This rewrites the "Adoption Process" section
of the "Converting and Existing Cluster to
cephadm" chapter of the Cephadm guide.
Signed-off-by: Zac Dover <>
This PR adds a bit of explanatory text to the
section of the cephadm docs that explains how
to convert Ceph deployments that were not deployed
with cephadm to deployments that can be managed by
the cephadm command line tool.
This PR formats the bash prompts. It also formats the
bash output so that it appears in the correct (easily
copy-and-pasteable) format. This PR will be followed by
a grammar-improving PR, but this PR is just a
formatting PR.
Signed-off-by: Zac Dover <>
Now the error message explains how to add the ssh key to the not
reachable host
Signed-off-by: Stephan Müller <>
This commit supersedes the commit below, which was suggested by
Signed-off-by: Zac Dover <>
- reorganized cephadm into a top-level item with a series of sub-items.
- condensed the 'install' page so that it doesn't create a zillion items
in the toctree on the left
- started updating the cephadm/install sequence (incomplete)
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>