Now you can create diagrams easily with the ".. ditaa::"
directive in the Sphinx documents.
admin/build-doc now checks for debs required for building
the documentation, or just lists commands missing for hosts
not using dpkg.
For more on Ditaa, see
Signed-off-by: Tommi Virtanen <>
Most of the doc is user-oriented, let's isolate internals more.
Split into multiple files. Clean up RST.
Use Sphinx's graphviz plugin for graphs.
Signed-off-by: Tommi Virtanen <>
It requires graphviz / dot to be installed. It generates a nice graph
of the dependencies between classes in the object store.
Signed-off-by: Colin McCabe <>
To build the docs, run ./admin/build-doc. To browse them, either get
them on any static website, or just run ./admin/serve-doc to serve
them quickly off of port 8080.
build-doc sets up a virtualenv to avoid needing Sphinx installed
system-wide. serve-doc needs thttpd installed.
Signed-off-by: Tommi Virtanen <>