CephFS Administrative commands ============================== Filesystems ----------- These commands operate on the CephFS filesystems in your Ceph cluster. Note that by default only one filesystem is permitted: to enable creation of multiple filesystems use ``ceph fs flag set enable_multiple true``. :: fs new :: fs ls :: fs rm [--yes-i-really-mean-it] :: fs reset :: fs get :: fs set :: fs add_data_pool :: fs rm_data_pool Daemons ------- These commands act on specific mds daemons or ranks. For convenience, they accept arguments that :: mds fail :: tell mds. :: mds metadata :: mds repaired Global settings --------------- :: fs dump :: fs flag set [] flag name must be one of ['enable_multiple'] some flags require you to confirm your intentions with "--yes-i-really-mean-it" or a similar string they will prompt you with. Consider these actions carefully before proceeding; they are placed on especially dangerous activities. Advanced -------- These commands are not required in normal operation, and exist for use in exceptional circumstances. Incorrect use of these commands may cause serious problems, such as an inaccessible filesystem. :: mds compat rm_compat :: mds compat rm_incompat :: mds compat show :: mds getmap :: mds set_state :: mds rmfailed Legacy ------ :: mds stat mds dump # replaced by "fs get" mds stop # replaced by "mds deactivate" mds set_max_mds # replaced by "fs set max_mds" mds set # replaced by "fs set" mds cluster_down # replaced by "fs set cluster_down" mds cluster_up # replaced by "fs set cluster_up" mds newfs # replaced by "fs new" mds add_data_pool # replaced by "fs add_data_pool" mds remove_data_pool #replaced by "fs remove_data_pool"