""" ceph_objectstore_tool - Simple test of ceph-objectstore-tool utility """ from cStringIO import StringIO import contextlib import logging import ceph_manager from teuthology import misc as teuthology import time import os import string from teuthology.orchestra import run import sys import tempfile import json from util.rados import (rados, create_replicated_pool, create_ec_pool) # from util.rados import (rados, create_ec_pool, # create_replicated_pool, # create_cache_pool) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Should get cluster name "ceph" from somewhere # and normal path from osd_data and osd_journal in conf FSPATH = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{id}" JPATH = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{id}/journal" def cod_setup_local_data(log, ctx, NUM_OBJECTS, DATADIR, BASE_NAME, DATALINECOUNT): objects = range(1, NUM_OBJECTS + 1) for i in objects: NAME = BASE_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i) LOCALNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, NAME) dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT) fd = open(LOCALNAME, "w") data = "This is the data for " + NAME + "\n" for _ in dataline: fd.write(data) fd.close() def cod_setup_remote_data(log, ctx, remote, NUM_OBJECTS, DATADIR, BASE_NAME, DATALINECOUNT): objects = range(1, NUM_OBJECTS + 1) for i in objects: NAME = BASE_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i) DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, NAME) remote.run(args=['rm', '-f', DDNAME]) dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT) data = "This is the data for " + NAME + "\n" DATA = "" for _ in dataline: DATA += data teuthology.write_file(remote, DDNAME, DATA) def cod_setup(log, ctx, remote, NUM_OBJECTS, DATADIR, BASE_NAME, DATALINECOUNT, POOL, db, ec): ERRORS = 0 log.info("Creating {objs} objects in pool".format(objs=NUM_OBJECTS)) objects = range(1, NUM_OBJECTS + 1) for i in objects: NAME = BASE_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i) DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, NAME) proc = rados(ctx, remote, ['-p', POOL, 'put', NAME, DDNAME], wait=False) # proc = remote.run(args=['rados', '-p', POOL, 'put', NAME, DDNAME]) ret = proc.wait() if ret != 0: log.critical("Rados put failed with status {ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) sys.exit(1) db[NAME] = {} keys = range(i) db[NAME]["xattr"] = {} for k in keys: if k == 0: continue mykey = "key{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k) myval = "val{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k) proc = remote.run(args=['rados', '-p', POOL, 'setxattr', NAME, mykey, myval]) ret = proc.wait() if ret != 0: log.error("setxattr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret)) ERRORS += 1 db[NAME]["xattr"][mykey] = myval # Erasure coded pools don't support omap if ec: continue # Create omap header in all objects but REPobject1 if i != 1: myhdr = "hdr{i}".format(i=i) proc = remote.run(args=['rados', '-p', POOL, 'setomapheader', NAME, myhdr]) ret = proc.wait() if ret != 0: log.critical("setomapheader failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret)) ERRORS += 1 db[NAME]["omapheader"] = myhdr db[NAME]["omap"] = {} for k in keys: if k == 0: continue mykey = "okey{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k) myval = "oval{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k) proc = remote.run(args=['rados', '-p', POOL, 'setomapval', NAME, mykey, myval]) ret = proc.wait() if ret != 0: log.critical("setomapval failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret)) db[NAME]["omap"][mykey] = myval return ERRORS def get_lines(filename): tmpfd = open(filename, "r") line = True lines = [] while line: line = tmpfd.readline().rstrip('\n') if line: lines += [line] tmpfd.close() os.unlink(filename) return lines @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Run ceph_objectstore_tool test The config should be as follows:: ceph_objectstore_tool: objects: 20 # <number of objects> pgnum: 12 """ if config is None: config = {} assert isinstance(config, dict), \ 'ceph_objectstore_tool task only accepts a dict for configuration' log.info('Beginning ceph_objectstore_tool...') log.debug(config) log.debug(ctx) clients = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('client')) assert len(clients.remotes) > 0, 'Must specify at least 1 client' (cli_remote, _) = clients.remotes.popitem() log.debug(cli_remote) # clients = dict(teuthology.