# NOTE: these tests are not yet compatible with vstart_runner.py. import errno import json import time import logging from io import BytesIO from tasks.mgr.mgr_test_case import MgrTestCase from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) NFS_POOL_NAME = '.nfs' # should match mgr_module.py # TODO Add test for cluster update when ganesha can be deployed on multiple ports. class TestNFS(MgrTestCase): def _cmd(self, *args): return self.mgr_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd(*args) def _nfs_cmd(self, *args): return self._cmd("nfs", *args) def _orch_cmd(self, *args): return self._cmd("orch", *args) def _sys_cmd(self, cmd): ret = self.ctx.cluster.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=BytesIO(), stderr=BytesIO()) stdout = ret[0].stdout if stdout: return stdout.getvalue() def setUp(self): super(TestNFS, self).setUp() self._load_module('nfs') self.cluster_id = "test" self.export_type = "cephfs" self.pseudo_path = "/cephfs" self.path = "/" self.fs_name = "nfs-cephfs" self.expected_name = "nfs.test" self.sample_export = { "export_id": 1, "path": self.path, "cluster_id": self.cluster_id, "pseudo": self.pseudo_path, "access_type": "RW", "squash": "none", "security_label": True, "protocols": [ 4 ], "transports": [ "TCP" ], "fsal": { "name": "CEPH", "user_id": "nfs.test.1", "fs_name": self.fs_name, }, "clients": [] } def _check_nfs_server_status(self): res = self._sys_cmd(['sudo', 'systemctl', 'status', 'nfs-server']) if isinstance(res, bytes) and b'Active: active' in res: self._disable_nfs() def _disable_nfs(self): log.info("Disabling NFS") self._sys_cmd(['sudo', 'systemctl', 'disable', 'nfs-server', '--now']) def _fetch_nfs_status(self): return self._orch_cmd('ps', f'--service_name={self.expected_name}') def _check_nfs_cluster_status(self, expected_status, fail_msg): ''' Tests if nfs cluster created or deleted successfully :param expected_status: Status to be verified :param fail_msg: Message to be printed if test failed ''' # Wait for few seconds as ganesha daemon takes few seconds to be deleted/created wait_time = 10 while wait_time <= 60: time.sleep(wait_time) if expected_status in self._fetch_nfs_status(): return wait_time += 10 self.fail(fail_msg) def _check_auth_ls(self, export_id=1, check_in=False): ''' Tests export user id creation or deletion. :param export_id: Denotes export number :param check_in: Check specified export id ''' output = self._cmd('auth', 'ls') client_id = f'client.nfs.{self.cluster_id}' if check_in: self.assertIn(f'{client_id}.{export_id}', output) else: self.assertNotIn(f'{client_id}.{export_id}', output) def _test_idempotency(self, cmd_func, cmd_args): ''' Test idempotency of commands. It first runs the TestNFS test method for a command and then checks the result of command run again. TestNFS test method has required checks to verify that command works. :param cmd_func: TestNFS method :param cmd_args: nfs command arguments to be run ''' cmd_func() ret = self.mgr_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result(*cmd_args) if ret != 0: self.fail("Idempotency test failed") def _test_create_cluster(self): ''' Test single nfs cluster deployment. ''' # Disable any running nfs ganesha daemon self._check_nfs_server_status() self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'create', self.cluster_id) # Check for expected status and daemon name (nfs.) self._check_nfs_cluster_status('running', 'NFS Ganesha cluster deployment failed') def _test_delete_cluster(self): ''' Test deletion of a single nfs cluster. ''' self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'rm', self.cluster_id) self._check_nfs_cluster_status('No daemons reported', 'NFS Ganesha cluster could not be deleted') def _test_list_cluster(self, empty=False): ''' Test listing of deployed nfs clusters. If nfs cluster is deployed then it checks for expected cluster id. Otherwise checks nothing is listed. :param empty: If true it denotes no cluster is deployed. ''' if empty: cluster_id = '' else: cluster_id = self.cluster_id nfs_output = self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'ls') self.assertEqual(cluster_id, nfs_output.strip()) def _create_export(self, export_id, create_fs=False, extra_cmd=None): ''' Test