Also ensure namespace_prefix and vol_prefix are set to default values
if they are not explicitly passed.
Signed-off-by: Xiaoxi Chen <>
Test whether the CephFSVolumeClient can evict a client based on its
auth ID and the volume path it has mounted.
Signed-off-by: Ramana Raja <>
Run through two-client scenario where the first client
thinks a dir is empty even though the second client
has written some files to it.
Signed-off-by: John Spray <>
Because volume client cues its PG counts from the
mon pg warn max per osd setting, the teuthology template's
ultra-high 10000 setting causes problems. Force it down
to the usual sensible default for this test.
Also update vstart_runner to populate ctx.daemons so that the test
can restart daemons the same way on vstart as in full blown teuthology.
For branch wip-manila
Signed-off-by: John Spray <>