Most stateless daemons get 2x (so there is a standby). Monitoring items
get just 1x.
By default we do 5 monitors, which will gracefully degrade to one per host
if the cluster has <5 hosts.
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
If no placement information is provided at all, assume 1 daemon over any
This could perhaps be improved with a default placement that varies by
daemon type...
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
Remove the magic label behavior. It makes the code confusing, it
makes the overall behavior hard to explain, and it makes the PlacementSpec
meaning different than what Rook is doing.
Instead, if you want mons on hosts with label 'mon', then say 'label:mon'.
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
* refs/pull/33706/head:
qa/suites/rados/cephadm/upgrade: adjust starting version
mgr/orch: from_strings -> from_string; do not accept a list
mgr/volumes: pass placement as string, not list
qa/tasks/mgr/test_orchestrator_cli: adjust placement args
qa/tasks/cephadm: pass apply placement as a single arg
mgr/orch: PlacementSpec: allow 'count:123'
mgr/orch: PlacementSpec: may pretty_str() match input
mgr/orch: take single placement argument
mgr/orch: PlacementSpec.from_strings: take a string *or* a list
Reviewed-by: Kefu Chai <>
* refs/pull/33752/head:
mgr: update metadata if an osd just joins
mgr: update "hostname" when we already have the daemon state from the same entity
Reviewed-by: Neha Ojha <>
Reviewed-by: Sage Weil <>
Reviewed-by: Josh Durgin <>
* refs/pull/33747/head:
doc/mgr/telemetry: add 'send' command
mgr/telemetry: force --license when sending while opted-out
Reviewed-by: Sage Weil <>
This version understands how to apply a mgr spec like '2;host=x' with a
semicolon. This particular test build does.
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
As of now, the following invocation sequence triggers deadlock when
closing crimson-osd's connection with mgr:
ProtocolV2::dispatch_reset() --> crimson::mgr::Client::ms_handle_reset
--> crimson::mgr::Client::reconnect --> crimson::net::SocketConnection::close
--> crimson::net::Protocol::close()
In the above invocation sequence, ProtocalV2::dispatch_reset() enters the gate
"pending_dispatch" the leaving of which would wait for the complete of crimson::\
net::Protocal::close() which further wait for the complete of the gate's close().
This commit decouples this waiting chain.
Signed-off-by: Xuehan Xu <>
This is maybe a wash on the 'ceph orch ...' portion of the CLI. However,
it means that elsewhere, like 'ceph fs volume ...', we can be consistent
and have placement be (1) optional and (2) a single arg so that it is
easier to use both positionally and as a flag (--placement=all:true).
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
* refs/pull/33700/head:
mgr/cephadm: point dashboard at grafana automatically
doc/cephadm/monitoring: document process to set up monitoring with cephadm
Reviewed-by: Alexandra Settle <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Seidensal <>
* refs/pull/33614/head:
mgr/cephadm: enable custom TLS certificates for grafana
mgr: enable verification of TLS certs without files
mgr/cephadm: dump config to JSON only once when creating daemons
Reviewed-by: Sage Weil <>
common: add iterator-based string splitter
Reviewed-by: Adam Emersen <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Benjamin <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <>
cephadm fails to load Service spec data when deserializing
HostPlacementSpec resource. Fix the issue by loading it properly.
Renaming the call from_dict to from_json for consistency.
This change also makes `spec` filed visible in JSON output of
ServiceSpec list.
Signed-off-by: Kiefer Chang <>
otherwise bash will intepret "kind" as a file when handling command like
sudo zgrep <kind> /var/log/ceph/valgrind/* /dev/null | sort | uniq
and try to feed its content to zgrep, and write the output of zgrep
to /var/log/ceph/valgrind/*. this is not the intended behavior. what we
what to do is to pass "<kind>" as an argument to zgrep, along with
the globbed files names which matches "/var/log/ceph/valgrind/*".
in this change, "<kind>" is quoted as in the command line. it's also
what `pipes.quote()` does before the change of
this addresses the regression introduced by
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <>
If we are calling the cephadm script for a non-ceph daemon (prometheus,
etc), do not specify the --image argument, and do not pull it out of
the config db from sections that don't exist.
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>