#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Check the Prometheus rules for format, and integration # with the unit tests. This script has the following exit # codes: # 0 .. Everything worked # 4 .. rule problems or missing unit tests # 8 .. Missing fields in YAML # 12 .. Invalid YAML - unable to load # 16 .. Missing input files # # Externals # snmptranslate .. used to determine the oid's in the MIB to verify the rule -> MIB is correct # import re import os import sys import yaml import shutil import string from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from typing import List, Any, Dict, Set, Optional, Tuple import subprocess import urllib.request import urllib.error from urllib.parse import urlparse from settings import ALERTS_FILE, MIB_FILE, UNIT_TESTS_FILE DOCLINK_NAME = 'documentation' def isascii(s: str) -> bool: try: s.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: return False return True def read_file(file_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: try: with open(file_name, 'r') as input_file: raw_data = input_file.read() except OSError: return '', f"Unable to open {file_name}" return raw_data, '' def load_yaml(file_name: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str]: data = {} errs = '' raw_data, err = read_file(file_name) if not err: try: data = yaml.safe_load(raw_data) except yaml.YAMLError as e: errs = f"filename '{file_name} is not a valid YAML file" return data, errs def run_command(command: str): c = command.split() completion = subprocess.run(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return (completion.returncode, completion.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n'), completion.stderr.decode('utf-8').split('\n')) class HTMLCache: def __init__(self) -> None: self.cache: Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]] = {} def fetch(self, url_str: str) -> None: parsed = urlparse(url_str) url = f"{parsed.scheme}://{parsed.netloc}{parsed.path}" if url in self.cache: return self.cache[url] req = urllib.request.Request(url) try: r = urllib.request.urlopen(req) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: self.cache[url] = e.code, e.reason return self.cache[url] except urllib.error.URLError as e: self.cache[url] = 400, e.reason return self.cache[url] if r.status == 200: html = r.read().decode('utf-8') self.cache[url] = 200, html return self.cache[url] self.cache[url] = r.status, r.reason return r.status, r.reason @property def cached_pages(self) -> List[str]: return self.cache.keys() @property def cached_pages_total(self) -> int: return len(self.cache.keys()) class PrometheusRule: expected_attrs = [ 'alert', 'expr', 'labels', 'annotations' ] def __init__(self, rule_group, rule_data: Dict[str, Any]): assert 'alert' in rule_data self.group: RuleGroup = rule_group self.name = rule_data.get('alert') self.rule = rule_data self.errors: List[str] = [] self.warnings: List[str] = [] self.validate() @property def has_oid(self): return True if self.rule.get('labels', {}).get('oid', '') else False @property def labels(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.rule.get('labels', {}) @property def annotations(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.rule.get('annotations', {}) def _check_alert_name(self): # this is simplistic, but works in the context of the alert name if self.name[0] in string.ascii_uppercase and \ self.name != self.name.lower() and \ self.name != self.name.upper() and \ " " not in self.name and \ "_" not in self.name: return self.warnings.append("Alert name is not in CamelCase format") def _check_structure(self): rule_attrs = self.rule.keys() missing_attrs = [a for a in PrometheusRule.expected_attrs if a not in rule_attrs] if missing_attrs: self.errors.append( f"invalid alert structure. Missing field{'s' if len(missing_attrs) > 1 else ''}" f": {','.join(missing_attrs)}") def _check_labels(self): for rqd in ['severity', 'type']: if rqd not in self.labels.keys(): self.errors.append(f"rule is missing {rqd} label definition") def _check_annotations(self): for rqd in ['summary', 'description']: if rqd not in self.annotations: self.errors.append(f"rule is missing {rqd} annotation definition") def _check_doclink(self): doclink = self.annotations.get(DOCLINK_NAME, '') if doclink: url = urlparse(doclink) status, content = self.group.fetch_html_page(doclink) if status == 200: if url.fragment: soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') if not soup.find(id=url.fragment): self.errors.append(f"documentation link error: {url.fragment} anchor not found on the page") else: # catch all self.errors.append(f"documentation link error: {status} {content}") def _check_snmp(self): oid = self.labels.get('oid', '') if self.labels.get('severity', '') == 'critical' and not oid: self.warnings.append("critical level alert is missing an SNMP oid entry") if oid and not re.search('^\\d+.