from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase from import CommandFailedError, ConnectionLostError import errno import time import json import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestMisc(CephFSTestCase): CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 2 def test_getattr_caps(self): """ Check if MDS recognizes the 'mask' parameter of open request. The parameter allows client to request caps when opening file """ if not isinstance(self.mount_a, FuseMount): self.skipTest("Require FUSE client") # Enable debug. Client will requests CEPH_CAP_XATTR_SHARED # on lookup/open self.mount_b.umount_wait() self.set_conf('client', 'client debug getattr caps', 'true') self.mount_b.mount() self.mount_b.wait_until_mounted() # create a file and hold it open. MDS will issue CEPH_CAP_EXCL_* # to mount_a p = self.mount_a.open_background("testfile") self.mount_b.wait_for_visible("testfile") # this triggers a lookup request and an open request. The debug # code will check if lookup/open reply contains xattrs self.mount_b.run_shell(["cat", "testfile"]) self.mount_a.kill_background(p) def test_root_rctime(self): """ Check that the root inode has a non-default rctime on startup. """ t = time.time() rctime = self.mount_a.getfattr(".", "ceph.dir.rctime")"rctime = {}".format(rctime)) self.assertGreaterEqual(rctime, t-10) def test_fs_new(self): self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.mount_b.umount_wait() data_pool_name = self.fs.get_data_pool_name() self.fs.mds_stop() self.fs.mds_fail() self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'rm',, '--yes-i-really-mean-it') self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'delete', self.fs.metadata_pool_name, self.fs.metadata_pool_name, '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it') self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'create', self.fs.metadata_pool_name, self.fs.pgs_per_fs_pool.__str__()) dummyfile = '/etc/fstab' self.fs.put_metadata_object_raw("key", dummyfile) def get_pool_df(fs, name): try: return fs.get_pool_df(name)['objects'] > 0 except RuntimeError: return False self.wait_until_true(lambda: get_pool_df(self.fs, self.fs.metadata_pool_name), timeout=30) try: self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'new',, self.fs.metadata_pool_name, data_pool_name) except CommandFailedError as e: self.assertEqual(e.exitstatus, errno.EINVAL) else: raise AssertionError("Expected EINVAL") self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'new',, self.fs.metadata_pool_name, data_pool_name, "--force") self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'rm',, '--yes-i-really-mean-it') self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'delete', self.fs.metadata_pool_name, self.fs.metadata_pool_name, '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it') self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'create', self.fs.metadata_pool_name, self.fs.pgs_per_fs_pool.__str__()) self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'new',, self.fs.metadata_pool_name, data_pool_name) def test_cap_revoke_nonresponder(self): """ Check that a client is evicted if it has not responded to cap revoke request for configured number of seconds. """ session_timeout = self.fs.get_var("session_timeout") eviction_timeout = session_timeout / 2.0 self.fs.mds_asok(['config', 'set', 'mds_cap_revoke_eviction_timeout', str(eviction_timeout)]) cap_holder = self.mount_a.open_background() # Wait for the file to be visible from another client, indicating # that mount_a has completed its network ops self.mount_b.wait_for_visible() # Simulate client death self.mount_a.kill() try: # The waiter should get stuck waiting for the capability # held on the MDS by the now-dead client A cap_waiter = self.mount_b.write_background() a = time.time() time.sleep(eviction_timeout) cap_waiter.wait() b = time.time() cap_waited = b - a"cap_waiter waited {0}s".format(cap_waited)) # check if the cap is transferred before session timeout kicked in. # this is a good enough check to ensure that the client got evicted # by the cap auto evicter rather than transitioning to stale state # and then getting evicted. self.assertLess(cap_waited, session_timeout, "Capability handover took {0}, expected less than {1}".format( cap_waited, session_timeout )) self.assertTrue(self.mount_a.is_blacklisted()) cap_holder.stdin.close() try: cap_holder.wait() except (CommandFailedError, ConnectionLostError): # We killed it (and possibly its node), so it raises an error pass finally: self.mount_a.kill_cleanup() self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted() def test_filtered_df(self): pool_name = self.fs.get_data_pool_name() raw_df = self.fs.get_pool_df(pool_name) raw_avail = float(raw_df["max_avail"]) out = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'get', pool_name, 'size', '-f', 'json-pretty') _ = json.loads(out) proc = self.mount_a.run_shell(['df', '.']) output = proc.stdout.getvalue() fs_avail = output.split('\n')[1].split()[3] fs_avail = float(fs_avail) * 1024 ratio = raw_avail / fs_avail assert 0.9 < ratio < 1.1 def test_dump_inode(self): info = self.fs.mds_asok(['dump', 'inode', '1']) assert(info['path'] == "/") def test_dump_inode_hexademical(self): self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", "foo"]) ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("foo") assert type(ino) is int info = self.fs.mds_asok(['dump', 'inode', hex(ino)]) assert info['path'] == "/foo" class TestCacheDrop(CephFSTestCase): CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 1 def _run_drop_cache_cmd(self, timeout=None): result = None mds_id = self.fs.get_lone_mds_id() if timeout is not None: result = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("tell", "mds.{0}".format(mds_id), "cache", "drop", str(timeout)) else: result = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("tell", "mds.{0}".format(mds_id), "cache", "drop") return json.loads(result) def _setup(self, max_caps=20, threshold=400): # create some files self.mount_a.create_n_files("dc-dir/dc-file", 1000, sync=True) # Reduce this so the MDS doesn't rkcall the maximum for simple tests self.fs.rank_asok(['config', 'set', 'mds_recall_max_caps', str(max_caps)]) self.fs.rank_asok(['config', 'set', 'mds_recall_max_decay_threshold', str(threshold)]) def test_drop_cache_command(self): """ Basic test for checking drop cache command. Confirm it halts without a timeout. Note that the cache size post trimming is not checked here. """ mds_min_caps_per_client = int(self.fs.get_config("mds_min_caps_per_client")) self._setup() result = self._run_drop_cache_cmd() self.assertEqual(result['client_recall']['return_code'], 0) self.assertEqual(result['flush_journal']['return_code'], 0) # It should take at least 1 second self.assertGreater(result['duration'], 1) self.assertGreaterEqual(result['trim_cache']['trimmed'], 1000-2*mds_min_caps_per_client) def test_drop_cache_command_timeout(self): """ Basic test for checking drop cache command. Confirm recall halts early via a timeout. Note that the cache size post trimming is not checked here. """ self._setup() result = self._run_drop_cache_cmd(timeout=10) self.assertEqual(result['client_recall']['return_code'], -errno.ETIMEDOUT) self.assertEqual(result['flush_journal']['return_code'], 0) self.assertGreater(result['duration'], 10) self.assertGreaterEqual(result['trim_cache']['trimmed'], 100) # we did something, right? def test_drop_cache_command_dead_timeout(self): """ Check drop cache command with non-responding client using tell interface. Note that the cache size post trimming is not checked here. """ self._setup() self.mount_a.kill() # Note: recall is subject to the timeout. The journal flush will # be delayed due to the client being dead. result = self._run_drop_cache_cmd(timeout=5) self.assertEqual(result['client_recall']['return_code'], -errno.ETIMEDOUT) self.assertEqual(result['flush_journal']['return_code'], 0) self.assertGreater(result['duration'], 5) self.assertLess(result['duration'], 120) # Note: result['trim_cache']['trimmed'] may be >0 because dropping the # cache now causes the Locker to drive eviction of stale clients (a # stale session will be autoclosed at mdsmap['session_timeout']). The # particular operation causing this is journal flush which causes the # MDS to wait wait for cap revoke. #self.assertEqual(0, result['trim_cache']['trimmed']) self.mount_a.kill_cleanup() self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted() def test_drop_cache_command_dead(self): """ Check drop cache command with non-responding client using tell interface. Note that the cache size post trimming is not checked here. """ self._setup() self.mount_a.kill() result = self._run_drop_cache_cmd() self.assertEqual(result['client_recall']['return_code'], 0) self.assertEqual(result['flush_journal']['return_code'], 0) self.assertGreater(result['duration'], 5) self.assertLess(result['duration'], 120) # Note: result['trim_cache']['trimmed'] may be >0 because dropping the # cache now causes the Locker to drive eviction of stale clients (a # stale session will be autoclosed at mdsmap['session_timeout']). The # particular operation causing this is journal flush which causes the # MDS to wait wait for cap revoke. self.mount_a.kill_cleanup() self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted()