// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ // Robert Jenkins' function for mixing 32-bit values // http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/evahash.html // a, b = random bits, c = input and output #define hashmix(a,b,c) \ a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>13); \ b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<8); \ c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>13); \ a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>12); \ b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<16); \ c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>5); \ a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>3); \ b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<10); \ c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>15); namespace crush { class Hash { int seed; public: int get_seed() { return seed; } void set_seed(int s) { seed = s; } Hash(int s) { unsigned int hash = 1315423911; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(s, x, hash); hashmix(y, s, hash); seed = s; } inline int operator()(int a) { unsigned int hash = seed ^ a; int b = a; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(b, x, hash); hashmix(y, a, hash); return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } inline int operator()(int a, int b) { unsigned int hash = seed ^ a ^ b; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(a, b, hash); hashmix(x, a, hash); hashmix(b, y, hash); return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } inline int operator()(int a, int b, int c) { unsigned int hash = seed ^ a ^ b ^ c; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(a, b, hash); hashmix(c, x, hash); hashmix(y, a, hash); hashmix(b, x, hash); hashmix(y, c, hash); return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } inline int operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d) { unsigned int hash = seed ^a ^ b ^ c ^ d; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(a, b, hash); hashmix(c, d, hash); hashmix(a, x, hash); hashmix(y, b, hash); hashmix(c, x, hash); hashmix(y, d, hash); return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } inline int operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { unsigned int hash = seed ^ a ^ b ^ c ^ d ^ e; int x = 231232; int y = 1232; hashmix(a, b, hash); hashmix(c, d, hash); hashmix(e, x, hash); hashmix(y, a, hash); hashmix(b, x, hash); hashmix(y, c, hash); hashmix(d, x, hash); hashmix(y, e, hash); return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } }; } #if 0 //return myhash(a) ^ seed; return myhash(a, seed); } int operator()(int a, int b) { //return myhash( myhash(a) ^ myhash(b) ^ seed ); return myhash(a, b, seed); } int operator()(int a, int b, int c) { //return myhash( myhash(a ^ seed) ^ myhash(b ^ seed) ^ myhash(c ^ seed) ^ seed ); return myhash(a, b, c, seed); } int operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d) { //return myhash( myhash(a ^ seed) ^ myhash(b ^ seed) ^ myhash(c ^ seed) ^ myhash(d ^ seed) ^ seed ); return myhash(a, b, c, d, seed); } // ethan's rush hash? if (0) return (n ^ 0xdead1234) * (884811920 * 3 + 1); if (1) { // before hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (n&255) + (hash >> 2)); hashmix(a, b, hash); n = n >> 8; hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (n&255) + (hash >> 2)); hashmix(a, b, hash); n = n >> 8; hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (n&255) + (hash >> 2)); hashmix(a, b, hash); n = n >> 8; hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (n&255) + (hash >> 2)); hashmix(a, b, hash); n = n >> 8; //return hash; return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // JS // a little better than RS // + jenkin's mixing thing (which sucks on its own but helps tons here) // best so far if (1) { unsigned int hash = 1315423911; int a = 231232; int b = 1232; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (n&255) + (hash >> 2)); hashmix(a, b, hash); n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // Robert jenkins' 96 bit mix // sucks if (0) { int c = n; int a = 12378912; int b = 2982827; a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>13); b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<8); c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>13); a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>12); b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<16); c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>5); a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c>>3); b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a<<10); c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b>>15); return c; } // robert jenkins 32-bit // sucks if (0) { n += (n << 12); n ^= (n >> 22); n += (n << 4); n ^= (n >> 9); n += (n << 10); n ^= (n >> 2); n += (n << 7); n ^= (n >> 12); return n; } // djb2 if (0) { unsigned int hash = 5381; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ((n&255) ^ 123); n = n >> 8; } return hash; } // SDBM if (1) { unsigned int hash = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hash = (n&255) + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // PJW // horrid if (0) { unsigned int BitsInUnsignedInt = (unsigned int)(sizeof(unsigned int) * 8); unsigned int ThreeQuarters = (unsigned int)((BitsInUnsignedInt * 3) / 4); unsigned int OneEighth = (unsigned int)(BitsInUnsignedInt / 8); unsigned int HighBits = (unsigned int)(0xFFFFFFFF) << (BitsInUnsignedInt - OneEighth); unsigned int hash = 0; unsigned int test = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hash = (hash << OneEighth) + (n&255); if((test = hash & HighBits) != 0) { hash = (( hash ^ (test >> ThreeQuarters)) & (~HighBits)); } n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // RS Hash function, from Robert Sedgwicks Algorithms in C book, w/ some changes. if (0) { unsigned int b = 378551; unsigned int a = 63689; unsigned int hash = 0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) { hash = hash * a + (n&0xff); a = a * b; n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // DJB // worse than rs if (0) { unsigned int hash = 5381; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (n&255); n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } // AP // even worse if (1) { unsigned int hash = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hash ^= ((i & 1) == 0) ? ( (hash << 7) ^ (n&255) ^ (hash >> 3)) : (~((hash << 11) ^ (n&255) ^ (hash >> 5))); n = n >> 8; } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } #endif