===================== Preflight Checklist ===================== .. versionadded:: 0.60 Thank you for trying Ceph! Petabyte-scale data clusters are quite an undertaking. Before delving deeper into Ceph, we recommend setting up a two-node demo cluster to explore some of the functionality. This **Preflight Checklist** will help you prepare an admin host and a server host for use with ``ceph-deploy``. .. ditaa:: /----------------\ /----------------\ | Admin Host |<------->| Server Host | | cCCC | | cCCC | \----------------/ \----------------/ Before you can deploy Ceph using ``ceph-deploy``, you need to ensure that you have a few things set up first on your admin host and on hosts running Ceph daemons. Install an Operating System =========================== Install a recent release of Debian or Ubuntu (e.g., 12.04, 12.10) on your hosts. For additional details on operating systems or to use other operating systems other than Debian or Ubuntu, see `OS Recommendations`_. Install an SSH Server ===================== The ``ceph-deploy`` utility requires ``ssh``, so your server host(s) require an SSH server. :: sudo apt-get install openssh-server Create a User ============= Create a user on hosts running Ceph daemons. .. tip:: We recommend a username that brute force attackers won't guess easily (e.g., something other than ``root``, ``ceph``, etc). :: ssh user@ceph-server sudo useradd -d /home/ceph -m ceph sudo passwd ceph ``ceph-deploy`` installs packages onto your hosts. This means that the user you create requires passwordless ``sudo`` priveleges. .. note:: We **DO NOT** recommmend enabling the ``root`` password for security reasons. To provide full privileges to the user, add the following to ``/etc/sudoers.d/ceph``. :: echo "ceph ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/ceph sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/ceph Configure SSH ============= Configure your admin machine with password-less SSH access to each host running Ceph daemons (leave the passphrase empty). :: ssh-keygen Generating public/private key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/ceph-client/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /ceph-client/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /ceph-client/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. Copy the key to each host running Ceph daemons:: ssh-copy-id ceph@ceph-server Modify your ~/.ssh/config file of your admin host so that it defaults to logging in as the user you created when no username is specified. :: Host ceph-server Hostname ceph-server.fqdn-or-ip-address.com User ceph Install git =========== To clone the ``ceph-deploy`` repository, you will need install ``git`` on your admin host. :: sudo apt-get install git Clone ceph-deploy ================= To begin working with ``ceph-deploy``, clone its repository. :: git clone https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy.git ceph-deploy Install python-virualenv ======================== To bootstrap ``ceph-deploy`` and run it, you must install the ``python-virtualenv`` package. :: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv Bootstrap ceph-deploy ===================== After you clone the repository, bootstrap ``ceph-deploy``. :: cd ceph-deploy ./bootstrap Add ``ceph-deploy`` to your path so that so that you can execute it without remaining in ``ceph-deploy`` directory (e.g., ``/etc/environment``, ``~/.pam_environment``). Once you have completed this pre-flight checklist, you are ready to begin using ``ceph-deploy``. Summary ======= Once you have passwordless ``ssh`` connectivity, passwordless ``sudo``, and a bootstrapped ``ceph-deploy``, proceed to the `Object Store Quick Start`_. .. tip:: The ``ceph-deploy`` utility can install Ceph packages on remote machines from the admin host! .. _Object Store Quick Start: ../quick-ceph-deploy .. _OS Recommendations: ../../install/os-recommendations