\\d+.\\d+$', oid): self.errors.append("invalid OID format provided") if self.group.get_oids(): if oid and oid not in self.group.get_oids(): self.errors.append(f"rule defines an OID {oid} that is missing from the MIB file({os.path.basename(MIB_FILE)})") def _check_ascii(self): if 'oid' not in self.labels: return desc = self.annotations.get('description', '') summary = self.annotations.get('summary', '') if not isascii(desc): self.errors.append(f"non-ascii characters found in 'description' field will cause issues in associated snmp trap.") if not isascii(summary): self.errors.append(f"non-ascii characters found in 'summary' field will cause issues in associated snmp trap.") def validate(self): self._check_alert_name() self._check_structure() self._check_labels() self._check_annotations() self._check_doclink() self._check_snmp() self._check_ascii() char = '.' if self.errors: char = 'E' self.group.update('error', self.name) elif self.warnings: char = 'W' self.group.update('warning', self.name) sys.stdout.write(char) class RuleGroup: def __init__(self, rule_file, group_name: str, group_name_width: int): self.rule_file: RuleFile = rule_file self.group_name = group_name self.rules: Dict[str, PrometheusRule] = {} self.problems = { "error": [], "warning": [], } sys.stdout.write(f"\n\t{group_name:<{group_name_width}} : ") def add_rule(self, rule_data:Dict[str, Any]): alert_name = rule_data.get('alert') self.rules[alert_name] = PrometheusRule(self, rule_data) def update(self, problem_type:str, alert_name:str): assert problem_type in ['error', 'warning'] self.problems[problem_type].append(alert_name) self.rule_file.update(self.group_name) def fetch_html_page(self, url): return self.rule_file.fetch_html_page(url) def get_oids(self): return self.rule_file.oid_list @property def error_count(self): return len(self.problems['error']) def warning_count(self): return len(self.problems['warning']) @property def count(self): return len(self.rules) class RuleFile: def __init__(self, parent, file_name, rules, oid_list): self.parent = parent self.file_name = file_name self.rules: Dict[str, Any] = rules self.oid_list = oid_list self.problems: Set[str] = set() self.group: Dict[str, RuleGroup] = {} self.alert_names_seen: Set[str] = set() self.duplicate_alert_names:List[str] = [] self.html_cache = HTMLCache() assert 'groups' in self.rules self.max_group_name_width = self.get_max_group_name() self.load_groups() def update(self, group_name): self.problems.add(group_name) self.parent.mark_invalid() def fetch_html_page(self, url): return self.html_cache.fetch(url) @property def group_count(self): return len(self.rules['groups']) @property def rule_count(self): rule_count = 0 for _group_name, rule_group in self.group.items(): rule_count += rule_group.count return rule_count @property def oid_count(self): oid_count = 0 for _group_name, rule_group in self.group.items(): for _rule_name, rule in rule_group.rules.items(): if rule.has_oid: oid_count += 1 return oid_count @property def group_names(self): return self.group.keys() @property def problem_count(self): return len(self.problems) def get_max_group_name(self): group_name_list = [] for group in self.rules.get('groups'): group_name_list.append(group['name']) return max([len(g) for g in group_name_list]) def load_groups(self): sys.stdout.write("\nChecking rule groups") for group in self.rules.get('groups'): group_name = group['name'] rules = group['rules'] self.group[group_name] = RuleGroup(self, group_name, self.max_group_name_width) for rule_data in rules: if 'alert' in rule_data: alert_name = rule_data.get('alert') if alert_name in self.alert_names_seen: self.duplicate_alert_names.append(alert_name) else: self.alert_names_seen.add(alert_name) self.group[group_name].add_rule(rule_data) else: # skipped recording rule pass def report(self): def max_width(item_list: Set[str], min_width: int = 0) -> int: return max([len(i) for i in item_list] + [min_width]) if not self.problems and not self.duplicate_alert_names: print("\nNo problems detected in the rule file") return print("\nProblem Report\n") group_width = max_width(self.problems, 5) alert_names = set() for g in self.problems: group = self.group[g] alert_names.update(group.problems.get('error', [])) alert_names.update(group.problems.get('warning', [])) alert_width = max_width(alert_names, 10) template = " {group:<{group_width}} {severity:<8} {alert_name:<{alert_width}} {description}" print(template.format( group="Group", group_width=group_width, severity="Severity", alert_name="Alert Name", alert_width=alert_width, description="Problem Description")) print(template.format( group="-----", group_width=group_width, severity="--------", alert_name="----------", alert_width=alert_width, description="-------------------")) for