#!/bin/bash -ex # Opt in to new collections right away to avoid "TELEMETRY_CHANGED" # warning (see https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/64458) ceph telemetry on --license sharing-1-0 # For quincy, the last_opt_revision remains at 1 since last_opt_revision # was phased out for fresh installs of quincy. LAST_OPT_REVISION=$(ceph config get mgr mgr/telemetry/last_opt_revision) if [ $LAST_OPT_REVISION -ne 1 ]; then echo "last_opt_revision is incorrect" exit 1 fi # Check the warning: ceph -s COLLECTIONS=$(ceph telemetry collection ls) NEW_COLLECTIONS=("perf_perf" "basic_mds_metadata" "basic_pool_usage" "basic_rook_v01" "perf_memory_metrics" "basic_pool_flags") for col in ${NEW_COLLECTIONS[@]}; do if ! [[ $COLLECTIONS == *$col* ]]; then echo "COLLECTIONS does not contain" "'"$col"'." exit 1 fi done #Run preview commands ceph telemetry preview ceph telemetry preview-device ceph telemetry preview-all # Run show commands ceph telemetry show ceph telemetry show-device ceph telemetry show # Opt out ceph telemetry off echo OK