creation of a single export. :param export_id: Denotes export number :param create_fs: If false filesytem exists. Otherwise create it. :param extra_cmd: List of extra arguments for creating export. ''' if create_fs: self._cmd('fs', 'volume', 'create', self.fs_name) export_cmd = ['nfs', 'export', 'create', 'cephfs', self.fs_name, self.cluster_id] if isinstance(extra_cmd, list): export_cmd.extend(extra_cmd) else: export_cmd.append(self.pseudo_path) # Runs the nfs export create command self._cmd(*export_cmd) # Check if user id for export is created self._check_auth_ls(export_id, check_in=True) res = self._sys_cmd(['rados', '-p', NFS_POOL_NAME, '-N', self.cluster_id, 'get', f'export-{export_id}', '-']) # Check if export object is created if res == b'': self.fail("Export cannot be created") def _create_default_export(self): ''' Deploy a single nfs cluster and create export with default options. ''' self._test_create_cluster() self._create_export(export_id='1', create_fs=True) def _delete_export(self): ''' Delete an export. ''' self._nfs_cmd('export', 'rm', self.cluster_id, self.pseudo_path) self._check_auth_ls() def _test_list_export(self): ''' Test listing of created exports. ''' nfs_output = json.loads(self._nfs_cmd('export', 'ls', self.cluster_id)) self.assertIn(self.pseudo_path, nfs_output) def _test_list_detailed(self, sub_vol_path): ''' Test listing of created exports with detailed option. :param sub_vol_path: Denotes path of subvolume ''' nfs_output = json.loads(self._nfs_cmd('export', 'ls', self.cluster_id, '--detailed')) # Export-1 with default values (access type = rw and path = '\') self.assertDictEqual(self.sample_export, nfs_output[0]) # Export-2 with r only self.sample_export['export_id'] = 2 self.sample_export['pseudo'] = self.pseudo_path + '1' self.sample_export['access_type'] = 'RO' self.sample_export['fsal']['user_id'] = f'{self.expected_name}.2' self.assertDictEqual(self.sample_export, nfs_output[1]) # Export-3 for subvolume with r only self.sample_export['export_id'] = 3 self.sample_export['path'] = sub_vol_path self.sample_export['pseudo'] = self.pseudo_path + '2' self.sample_export['fsal']['user_id'] = f'{self.expected_name}.3' self.assertDictEqual(self.sample_export, nfs_output[2]) # Export-4 for subvolume self.sample_export['export_id'] = 4 self.sample_export['pseudo'] = self.pseudo_path + '3' self.sample_export['access_type'] = 'RW' self.sample_export['fsal']['user_id'] = f'{self.expected_name}.4' self.assertDictEqual(self.sample_export, nfs_output[3]) def _get_export(self): ''' Returns export block in json format ''' return json.loads(self._nfs_cmd('export', 'info', self.cluster_id, self.pseudo_path)) def _test_get_export(self): ''' Test fetching of created export. ''' nfs_output = self._get_export() self.assertDictEqual(self.sample_export, nfs_output) def _check_export_obj_deleted(self, conf_obj=False): ''' Test if export or config object are deleted successfully. :param conf_obj: It denotes config object needs to be checked ''' rados_obj_ls = self._sys_cmd(['rados', '-p', NFS_POOL_NAME, '-N', self.cluster_id, 'ls']) if b'export-' in rados_obj_ls or (conf_obj and b'conf-nfs' in rados_obj_ls): self.fail("Delete export failed") def _get_port_ip_info(self): ''' Return port and ip for a cluster ''' #{'test': {'backend': [{'hostname': 'smithi068', 'ip': '', 'port': 2049}]}} info_output = json.loads(self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'info', self.cluster_id))['test']['backend'][0] return info_output["port"], info_output["ip"] def _test_mnt(self, pseudo_path, port, ip, check=True): ''' Test mounting of created exports :param pseudo_path: It is the pseudo root name :param port: Port of deployed nfs cluster :param ip: IP of deployed nfs cluster :param check: It denotes if i/o testing needs to be done ''' tries = 3 while True: try: self.ctx.cluster.run( args=['sudo', 'mount', '-t', 'nfs', '-o', f'port={port}', f'{ip}:{pseudo_path}', '/mnt']) break except CommandFailedError as e: if tries: tries -= 1 time.sleep(2) continue # Check if mount failed only when non existing pseudo path is passed if not check and e.exitstatus == 32: return raise