from cStringIO import StringIO import contextlib import logging import random from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology.orchestra import run from ceph_manager import CephManager, write_conf log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_mons(ctx): return [name[len('mon.'):] for name in teuthology.get_mon_names(ctx)] # teuthology prepares the monitor IPs (and ports) in get_mons(), we can # enumerate all monitor ports ([6789..]), and find the next available one. def _get_next_port(ctx, ip, cluster): # assuming we have only one cluster here. used = [] for name in teuthology.get_mon_names(ctx, cluster): addr = ctx.ceph[cluster].conf[name]['mon addr'] mon_ip, mon_port = addr.split(':') if mon_ip != ip: continue used.append(int(mon_port)) port = 6789 used.sort() for p in used: if p != port: break port += 1 return port def _setup_mon(ctx, manager, remote, mon, name, data_path, conf_path): # co-locate a new monitor on remote where an existing monitor is hosted cluster = manager.cluster['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', data_path]) keyring_path = '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.keyring'.format( cluster=manager.cluster) testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) monmap_path = '{tdir}/{cluster}.monmap'.format(tdir=testdir, cluster=cluster) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('mon', 'getmap', '-o', monmap_path) if manager.controller != remote: monmap = teuthology.get_file(manager.controller, monmap_path) teuthology.write_file(remote, monmap_path, StringIO(monmap)) args=[ 'sudo', 'ceph-mon', '--cluster', cluster, '--mkfs', '-i', mon, '--monmap', monmap_path, '--keyring', keyring_path]) if manager.controller != remote: teuthology.delete_file(remote, monmap_path) # raw_cluster_cmd() is performed using sudo, so sudo here also. teuthology.delete_file(manager.controller, monmap_path, sudo=True) # update ceph.conf so that the ceph CLI is able to connect to the cluster if conf_path: ip = remote.ip_address port = _get_next_port(ctx, ip, cluster) mon_addr = '{ip}:{port}'.format(ip=ip, port=port) ctx.ceph[cluster].conf[name] = {'mon addr': mon_addr} write_conf(ctx, conf_path, cluster) def _teardown_mon(ctx, manager, remote, name, data_path, conf_path): cluster = manager.cluster del ctx.ceph[cluster].conf[name] write_conf(ctx, conf_path, cluster)['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', data_path]) @contextlib.contextmanager def _prepare_mon(ctx, manager, remote, mon): cluster = manager.cluster data_path = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/{cluster}-{id}'.format( cluster=cluster, id=mon) conf_path = '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=cluster) name = 'mon.{0}'.format(mon) _setup_mon(ctx, manager, remote, mon, name, data_path, conf_path) yield _teardown_mon(ctx, manager, remote, name, data_path, conf_path) # run_daemon() in starts a herd of daemons of the same type, but # _run_daemon() starts only one instance. @contextlib.contextmanager def _run_daemon(ctx, remote, cluster, type_, id_): testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) coverage_dir = '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir) daemon_signal = 'kill' run_cmd = [ 'sudo', 'adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', coverage_dir, 'daemon-helper', daemon_signal, ] run_cmd_tail = [ 'ceph-%s' % (type_), '-f', '--cluster', cluster, '-i', id_] run_cmd.extend(run_cmd_tail) ctx.daemons.add_daemon(remote, type_, id_, cluster=cluster, args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild(type_), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False) daemon = ctx.daemons.get_daemon(type_, id_, cluster) yield daemon daemon.stop() @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ replace a monitor with a newly added one, and then revert this change How it works:: 1. add a mon with specified id (mon.victim_prime) 2. wait for quorum 3. remove a monitor with specified id (mon.victim), mon.victim will commit suicide 4. wait for quorum 5. 5. add mon.a back, and start it 6. wait for quorum 7. remove mon.a_prime Options:: victim the id of the mon to be removed (pick a random mon by default) replacer the id of the new mon (use "${victim}_prime" if not specified) """ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config) (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys() manager = CephManager(mon, ctx=ctx, logger=log.getChild('ceph_manager')) if config is None: config = {} assert isinstance(config, dict), \ "task ceph only supports a dictionary for configuration" overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('mon_seesaw', {})) victim = config.get('victim', random.choice(_get_mons(ctx))) replacer = config.get('replacer', '{0}_prime'.format(victim)) remote = manager.find_remote('mon', victim) quorum = manager.get_mon_quorum() cluster = manager.cluster'replacing {victim} with {replacer}'.format(victim=victim, replacer=replacer)) with _prepare_mon(ctx, manager, remote, replacer): with _run_daemon(ctx, remote, cluster, 'mon', replacer): # replacer will join the quorum automatically manager.wait_for_mon_quorum_size(len(quorum) + 1, 10) # if we don't remove the victim from monmap, there is chance that # we are leaving the new joiner with a monmap of 2 mon, and it will # not able to reach the other one, it will be keeping probing for # ever.'removing {mon}'.format(mon=victim)) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('mon', 'remove', victim) manager.wait_for_mon_quorum_size(len(quorum), 10) # the victim will commit suicide after being removed from # monmap, let's wait until it stops. ctx.daemons.get_daemon('mon', victim, cluster).wait(10) try: # perform other tasks yield finally: # bring the victim back online # nuke the monstore of victim, otherwise it will refuse to boot # with following message: # # not in monmap and have been in a quorum before; must have # been removed're-adding {mon}'.format(mon=victim)) data_path = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/{cluster}-{id}'.format( cluster=cluster, id=victim)['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', data_path]) name = 'mon.{0}'.format(victim) _setup_mon(ctx, manager, remote, victim, name, data_path, None)'reviving {mon}'.format(mon=victim)) manager.revive_mon(victim) manager.wait_for_mon_quorum_size(len(quorum) + 1, 10) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('mon', 'remove', replacer) manager.wait_for_mon_quorum_size(len(quorum), 10)