==================== The Ceph Community ==================== The Ceph community is an excellent source of information and help. For operational issues with Ceph releases we recommend you `subscribe to the ceph-users email list`_. When you no longer want to receive emails, you can `unsubscribe from the ceph-users email list`_. You may also `subscribe to the ceph-devel email list`_. You should do so if your issue is: - Likely related to a bug - Related to a development release package - Related to a development testing package - Related to your own builds If you no longer want to receive emails from the ``ceph-devel`` email list, you may `unsubscribe from the ceph-devel email list`_. .. tip:: The Ceph community is growing rapidly, and community members can help you if you provide them with detailed information about your problem. You can attach the output of the ``ceph report`` command to help people understand your issues. .. _subscribe to the ceph-devel email list: mailto:dev-join@ceph.io .. _unsubscribe from the ceph-devel email list: mailto:dev-leave@ceph.io .. _subscribe to the ceph-users email list: mailto:ceph-users-join@ceph.io .. _unsubscribe from the ceph-users email list: mailto:ceph-users-leave@ceph.io