Display benchmark results for the default erasure code plugins, in a tab
separated CSV file. The first two column contain the amount of KB
that were coded or decoded, for a given combination of parameters
displayed in the following fields.
seconds KB plugin k m work. iter. size eras.
1.2 10 example 2 1 encode 10 1024 0
0.5 10 example 2 1 decode 10 1024 1
It can be used as input for a human readable report. It is also intented
to be used to show if a given version of an erasure code plugin performs
better than another.
The last column ( not shown above for brievety ) is the exact command
that was run to produce the result so it can be copy / pasted to
reproduce them or to profile.
Only the jerasure techniques mentionned in
are benchmarked, the others are assumed to be less interesting.
Signed-off-by: Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>