 1, 6, 8 ), RgwDetailsPanel( {}, 'Bandwidth by HTTP Operation', '', 'bytes', 'short', ||| rate(ceph_rgw_get_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), ||| rate(ceph_rgw_put_b{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'GETs {{ceph_daemon}}', 'PUTs {{ceph_daemon}}', 6, 1, 7, 8 ), RgwDetailsPanel( { GETs: '#7eb26d', Other: '#447ebc', PUTs: '#eab839', Requests: '#3f2b5b', 'Requests Failed': '#bf1b00', }, 'HTTP Request Breakdown', '', 'short', 'short', ||| rate(ceph_rgw_failed_req{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s,ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), ||| rate(ceph_rgw_get{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'Requests Failed {{ceph_daemon}}', 'GETs {{ceph_daemon}}', 13, 1, 7, 8 ) .addTargets( [ $.addTargetSchema( ||| rate(ceph_rgw_put{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'PUTs {{ceph_daemon}}' ), $.addTargetSchema( ||| ( rate(ceph_rgw_req{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) - ( rate(ceph_rgw_get{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) + rate(ceph_rgw_put{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) ) ) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'Other {{ceph_daemon}}' ), ] ), $.simplePieChart( { GETs: '#7eb26d', 'Other (HEAD,POST,DELETE)': '#447ebc', PUTs: '#eab839', Requests: '#3f2b5b', Failures: '#bf1b00', }, '', 'Workload Breakdown' ) .addTarget($.addTargetSchema( ||| rate(ceph_rgw_failed_req{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'Failures {{ceph_daemon}}' )) .addTarget($.addTargetSchema( ||| rate(ceph_rgw_get{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'GETs {{ceph_daemon}}' )) .addTarget($.addTargetSchema( ||| rate(ceph_rgw_put{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'PUTs {{ceph_daemon}}' )) .addTarget($.addTargetSchema( ||| ( rate(ceph_rgw_req{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) - ( rate(ceph_rgw_get{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) + rate(ceph_rgw_put{%(matchers)s}[$__rate_interval]) ) ) * on (instance_id) group_left (ceph_daemon) ceph_rgw_metadata{%(matchers)s, ceph_daemon=~"$rgw_servers"} ||| % $.matchers(), 'Other (DELETE,LIST) {{ceph_daemon}}' )) + { gridPos: { x: 20, y: 1, w: 4, h: 8 } }, ]), }