from cStringIO import StringIO import contextlib import gevent import logging import os import time import yaml from teuthology import lock from teuthology import misc as teuthology from ..orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def base(ctx, config):'Creating base directory...') test_basedir = teuthology.get_testdir_base(ctx) testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) # make base dir if it doesn't exist run.wait( args=[ 'mkdir', '-m0755', '-p', '--', test_basedir, ], wait=False, ) ) # only create testdir if its not set to basedir if test_basedir != testdir: run.wait( args=[ 'mkdir', '-m0755', '--', testdir, ], wait=False, ) ) try: yield finally:'Tidying up after the test...') # if this fails, one of the earlier cleanups is flawed; don't # just cram an rm -rf here run.wait( args=[ 'rmdir', '--', testdir, ], wait=False, ), ) @contextlib.contextmanager def lock_machines(ctx, config):'Locking machines...') assert isinstance(config[0], int), 'config must be an integer' machine_type = config[1] config = config[0] while True: # make sure there are enough machines up machines = lock.list_locks(ctx) if machines is None: if ctx.block: log.warn('error listing machines, trying again') time.sleep(20) continue else: assert 0, 'error listing machines' num_up = len(filter(lambda machine: machine['up'] and machine['type'] == machine_type, machines)) print num_up assert num_up >= config, 'not enough machines are up' # make sure there are machines for non-automated jobs to run num_free = len(filter( lambda machine: machine['up'] and machine['locked'] == 0 and machine['type'] == machine_type, machines )) if num_free < 6 and ctx.owner.startswith('scheduled'): if ctx.block:'waiting for more machines to be free...') time.sleep(10) continue else: assert 0, 'not enough machines free' newly_locked = lock.lock_many(ctx, config, machine_type, ctx.owner, ctx.archive) if len(newly_locked) == config: ctx.config['targets'] = newly_locked'\n '.join(['Locked targets:', ] + yaml.safe_dump(ctx.config['targets'], default_flow_style=False).splitlines())) break elif not ctx.block: assert 0, 'not enough machines are available' log.warn('Could not lock enough machines, waiting...') time.sleep(10) try: yield finally: if ctx.summary.get('success', False):'Unlocking machines...') for machine in ctx.config['targets'].iterkeys(): lock.unlock(ctx, machine, ctx.owner) def save_config(ctx, config):'Saving configuration') if ctx.archive is not None: with file(os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'config.yaml'), 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(ctx.config, f, default_flow_style=False) def check_lock(ctx, config): if ctx.config.get('check-locks') == False:'Lock checking disabled.') return'Checking locks...') for machine in ctx.config['targets'].iterkeys(): status = lock.get_status(ctx, machine) log.debug('machine status is %s', repr(status)) assert status is not None, \ 'could not read lock status for {name}'.format(name=machine) assert status['up'], 'machine {name} is marked down'.format(name=machine) assert status['locked'], \ 'machine {name} is not locked'.format(name=machine) assert status['locked_by'] == ctx.owner, \ 'machine {name} is locked by {user}, not {owner}'.format( name=machine, user=status['locked_by'], owner=ctx.owner, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def timer(ctx, config):'Starting timer...') start = time.time() try: yield finally: duration = time.time() - start'Duration was %f seconds', duration) ctx.summary['duration'] = duration def connect(ctx, config):'Opening connections...') from ..orchestra import connection, remote from ..orchestra import cluster remotes = [] for t, key in ctx.config['targets'].iteritems(): console = None if 'ipmi_user' in ctx.teuthology_config: host = t.split('@')[-1] shortname = host.split('.')[0] console = remote.RemoteConsole(name=host, ipmiuser=ctx.teuthology_config['ipmi_user'], ipmipass=ctx.teuthology_config['ipmi_password'], ipmidomain=ctx.teuthology_config['ipmi_domain']) cname = '{host}.{domain}'.format(host=shortname, domain=ctx.teuthology_config['ipmi_domain']) log.debug('checking console status of %s' % cname) if not console.check_status():'Failed to get console status for %s, disabling console...' % cname) console=None else: log.debug('console ready on %s' % cname) log.debug('connecting to %s', t) remotes.append( remote.Remote(name=t, ssh=connection.connect(user_at_host=t, host_key=key, keep_alive=True), console=console)) ctx.cluster = cluster.Cluster() if 'roles' in ctx.config: for rem, roles in zip(remotes, ctx.config['roles']): assert all(isinstance(role, str) for role in roles), \ "Roles in config must be strings: %r" % roles ctx.cluster.add(rem, roles)'roles: %s - %s' % (rem, roles)) else: for rem in remotes: ctx.cluster.add(rem, def check_conflict(ctx, config):'Checking for old test directory...') test_basedir = teuthology.get_testdir_base(ctx) processes = args=[ 'test', '!', '-e', test_basedir, ], wait=False, ) for proc in processes: assert isinstance(proc.exitstatus, gevent.event.AsyncResult) try: proc.exitstatus.get() except run.CommandFailedError: # base dir exists r = args=[ 'ls', test_basedir, run.Raw('|'), 'wc', '-l' ], stdout=StringIO(), ) if int(r.stdout.getvalue()) > 0: log.error('WARNING: Host %s has stale test directories, these need to be investigated and cleaned up!', proc.remote.shortname) # testdir might be the same as base dir (if test_path is set) # need to bail out in that case if the testdir exists testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) processes = args=[ 'test', '!', '-e', testdir, ], wait=False, ) failed = False for proc in processes: assert isinstance(proc.exitstatus, gevent.event.AsyncResult) try: proc.exitstatus.get() except run.CommandFailedError: log.error('Host %s has stale test directory %s, check lock and cleanup.', proc.remote.shortname, testdir) failed = True if failed: raise RuntimeError('Stale jobs detected, aborting.') @contextlib.contextmanager def archive(ctx, config):'Creating archive directory...