group_name in sorted(self.problems): group = self.group[group_name] rules = group.rules for alert_name in group.problems.get('error', []): for desc in rules[alert_name].errors: print(template.format( group=group_name, group_width=group_width, severity="Error", alert_name=alert_name, alert_width=alert_width, description=desc)) for alert_name in group.problems.get('warning', []): for desc in rules[alert_name].warnings: print(template.format( group=group_name, group_width=group_width, severity="Warning", alert_name=alert_name, alert_width=alert_width, description=desc)) if self.duplicate_alert_names: print("Duplicate alert names detected:") for a in self.duplicate_alert_names: print(f" - {a}") class UnitTests: expected_attrs = [ 'rule_files', 'tests', 'evaluation_interval' ] def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.unit_test_data: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.alert_names_seen: Set[str] = set() self.problems: List[str] = [] self.load() def load(self): self.unit_test_data, errs = load_yaml(self.filename) if errs: print(f"\n\nError in unit tests file: {errs}") sys.exit(12) missing_attr = [a for a in UnitTests.expected_attrs if a not in self.unit_test_data.keys()] if missing_attr: print(f"\nMissing attributes in unit tests: {','.join(missing_attr)}") sys.exit(8) def _check_alert_names(self, alert_names: List[str]): alerts_tested: Set[str] = set() for t in self.unit_test_data.get('tests'): test_cases = t.get('alert_rule_test', []) if not test_cases: continue for case in test_cases: alertname = case.get('alertname', '') if alertname: alerts_tested.add(alertname) alerts_defined = set(alert_names) self.problems = list(alerts_defined.difference(alerts_tested)) def process(self, defined_alert_names: List[str]): self._check_alert_names(defined_alert_names) def report(self) -> None: if not self.problems: print("\nNo problems detected in unit tests file") return print("\nUnit tests are incomplete. Tests missing for the following alerts;") for p in self.problems: print(f" - {p}") class RuleChecker: def __init__(self, rules_filename: str = None, test_filename: str = None): self.rules_filename = rules_filename or ALERTS_FILE self.test_filename = test_filename or UNIT_TESTS_FILE self.rule_file: Optional[RuleFile] = None self.unit_tests: Optional[UnitTests] = None self.rule_file_problems: bool = False self.errors = {} self.warnings = {} self.error_count = 0 self.warning_count = 0 self.oid_count = 0 self.oid_list = self.build_oid_list() def build_oid_list(self) -> List[str]: cmd = shutil.which('snmptranslate') if not cmd: return [] rc, stdout, stderr = run_command(f"{cmd} -Pu -Tz -M ../../snmp:/usr/share/snmp/mibs -m CEPH-MIB") if rc != 0: return [] oid_list: List[str] = [] for line in stdout[:-1]: _label, oid = line.replace('"', '').replace('\t', ' ').split() oid_list.append(oid) return oid_list @property def status(self): if self.rule_file_problems or self.unit_tests.problems: return 4 return 0 def mark_invalid(self): self.rule_file_problems = True def summarise_rule_file(self): for group_name in self.rule_file.problems: group = self.rule_file.group[group_name] self.error_count += len(group.problems['error']) self.warning_count += len(group.problems['warning']) def ready(self): errs: List[str] = [] ready_state = True if not os.path.exists(self.rules_filename): errs.append(f"rule file '{self.rules_filename}' not found") ready_state = False if not os.path.exists(self.test_filename): errs.append(f"test file '{self.test_filename}' not found") ready_state = False return ready_state, errs def run(self): ready, errs = self.ready() if not ready: print("Unable to start:") for e in errs: print(f"- {e}") sys.exit(16) rules, errs = load_yaml(self.rules_filename) if errs: print(errs) sys.exit(12) self.rule_file = RuleFile(self, self.rules_filename, rules, self.oid_list) self.summarise_rule_file() self.unit_tests = UnitTests(self.test_filename) self.unit_tests.process(self.rule_file.alert_names_seen) def report(self): print("\n\nSummary\n") print(f"Rule file : {self.rules_filename}") print(f"Unit Test file : {self.test_filename}") print(f"\nRule groups processed : {self.rule_file.group_count:>3}") print(f"Rules processed : {self.rule_file.rule_count:>3}") print(f"SNMP OIDs declared : {self.rule_file.oid_count:>3} {'(snmptranslate missing, unable to cross check)' if not self.oid_list else ''}") print(f"Rule errors : {self.error_count:>3}") print(f"Rule warnings : {self.warning_count:>3}") print(f"Rule name duplicates : {len(self.rule_file.duplicate_alert_names):>3}") print(f"Unit tests missing : {len(self.unit_tests.problems):>3}") self.rule_file.report() self.unit_tests.report() def main(): checker = RuleChecker() checker.run() checker.report() print() sys.exit(checker.status) if __name__ == '__main__': main()