self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'chmod', '1777', '/mnt']) try: self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['touch', '/mnt/test']) out_mnt = self._sys_cmd(['ls', '/mnt']) self.assertEqual(out_mnt, b'test\n') finally: self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'umount', '/mnt']) def _write_to_read_only_export(self, pseudo_path, port, ip): ''' Check if write to read only export fails ''' try: self._test_mnt(pseudo_path, port, ip) except CommandFailedError as e: # Write to cephfs export should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.EPERM: raise def test_create_and_delete_cluster(self): ''' Test successful creation and deletion of the nfs cluster. ''' self._test_create_cluster() self._test_list_cluster() self._test_delete_cluster() # List clusters again to ensure no cluster is shown self._test_list_cluster(empty=True) def test_create_delete_cluster_idempotency(self): ''' Test idempotency of cluster create and delete commands. ''' self._test_idempotency(self._test_create_cluster, ['nfs', 'cluster', 'create', self.cluster_id]) self._test_idempotency(self._test_delete_cluster, ['nfs', 'cluster', 'rm', self.cluster_id]) def test_create_cluster_with_invalid_cluster_id(self): ''' Test nfs cluster deployment failure with invalid cluster id. ''' try: invalid_cluster_id = '/cluster_test' # Only [A-Za-z0-9-_.] chars are valid self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'create', invalid_cluster_id) self.fail(f"Cluster successfully created with invalid cluster id {invalid_cluster_id}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL: raise def test_create_and_delete_export(self): ''' Test successful creation and deletion of the cephfs export. ''' self._create_default_export() self._test_get_export() port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self._test_mnt(self.pseudo_path, port, ip) self._delete_export() # Check if rados export object is deleted self._check_export_obj_deleted() self._test_mnt(self.pseudo_path, port, ip, False) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_create_delete_export_idempotency(self): ''' Test idempotency of export create and delete commands. ''' self._test_idempotency(self._create_default_export, ['nfs', 'export', 'create', 'cephfs', self.fs_name, self.cluster_id, self.pseudo_path]) self._test_idempotency(self._delete_export, ['nfs', 'export', 'rm', self.cluster_id, self.pseudo_path]) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_create_multiple_exports(self): ''' Test creating multiple exports with different access type and path. ''' # Export-1 with default values (access type = rw and path = '\') self._create_default_export() # Export-2 with r only self._create_export(export_id='2', extra_cmd=[self.pseudo_path+'1', '--readonly']) # Export-3 for subvolume with r only self._cmd('fs', 'subvolume', 'create', self.fs_name, 'sub_vol') fs_path = self._cmd('fs', 'subvolume', 'getpath', self.fs_name, 'sub_vol').strip() self._create_export(export_id='3', extra_cmd=[self.pseudo_path+'2', '--readonly', '--path', fs_path]) # Export-4 for subvolume self._create_export(export_id='4', extra_cmd=[self.pseudo_path+'3', fs_path]) # Check if exports gets listed self._test_list_detailed(fs_path) self._test_delete_cluster() # Check if rados ganesha conf object is deleted self._check_export_obj_deleted(conf_obj=True) self._check_auth_ls() def test_exports_on_mgr_restart(self): ''' Test export availability on restarting mgr. ''' self._create_default_export() # unload and load module will restart the mgr self._unload_module("cephadm") self._load_module("cephadm") self._orch_cmd("set", "backend", "cephadm") # Check if ganesha daemon is running self._check_nfs_cluster_status('running', 'Failed to redeploy NFS Ganesha cluster') # Checks if created export is listed self._test_list_export() port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self._test_mnt(self.pseudo_path, port, ip) self._delete_export() self._test_delete_cluster() def test_export_create_with_non_existing_fsname(self): ''' Test creating export with non-existing filesystem. ''' try: fs_name = 'nfs-test' self._test_create_cluster() self._nfs_cmd('export', 'create', 