This splits out the collection of health and log data from the
/api/dashboard/health controller into /api/health/{full,minimal} and
/health/full contains all the data (minus logs) that /dashboard/health
did, whereas /health/minimal contains only what is needed for the health
component to function. /logs/all contains exactly what the logs portion
of /dashboard/health did.
By using /health/minimal, on a vstart cluster we pull ~1.4KB of data
every 5s, where we used to pull ~6KB; those numbers would get larger
with larger clusters. Once we split out log data, that will drop to
Signed-off-by: Zack Cerza <>
* refs/pull/17526/head:
qa/tasks/ceph_manager: avoid test_map_discontinuity stall with too few up osds
Reviewed-by: Gregory Farnum <>
Some tests have m=2,k=2 and this will break them. Sometimes even if we
have 5 up osds, we end up with 4 and CRUSH gets picky, so build in a
buffer and only do this if we have 6 up.
We don't have an easy way from here to see what the min up osds for healthy
is... basically this map discontinuity test just sucks.
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
The behavior of `safe-to-destroy` has changed in
432f194355 (PR#24799) and the backend
needs to be adapted accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Nawracay <>
Enabled ctx.managers to take cluster name from config in restart() method instead of default 'ceph'.
Signed-off-by: Shilpa Jagannath <>
Separate diskprediction local cloud from the diskprediction plugin.
Devicehealth invoke device prediction function related on the global
configuration "device_failure_prediction_mode".
Signed-off-by: Rick Chen <>
before this change, we assume that the variable set if rados::radospp is
found will be radospp_FOUND, but this is a feature cmake 3, see
while the cmake shipped by centos is cmake 2.8.12, where the variable
name will be <UPPERCASED_NAME>_FOUND, see
in the test of, we are using cmake not
the cmake3 offered by EPEL7, so RADOSPP_FOUND will be set instead. that's why
executable env_librados_test will fail to link against rados::radospp.
as rados::radospp won't be defined if radospp_FOUND is not defined/set.
after this change, the 2nd mode of FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS()
is used instead to ensure that radospp_FOUND is defined even if cmake
2.8.12 is used.
also, the message() commands for debugging purpose are removed.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <>
we use the playbook of "testnodes.yml" defined by ceph-cm-ansible for
initializing test nodes, and the role of "testnode" is used by
testnodes.yml. "testnode" requires "qemu-system-x86" or "qemu-kvm"
package to be installed. the qemu in turn depends on librbd1 and
before librados3 was introduced, this worked perfectly. because in ceph
repo, qa/packages/packages.yaml defines the default set of packages the
"install" tasks should install. and in that yaml file, librados2 was
listed. so the package management system will overwrite the librados2
installed by ansible playbook with the version specified by the
"install" task, as apt/yum thinks this is what user requires explicitly,
so it's fine to install a different version of librados2.
after librados3 was introduced, librados2 was removed from
qa/packages/packages.yaml. because, by default, we need to install
librados3 instead of librados2 for ready a nautilus cluster. but the
problem is, the packge list also applies to "install" tasks installing
releases before nautilus, where we still need to replace the librados2
installed by ansible.
so, to address this issue, "librados2" is added to "extra_packages" of
the "install" tasks of tests installing old releases to install
librados2 explicitly instead of as a dependency of other ceph packages
like librbd1.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <>
The new info endpoint will provide the frontend with the necessary
information it needs to create new profiles.
Signed-off-by: Stephan Müller <>
Use --rmtype snapmap with new obj16 to remove snapmap only, check for repair message
Use --rmtype nosnapmap to remove obj5 while leaving snapmap behind
Signed-off-by: David Zafman <>
* refs/pull/24828/head:
qa/osd-bluefs-volume-ops: use ceph-bluestore-tool for fsck
qa/osd-bluefs-volume-ops: reduce space usage for the test case
Reviewed-by: David Zafman <>