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=config.keys())) # client = clients.popitem() # log.info(client) osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd')) log.info("OSDS") log.info(osds) log.info(osds.remotes) manager = ctx.managers['ceph'] while (len(manager.get_osd_status()['up']) != len(manager.get_osd_status()['raw'])): time.sleep(10) while (len(manager.get_osd_status()['in']) != len(manager.get_osd_status()['up'])): time.sleep(10) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'set', 'noout') manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'set', 'nodown') PGNUM = config.get('pgnum', 12) log.info("pgnum: {num}".format(num=PGNUM)) ERRORS = 0 REP_POOL = "rep_pool" REP_NAME = "REPobject" create_replicated_pool(cli_remote, REP_POOL, PGNUM) ERRORS += test_objectstore(ctx, config, cli_remote, REP_POOL, REP_NAME) EC_POOL = "ec_pool" EC_NAME = "ECobject" create_ec_pool(cli_remote, EC_POOL, 'default', PGNUM) ERRORS += test_objectstore(ctx, config, cli_remote, EC_POOL, EC_NAME, ec=True) if ERRORS == 0: log.info("TEST PASSED") else: log.error("TEST FAILED WITH {errcount} ERRORS".format(errcount=ERRORS)) assert ERRORS == 0 try: yield finally: log.info('Ending ceph_objectstore_tool') def test_objectstore(ctx, config, cli_remote, REP_POOL, REP_NAME, ec=False): manager = ctx.managers['ceph'] osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd')) TEUTHDIR = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) DATADIR = os.path.join(TEUTHDIR, "ceph.data") DATALINECOUNT = 10000 ERRORS = 0 NUM_OBJECTS = config.get('objects', 10) log.info("objects: {num}".format(num=NUM_OBJECTS)) pool_dump = manager.get_pool_dump(REP_POOL) REPID = pool_dump['pool'] log.debug("repid={num}".format(num=REPID)) db = {} LOCALDIR = tempfile.mkdtemp("cod") cod_setup_local_data(log, ctx, NUM_OBJECTS, LOCALDIR, REP_NAME, DATALINECOUNT) allremote = [] allremote.append(cli_remote) allremote += osds.remotes.keys() allremote = list(set(allremote)) for remote in allremote: cod_setup_remote_data(log, ctx, remote, NUM_OBJECTS, DATADIR, REP_NAME, DATALINECOUNT) ERRORS += cod_setup(log, ctx, cli_remote, NUM_OBJECTS, DATADIR, REP_NAME, DATALINECOUNT, REP_POOL, db, ec) pgs = {} for stats in manager.get_pg_stats(): if stats["pgid"].find(str(REPID) + ".") != 0: continue if pool_dump["type"] == ceph_manager.CephManager.REPLICATED_POOL: for osd in stats["acting"]: pgs.setdefault(osd, []).append(stats["pgid"]) elif pool_dump["type"] == ceph_manager.CephManager.ERASURE_CODED_POOL: shard = 0 for osd in stats["acting"]: pgs.setdefault(osd, []).append("{pgid}s{shard}". format(pgid=stats["pgid"], shard=shard)) shard += 1 else: raise Exception("{pool} has an unexpected type {type}". format(pool=REP_POOL, type=pool_dump["type"])) log.info(pgs) log.info(db) for osd in manager.get_osd_status()['up']: manager.kill_osd(osd) time.sleep(5) pgswithobjects = set() objsinpg = {} # Test --op list and generate json for all objects log.info("Test --op list by generating json for all objects") prefix = ("sudo ceph-objectstore-tool " "--data-path {fpath} " "--journal-path {jpath} ").format(fpath=FSPATH, jpath=JPATH) for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): log.debug(remote) log.debug(osds.remotes[remote]) for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) log.info("process osd.{id} on {remote}". format(id=osdid, remote=remote)) cmd = (prefix + "--op list").format(id=osdid) proc = remote.run(args=cmd.split(), check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Bad exit status {ret} from --op list request". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 else: for pgline in proc.stdout.getvalue().splitlines(): if not pgline: continue (pg, obj) = json.loads(pgline) name = obj['oid'] if name in db: pgswithobjects.add(pg) objsinpg.setdefault(pg, []).append(name) db[name].setdefault("pg2json", {})[pg] = json.dumps(obj) log.info(db) log.info(pgswithobjects) log.info(objsinpg) if pool_dump["type"] == ceph_manager.CephManager.REPLICATED_POOL: # Test get-bytes log.info("Test get-bytes and set-bytes") for basename in db.keys(): file = os.path.join(DATADIR, basename) GETNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, "get") SETNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, "set") for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg, JSON in db[basename]["pg2json"].iteritems(): if pg in pgs[osdid]: cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += ("get-bytes {fname}". format(fname=GETNAME).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False) if proc.exitstatus != 0: remote.run(args="rm -f {getfile}". format(getfile=GETNAME).split()) log.error("Bad exit status {ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue cmd = ("diff -q {file} {getfile}". format(file=file, getfile=GETNAME)) proc = remote.run(args=cmd.split()) if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Data from get-bytes differ") # log.debug("Got:") # cat_file(logging.DEBUG, GETNAME) # log.debug("Expected:") # cat_file(logging.DEBUG, file) ERRORS += 1 remote.run(args="rm -f {getfile}". format(getfile=GETNAME).split()) data = ("put-bytes going into {file}\n". format(file=file)) teuthology.write_file(remote, SETNAME, data) cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += ("set-bytes {fname}". format(fname=SETNAME).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.info("set-bytes failed for object {obj} " "in pg {pg} osd.{id} ret={ret}". format(obj=basename, pg=pg, id=osdid, ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += "get-bytes -".split() proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("get-bytes after " "set-bytes ret={ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 else: if data != proc.stdout.getvalue(): log.error("Data inconsistent after " "set-bytes, got:") log.error(proc.stdout.getvalue()) ERRORS += 1 cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += ("set-bytes {fname}". format(fname=file).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.info("set-bytes failed for object {obj} " "in pg {pg} osd.{id} ret={ret}". format(obj=basename, pg=pg, id=osdid, ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 log.info("Test list-attrs get-attr") for basename in db.keys(): file = os.path.join(DATADIR, basename) GETNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, "get") SETNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, "set") for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg, JSON in db[basename]["pg2json"].iteritems(): if pg in pgs[osdid]: cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += ["list-attrs"] proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO(), stderr=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Bad exit status {ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue keys = proc.stdout.getvalue().split() values = dict(db[basename]["xattr"]) for key in keys: if (key == "_" or key == "snapset" or key == "hinfo_key"): continue key = key.strip("_") if key not in values: log.error("The key {key} should be present". format(key=key)) ERRORS += 1 continue exp = values.pop(key) cmd = ((prefix + "--pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) cmd.append(run.Raw("'{json}'".format(json=JSON))) cmd += ("get-attr {key}". format(key="_" + key).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("get-attr failed with {ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue val = proc.stdout.getvalue() if exp != val: log.error("For key {key} got value {got} " "instead of {expected}". format(key=key, got=val, expected=exp)) ERRORS += 1 if "hinfo_key" in keys: cmd_prefix = prefix.format(id=osdid) cmd = """ expected=$({prefix} --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key} | base64) echo placeholder | {prefix} --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key} - test $({prefix} --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key}) = placeholder echo $expected | base64 --decode | \ {prefix} --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key} - test $({prefix} --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key} | base64) = $expected """.format(prefix=cmd_prefix, pg=pg, json=JSON, key="hinfo_key") log.debug(cmd) proc = remote.run(args=['bash', '-e', '-x', '-c', cmd], check_status=False, stdout=StringIO(), stderr=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("failed with " + str(proc.exitstatus)) log.error(proc.stdout.getvalue() + " " + proc.stderr.getvalue()) ERRORS += 1 if len(values) != 0: log.error("Not all keys found, remaining keys:") log.error(values) log.info("Test pg info") for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg in pgs[osdid]: cmd = ((prefix + "--op info --pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Failure of --op info command with {ret}". format(proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue info = proc.stdout.getvalue() if not str(pg) in info: log.error("Bad data from info: {info}".format(info=info)) ERRORS += 1 log.info("Test pg logging") for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg in pgs[osdid]: cmd = ((prefix + "--op log --pgid {pg}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg).split()) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Getting log failed for pg {pg} " "from osd.{id} with {ret}". format(pg=pg, id=osdid, ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue HASOBJ = pg in pgswithobjects MODOBJ = "modify" in proc.stdout.getvalue() if HASOBJ != MODOBJ: log.error("Bad log for pg {pg} from osd.{id}". format(pg=pg, id=osdid)) MSG = (HASOBJ and [""] or ["NOT "])[0] log.error("Log should {msg}have a modify entry". format(msg=MSG)) ERRORS += 1 log.info("Test pg export") EXP_ERRORS = 0 for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg in pgs[osdid]: fpath = os.path.join(DATADIR, "osd{id}.{pg}". format(id=osdid, pg=pg)) cmd = ((prefix + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}"). format(id=osdid, pg=pg, file=fpath)) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Exporting failed for pg {pg} " "on osd.{id} with {ret}". format(pg=pg, id=osdid, ret=proc.exitstatus)) EXP_ERRORS += 1 ERRORS += EXP_ERRORS log.info("Test pg removal") RM_ERRORS = 0 for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg in pgs[osdid]: cmd = ((prefix + "--force --op remove --pgid {pg}"). format(pg=pg, id=osdid)) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Removing failed for pg {pg} " "on osd.{id} with {ret}". format(pg=pg, id=osdid, ret=proc.exitstatus)) RM_ERRORS += 1 ERRORS += RM_ERRORS IMP_ERRORS = 0 if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0: log.info("Test pg import") for remote in osds.remotes.iterkeys(): for role in osds.remotes[remote]: if string.find(role, "osd.") != 0: continue osdid = int(role.split('.')[1]) if osdid not in pgs: continue for pg in pgs[osdid]: fpath = os.path.join(DATADIR, "osd{id}.{pg}". format(id=osdid, pg=pg)) cmd = ((prefix + "--op import --file {file}"). format(id=osdid, file=fpath)) proc = remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False, stdout=StringIO()) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}". format(file=fpath, ret=proc.exitstatus)) IMP_ERRORS += 1 else: log.warning("SKIPPING IMPORT TESTS DUE TO PREVIOUS FAILURES") ERRORS += IMP_ERRORS if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0 and IMP_ERRORS == 0: log.info("Restarting OSDs....") # They are still look to be up because of setting nodown for osd in manager.get_osd_status()['up']: manager.revive_osd(osd) # Wait for health? time.sleep(5) # Let scrub after test runs verify consistency of all copies log.info("Verify replicated import data") objects = range(1, NUM_OBJECTS + 1) for i in objects: NAME = REP_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i) TESTNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, "gettest") REFNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, NAME) proc = rados(ctx, cli_remote, ['-p', REP_POOL, 'get', NAME, TESTNAME], wait=False) ret = proc.wait() if ret != 0: log.error("After import, rados get failed with {ret}". format(ret=proc.exitstatus)) ERRORS += 1 continue cmd = "diff -q {gettest} {ref}".format(gettest=TESTNAME, ref=REFNAME) proc = cli_remote.run(args=cmd, check_status=False) proc.wait() if proc.exitstatus != 0: log.error("Data comparison failed for {obj}".format(obj=NAME)) ERRORS += 1 return ERRORS