'cephfs', fs_name, self.cluster_id, self.pseudo_path) self.fail(f"Export created with non-existing filesystem {fs_name}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT: raise finally: self._test_delete_cluster() def test_export_create_with_non_existing_clusterid(self): ''' Test creating cephfs export with non-existing nfs cluster. ''' try: cluster_id = 'invalidtest' self._nfs_cmd('export', 'create', 'cephfs', self.fs_name, cluster_id, self.pseudo_path) self.fail(f"Export created with non-existing cluster id {cluster_id}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT: raise def test_export_create_with_relative_pseudo_path_and_root_directory(self): ''' Test creating cephfs export with relative or '/' pseudo path. ''' def check_pseudo_path(pseudo_path): try: self._nfs_cmd('export', 'create', 'cephfs', self.fs_name, self.cluster_id, pseudo_path) self.fail(f"Export created for {pseudo_path}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL: raise self._test_create_cluster() self._cmd('fs', 'volume', 'create', self.fs_name) check_pseudo_path('invalidpath') check_pseudo_path('/') check_pseudo_path('//') self._cmd('fs', 'volume', 'rm', self.fs_name, '--yes-i-really-mean-it') self._test_delete_cluster() def test_write_to_read_only_export(self): ''' Test write to readonly export. ''' self._test_create_cluster() self._create_export(export_id='1', create_fs=True, extra_cmd=[self.pseudo_path, '--readonly']) port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self._check_nfs_cluster_status('running', 'NFS Ganesha cluster restart failed') self._write_to_read_only_export(self.pseudo_path, port, ip) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_cluster_info(self): ''' Test cluster info outputs correct ip and hostname ''' self._test_create_cluster() info_output = json.loads(self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'info', self.cluster_id)) print(f'info {info_output}') info_ip = info_output[self.cluster_id].get('backend', [])[0].pop("ip") host_details = { self.cluster_id: { 'backend': [ { "hostname": self._sys_cmd(['hostname']).decode("utf-8").strip(), "port": 2049 } ], "virtual_ip": None, } } host_ip = self._sys_cmd(['hostname', '-I']).decode("utf-8").split() print(f'host_ip is {host_ip}, info_ip is {info_ip}') self.assertDictEqual(info_output, host_details) self.assertTrue(info_ip in host_ip) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_cluster_set_reset_user_config(self): ''' Test cluster is created using user config and reverts back to default config on reset. ''' self._test_create_cluster() pool = NFS_POOL_NAME user_id = 'test' fs_name = 'user_test_fs' pseudo_path = '/ceph' self._cmd('fs', 'volume', 'create', fs_name) time.sleep(20) key = self._cmd('auth', 'get-or-create-key', f'client.{user_id}', 'mon', 'allow r', 'osd', f'allow rw pool={pool} namespace={self.cluster_id}, allow rw tag cephfs data={fs_name}', 'mds', f'allow rw path={self.path}').strip() config = f""" LOG {{ Default_log_level = FULL_DEBUG; }} EXPORT {{ Export_Id = 100; Transports = TCP; Path = /; Pseudo = {pseudo_path}; Protocols = 4; Access_Type = RW; Attr_Expiration_Time = 0; Squash = None; FSAL {{ Name = CEPH; Filesystem = {fs_name}; User_Id = {user_id}; Secret_Access_Key = '{key}'; }} }}""" port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['ceph', 'nfs', 'cluster', 'config', 'set', self.cluster_id, '-i', '-'], stdin=config) time.sleep(30) res = self._sys_cmd(['rados', '-p', pool, '-N', self.cluster_id, 'get', f'userconf-nfs.{user_id}', '-']) self.assertEqual(config, res.decode('utf-8')) self._test_mnt(pseudo_path, port, ip) self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'config', 'reset', self.cluster_id) rados_obj_ls = self._sys_cmd(['rados', '-p', NFS_POOL_NAME, '-N', self.cluster_id, 'ls']) if b'conf-nfs' not in rados_obj_ls and b'userconf-nfs' in rados_obj_ls: self.fail("User config not deleted") time.sleep(30) self._test_mnt(pseudo_path, port, ip, False) self._cmd('fs', 'volume', 'rm', fs_name, '--yes-i-really-mean-it') self._test_delete_cluster() def test_cluster_set_user_config_with_non_existing_clusterid(self): ''' Test setting user config for non-existing nfs cluster. ''' try: cluster_id = 