From fa1697406305e367a813147fd9b8368d96a29a36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Spray <>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 20:47:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] tasks/cephfs: add TestDamage

Tests MDS response to badness in the metadata tool

Signed-off-by: John Spray <>
 tasks/cephfs/ | 278 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 278 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tasks/cephfs/

diff --git a/tasks/cephfs/ b/tasks/cephfs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d444c4a2b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/cephfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import logging
+import re
+from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries
+from import wait
+from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase
+DAMAGED_ON_START = "damaged_on_start"
+DAMAGED_ON_LS = "damaged_on_ls"
+CRASHED = "server crashed"
+NO_DAMAGE = "no damage"
+FAILED_CLIENT = "client failed"
+FAILED_SERVER = "server failed"
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestDamage(CephFSTestCase):
+    def _simple_workload_write(self):
+        self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "subdir"])
+        self.mount_a.write_n_mb("subdir/sixmegs", 6)
+        return self.mount_a.stat("subdir/sixmegs")
+    def is_marked_damaged(self, rank):
+        mds_map = self.fs.get_mds_map()
+        return rank in mds_map['damaged']
+    def test_object_deletion(self):
+        """
+        That the MDS has a clean 'damaged' response to loss of any single metadata object
+        """
+        self._simple_workload_write()
+        # Hmm, actually it would be nice to permute whether the metadata pool
+        # state contains sessions or not, but for the moment close this session
+        # to avoid waiting through reconnect on every MDS start.
+        self.mount_a.umount_wait()
+        for mds_name in self.fs.get_active_names():
+            self.fs.mds_asok(["flush", "journal"], mds_name)
+        self.fs.mds_stop()
+        self.fs.mds_fail()
+        self.fs.rados(['export', '/tmp/metadata.bin'])
+        def is_ignored(obj_id):
+            """
+            A filter to avoid redundantly mutating many similar objects (e.g.
+            stray dirfrags)
+            """
+            if re.match("60.\.00000000", obj_id) and obj_id != "600.00000000":
+                return True
+            return False
+        objects = self.fs.rados(["ls"]).split("\n")
+        objects = [o for o in objects if not is_ignored(o)]
+        # Find all objects with an OMAP header
+        omap_header_objs = []
+        for o in objects:
+            header = self.fs.rados(["getomapheader", o])
+            # The rados CLI wraps the header output in a hex-printed style
+            header_bytes = int(re.match("header \((.+) bytes\)", header).group(1))
+            if header_bytes > 0:
+                omap_header_objs.append(o)
+        # Find all OMAP key/vals
+        omap_keys = []
+        for o in objects:
+            keys_str = self.fs.rados(["listomapkeys", o])
+            if keys_str:
+                for key in keys_str.split("\n"):
+                    omap_keys.append((o, key))
+        # Find objects that have data in their bodies
+        data_objects = []
+        for obj_id in objects:
+            stat_out = self.fs.rados(["stat", obj_id])
+            size = int(re.match(".+, size (.+)$", stat_out).group(1))
+            if size > 0:
+                data_objects.append(obj_id)
+        # Define the various forms of damage we will inflict
+        class MetadataMutation(object):
+            def __init__(self, obj_id_, desc_, mutate_fn_, expectation_):
+                self.obj_id = obj_id_
+                self.desc = desc_
+                self.mutate_fn = mutate_fn_
+                self.expectation = expectation_
+            def __eq__(self, other):
+                return self.desc == other.desc
+            def __hash__(self):
+                return hash(self.desc)
+        # Removals
+        mutations = []
+        for obj_id in objects:
+            if obj_id in [
+                "400.00000000",
+                "100.00000000",
+                "10000000000.00000000",
+                "1.00000000"
+            ]:
+                expectation = NO_DAMAGE
+            else:
+                expectation = DAMAGED_ON_START
+  "Expectation on rm '{0}' will be '{1}'".format(
+                obj_id, expectation
+            ))
+            mutations.append(MetadataMutation(
+                obj_id,
+                "Delete {0}".format(obj_id),
+                lambda o=obj_id: self.fs.rados(["rm", o]),
+                expectation
+            ))
+        junk = "deadbeef" * 10
+        # Blatant corruptions
+        mutations.extend([
+            MetadataMutation(
+                o,
+                "Corrupt {0}".format(o),
+                lambda o=o: self.fs.rados(["put", o, "-"], stdin_data=junk),
+                DAMAGED_ON_START
+            ) for o in data_objects
+        ])
+        # Truncations
+        mutations.extend([
+            MetadataMutation(
+                o,
+                "Truncate {0}".format(o),
+                lambda o=o: self.fs.rados(["truncate", o, "0"]),
+                DAMAGED_ON_START
+            ) for o in data_objects
+        ])
+        # OMAP value corruptions
+        for o, k in omap_keys:
+            if o.startswith("1.") or o.startswith("100."):
+                expectation = DAMAGED_ON_START
+            else:
+                expectation = DAMAGED_ON_LS
