import logging import os from teuthology import misc as teuthology from orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def task(ctx, config): """ Run ceph all workunits found under the specified path. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - cfuse: [client.0] - workunit: client.0: [direct_io,] client.1: [snaps] """ assert isinstance(config, dict)'Making a separate scratch dir for every client...') for role in config.iterkeys(): assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) id_ = role[len(PREFIX):] (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.iterkeys() mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) scratch = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_)) args=[ 'sudo', 'install', '-d', '-m', '0755', '--owner={user}'.format(user='ubuntu'), #TODO '--', scratch, ], ) # TODO parallelize for role, tests in config.iteritems(): assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) id_ = role[len(PREFIX):] (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.iterkeys() mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) # subdir so we can remove and recreate this a lot without sudo scratch_tmp = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_), 'tmp') srcdir = '/tmp/cephtest/workunit.{role}'.format(role=role) logger=log.getChild(role), args=[ 'mkdir', '--', srcdir, run.Raw('&&'), 'git', 'archive', '--format=tar', '--remote=git://', '--', # TODO make branch/tag/sha1 used configurable 'HEAD:qa/workunits/', run.Raw('|'), 'tar', '-C', srcdir, '-x', '-f-', run.Raw('&&'), 'cd', '--', srcdir, run.Raw('&&'), 'if', 'test', '-e', 'Makefile', run.Raw(';'), 'then', 'make', run.Raw(';'), 'fi', run.Raw('&&'), 'find', '-executable', '-type', 'f', '-printf', r'%P\0'.format(srcdir=srcdir), run.Raw('>/tmp/cephtest/workunits.list'), ], ) workunits = sorted(teuthology.get_file(remote, '/tmp/cephtest/workunits.list').split('\0')) assert workunits assert isinstance(tests, list) for spec in tests:'Running workunits matching %s on %s...', spec, role) prefix = '{spec}/'.format(spec=spec) to_run = [w for w in workunits if w == spec or w.startswith(prefix)] if not to_run: raise RuntimeError('Spec did not match any workunits: {spec!r}'.format(spec=spec)) for workunit in to_run:'Running workunit %s...', workunit) logger=log.getChild(role), args=[ 'mkdir', '--', scratch_tmp, run.Raw('&&'), 'cd', '--', scratch_tmp, run.Raw('&&'), '{srcdir}/{workunit}'.format( srcdir=srcdir, workunit=workunit, ), run.Raw('&&'), 'rm', '-rf', '--', scratch_tmp, ], ) logger=log.getChild(role), args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '--', '/tmp/cephtest/workunits.list', srcdir, ], )