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) archive_dir = '{tdir}/archive'.format(tdir=testdir) run.wait( args=[ 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--', archive_dir, ], wait=False, ) ) try: yield finally: if ctx.archive is not None:'Transferring archived files...') logdir = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'remote') os.mkdir(logdir) for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys(): path = os.path.join(logdir, remote.shortname) teuthology.pull_directory(remote, archive_dir, path)'Removing archive directory...') run.wait( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '--', archive_dir, ], wait=False, ), ) @contextlib.contextmanager def coredump(ctx, config):'Enabling coredump saving...') archive_dir = '{tdir}/archive'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)) run.wait( args=[ 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--', '{adir}/coredump'.format(adir=archive_dir), run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'sysctl', '-w', 'kernel.core_pattern={adir}/coredump/%t.%p.core'.format(adir=archive_dir), ], wait=False, ) ) try: yield finally: run.wait( args=[ 'sudo', 'sysctl', '-w', 'kernel.core_pattern=core', run.Raw('&&'), # don't litter the archive dir if there were no cores dumped 'rmdir', '--ignore-fail-on-non-empty', '--', '{adir}/coredump'.format(adir=archive_dir), ], wait=False, ) ) # set success=false if the dir is still there = coredumps were # seen for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys(): r = args=[ 'if', 'test', '!', '-e', '{adir}/coredump'.format(adir=archive_dir), run.Raw(';'), 'then', 'echo', 'OK', run.Raw(';'), 'fi', ], stdout=StringIO(), ) if r.stdout.getvalue() != 'OK\n': log.warning('Found coredumps on %s, flagging run as failed', remote) ctx.summary['success'] = False if 'failure_reason' not in ctx.summary: ctx.summary['failure_reason'] = \ 'Found coredumps on {remote}'.format(remote=remote) @contextlib.contextmanager def syslog(ctx, config): if ctx.archive is None: # disable this whole feature if we're not going to archive the data anyway yield return'Starting syslog monitoring...') archive_dir = '{tdir}/archive'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)) run.wait( args=[ 'mkdir', '-m0755', '--', '{adir}/syslog'.format(adir=archive_dir), ], wait=False, ) ) CONF = '/etc/rsyslog.d/80-cephtest.conf' conf_fp = StringIO(""" kern.* -{adir}/syslog/kern.log;RSYSLOG_FileFormat *.*;kern.none -{adir}/syslog/misc.log;RSYSLOG_FileFormat """.format(adir=archive_dir)) try: for rem in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys(): teuthology.sudo_write_file( remote=rem, path=CONF, data=conf_fp, ) run.wait( args=[ 'sudo', 'initctl', # a mere reload (SIGHUP) doesn't seem to make # rsyslog open the files 'restart', 'rsyslog', ], wait=False, ), ) yield finally:'Shutting down syslog monitoring...') run.wait( args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-f', '--', CONF, run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'initctl', 'restart', 'rsyslog', ], wait=False, ), ) # race condition: nothing actually says rsyslog had time to # flush the file fully. oh well.'Checking logs for errors...') for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys(): log.debug('Checking %s', r = args=[ 'egrep', '\\bBUG\\b|\\bINFO\\b|\\bDEADLOCK\\b', run.Raw('{adir}/archive/syslog/*.log'.format(adir=archive_dir)), run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'task .* blocked for more than .* seconds', run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'lockdep is turned off', run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'trying to register non-static key', run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'DEBUG: fsize', # xfs_fsr run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'CRON', # ignore cron noise run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'inconsistent lock state', # FIXME see #2523 run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', '*** DEADLOCK ***', # part of lockdep output run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'INFO: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected', # FIXME see #2590 and #147 run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'INFO: possible recursive locking detected', # FIXME see #3040 run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'BUG: lock held when returning to user space', # REMOVE ME when btrfs sb_internal crap is fixed run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-v', 'INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected', # FIXME remove when xfs stops being noisy and lame. run.Raw('|'), 'head', '-n', '1', ], stdout=StringIO(), ) stdout = r.stdout.getvalue() if stdout != '': log.error('Error in syslog on %s: %s',, stdout) ctx.summary['success'] = False if 'failure_reason' not in ctx.summary: ctx.summary['failure_reason'] = \ "'{error}' in syslog".format(error=stdout)'Compressing syslogs...') run.wait( args=[ 'find', '{adir}/archive/syslog'.format(adir=archive_dir), '-name', '*.log', '-print0', run.Raw('|'), 'xargs', '-0', '--no-run-if-empty', '--', 'gzip', '--', ], wait=False, ), )