'invalidtest' self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['ceph', 'nfs', 'cluster', 'config', 'set', self.cluster_id, '-i', '-'], stdin='testing') self.fail(f"User config set for non-existing cluster {cluster_id}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT: raise def test_cluster_reset_user_config_with_non_existing_clusterid(self): ''' Test resetting user config for non-existing nfs cluster. ''' try: cluster_id = 'invalidtest' self._nfs_cmd('cluster', 'config', 'reset', cluster_id) self.fail(f"User config reset for non-existing cluster {cluster_id}") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT: raise def test_create_export_via_apply(self): ''' Test creation of export via apply ''' self._test_create_cluster() self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['ceph', 'nfs', 'export', 'apply', self.cluster_id, '-i', '-'], stdin=json.dumps({ "path": "/", "pseudo": "/cephfs", "squash": "none", "access_type": "rw", "protocols": [4], "fsal": { "name": "CEPH", "fs_name": self.fs_name } })) port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self._test_mnt(self.pseudo_path, port, ip) self._check_nfs_cluster_status('running', 'NFS Ganesha cluster restart failed') self._test_delete_cluster() def test_update_export(self): ''' Test update of exports ''' self._create_default_export() port, ip = self._get_port_ip_info() self._test_mnt(self.pseudo_path, port, ip) export_block = self._get_export() new_pseudo_path = '/testing' export_block['pseudo'] = new_pseudo_path export_block['access_type'] = 'RO' self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['ceph', 'nfs', 'export', 'apply', self.cluster_id, '-i', '-'], stdin=json.dumps(export_block)) self._check_nfs_cluster_status('running', 'NFS Ganesha cluster restart failed') self._write_to_read_only_export(new_pseudo_path, port, ip) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_update_export_with_invalid_values(self): ''' Test update of export with invalid values ''' self._create_default_export() export_block = self._get_export() def update_with_invalid_values(key, value, fsal=False): export_block_new = dict(export_block) if fsal: export_block_new['fsal'] = dict(export_block['fsal']) export_block_new['fsal'][key] = value else: export_block_new[key] = value try: self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['ceph', 'nfs', 'export', 'apply', self.cluster_id, '-i', '-'], stdin=json.dumps(export_block_new)) except CommandFailedError: pass update_with_invalid_values('export_id', 9) update_with_invalid_values('cluster_id', 'testing_new') update_with_invalid_values('pseudo', 'test_relpath') update_with_invalid_values('access_type', 'W') update_with_invalid_values('squash', 'no_squash') update_with_invalid_values('security_label', 'invalid') update_with_invalid_values('protocols', [2]) update_with_invalid_values('transports', ['UD']) update_with_invalid_values('name', 'RGW', True) update_with_invalid_values('user_id', 'testing_export', True) update_with_invalid_values('fs_name', 'b', True) self._test_delete_cluster() def test_cmds_without_reqd_args(self): ''' Test that cmd fails on not passing required arguments ''' def exec_cmd_invalid(*cmd): try: self._nfs_cmd(*cmd) self.fail(f"nfs {cmd} command executed successfully without required arguments") except CommandFailedError as e: # Command should fail for test to pass if e.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL: raise exec_cmd_invalid('cluster', 'create') exec_cmd_invalid('cluster', 'delete') exec_cmd_invalid('cluster', 'config', 'set') exec_cmd_invalid('cluster', 'config', 'reset') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'create', 'cephfs') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'create', 'cephfs', 'a_fs') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'create', 'cephfs', 'a_fs', 'clusterid') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'ls') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'delete') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'delete', 'clusterid') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'info') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'info', 'clusterid') exec_cmd_invalid('export', 'apply')