+            mutations.append(
+                MetadataMutation(
+                    o,
+                    "Corrupt omap key {0}:{1}".format(o, k),
+                    lambda o=o: self.fs.rados(["setomapval", o, k, junk]),
+                    expectation
+                )
+            )
+        # OMAP header corruptions
+        for obj_id in omap_header_objs:
+            if obj_id == "mds0_sessionmap" or re.match("60.\.00000000", obj_id):
+                expectation = DAMAGED_ON_START
+            else:
+                expectation = NO_DAMAGE
+  "Expectation on corrupt header '{0}' will be '{1}'".format(
+                obj_id, expectation
+            ))
+            mutations.append(
+                MetadataMutation(
+                    obj_id,
+                    "Corrupt omap header on {0}".format(obj_id),
+                    lambda o=obj_id: self.fs.rados(["setomapheader", o, junk]),
+                    expectation
+                )
+            )
+        results = {}
+        for mutation in mutations:
+  "Applying mutation '{0}'".format(mutation.desc))
+            # Reset MDS state
+            self.mount_a.umount_wait(force=True)
+            self.fs.mds_stop()
+            self.fs.mds_fail()
+  ['sudo', 'ceph', 'mds', 'repaired', '0'])
+            # Reset RADOS pool state
+            self.fs.rados(['import', '/tmp/metadata.bin'])
+            # Inject the mutation
+            mutation.mutate_fn()
+            # Try starting the MDS
+            self.fs.mds_restart()
+            if mutation.expectation not in (DAMAGED_ON_LS, NO_DAMAGE):
+                # Wait for MDS to either come up or go into damaged state
+                try:
+                    self.wait_until_true(lambda: self.is_marked_damaged(0) or self.fs.are_daemons_healthy(), 60)
+                except RuntimeError:
+                    crashed = False
+                    # Didn't make it to healthy or damaged, did it crash?
+                    for daemon_id, daemon in self.fs.mds_daemons.items():
+                        if daemon.proc.finished:
+                            crashed = True
+                            log.error("Daemon {0} crashed!".format(daemon_id))
+                            daemon.proc = None  # So that subsequent stop() doesn't raise error
+                    if not crashed:
+                        # Didn't go health, didn't go damaged, didn't crash, so what?
+                        raise
+                    else:
+              "Result: Mutation '{0}' led to crash".format(mutation.desc))
+                        results[mutation] = CRASHED
+                        continue
+                if self.is_marked_damaged(0):
+          "Result: Mutation '{0}' led to DAMAGED state".format(mutation.desc))
+                    results[mutation] = DAMAGED_ON_START
+                    continue
+                else:
+          "Mutation '{0}' did not prevent MDS startup, attempting ls...".format(mutation.desc))
+            else:
+                try:
+                    self.wait_until_true(self.fs.are_daemons_healthy, 60)
+                except RuntimeError:
+          "Result: Mutation '{0}' should have left us healthy, actually not.".format(mutation.desc))
+                    if self.is_marked_damaged(0):
+                        results[mutation] = DAMAGED_ON_START
+                    else:
+                        results[mutation] = FAILED_SERVER
+                    continue
+      "Daemons came up after mutation '{0}', proceeding to ls".format(mutation.desc))
+            # MDS is up, should go damaged on ls or client mount
+            self.mount_a.mount()
+            self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted()
+            proc = self.mount_a.run_shell(["ls", "-R"], wait=False)
+            if mutation.expectation == DAMAGED_ON_LS:
+                try:
+                    self.wait_until_true(lambda: self.is_marked_damaged(0), 60)
+          "Result: Mutation '{0}' led to DAMAGED state after ls".format(mutation.desc))
+                    results[mutation] = DAMAGED_ON_LS
+                except RuntimeError:
+                    if self.fs.are_daemons_healthy():
+                        log.error("Result: Failed to go damaged on mutation '{0}', actually went active".format(
+                            mutation.desc))
+                        results[mutation] = NO_DAMAGE
+                    else:
+                        log.error("Result: Failed to go damaged on mutation '{0}'".format(mutation.desc))
+                        results[mutation] = FAILED_SERVER
+            else:
+                try:
+                    wait([proc], 20)
+          "Result: As expected, mutation '{0}' did not caused DAMAGED state".format(mutation.desc))
+                    results[mutation] = NO_DAMAGE
+                except MaxWhileTries:
+          "Result: Failed to complete client IO on mutation '{0}'".format(mutation.desc))
+                    results[mutation] = FAILED_CLIENT
+        failures = [(mutation, result) for (mutation, result) in results.items() if mutation.expectation != result]
+        if failures:
+            log.error("{0} mutations had unexpected outcomes:".format(len(failures)))
+            for mutation, result in failures:
+                log.error("  Expected '{0}' actually '{1}' from '{2}'".format(
+                    mutation.expectation, result, mutation.desc
+                ))
+            raise RuntimeError("{0} mutations had unexpected outcomes".format(len(failures)))
+        else:
+  "All mutations had expected outcomes")