doc/_ext: use iec_size() instead of filesizeformat()

to format size options in the same format supported by our C++
strict_iec_cast() parser. so they are more consistent from user's

Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <>
This commit is contained in:
Kefu Chai 2021-04-18 08:41:53 +08:00
parent 3767e0cb16
commit fffa02706b

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TEMPLATE = '''
:type: ``{{opt.type}}``
{%- if default %}
{%- if opt.type == 'size' %}
:default: ``{{ default | eval_size | filesizeformat(true) }}``
:default: ``{{ default | eval_size | iec_size }}``
{%- elif opt.type == 'secs' %}
:default: ``{{ default | readable_duration(opt.type) }}``
{%- elif opt.type in ('uint', 'int', 'float') %}
@ -107,9 +107,25 @@ def do_plain_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
return str(int(value))
def iec_size(value: int) -> str:
units = dict(Ei=60,
for unit, bits in units.items():
m = 1 << bits
if value % m == 0:
value //= m
return f'{value}{unit}'
raise Exception(f'iec_size() failed to convert {value}')
def do_fileize_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
v = eval_size(value)
return jinja2.filters.do_filesizeformat(v)
return iec_size(v)
def readable_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
@ -138,6 +154,7 @@ def ref_confval(name) -> str:
def jinja_template() -> jinja2.Template:
env = jinja2.Environment()
env.filters['eval_size'] = eval_size
env.filters['iec_size'] = iec_size
env.filters['readable_duration'] = readable_duration
env.filters['readable_num'] = readable_num
env.filters['literal'] = literal