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synced 2025-02-21 18:17:42 +00:00
Merge pull request #13379 from jecluis/wip-mon-luminous-features
mon: enable luminous monmap feature on full quorum Reviewed-by: Sage Weil <sage@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -710,6 +710,42 @@ function test_get_osds() {
# Wait for the monitor to form quorum (optionally, of size N)
# @param timeout duration (lower-bound) to wait for quorum to be formed
# @param quorumsize size of quorum to wait for
# @return 0 on success, 1 on error
function wait_for_quorum() {
local timeout=$1
local quorumsize=$2
if [[ -z "$timeout" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$quorumsize" ]]; then
timeout $timeout ceph mon_status --format=json >&/dev/null || return 1
return 0
wait_until=$((`date +%s` + $timeout))
while [[ $(date +%s) -lt $wait_until ]]; do
jqfilter='.quorum | length == '$quorumsize
jqinput="$(timeout $timeout ceph mon_status --format=json 2>/dev/null)"
res=$(echo $jqinput | jq "$jqfilter")
if [[ "$res" == "true" ]]; then
return $no_quorum
# Return the PG of supporting the **objectname** stored in
# **poolname**, as reported by ceph osd map.
@ -1045,6 +1045,12 @@ function test_mon_mon()
[ -s $TEMP_DIR/monmap.$$ ]
# ceph mon tell
ceph mon_status
# test mon features
ceph mon feature list
ceph mon feature set kraken --yes-i-really-mean-it
expect_false ceph mon feature set abcd
expect_false ceph mon feature set abcd --yes-i-really-mean-it
function test_mon_osd()
@ -441,22 +441,15 @@ COMMAND("mon remove " \
COMMAND("mon rm " \
"name=name,type=CephString", \
"remove monitor named <name>", "mon", "rw", "cli,rest")
COMMAND("mon debug set_feature" \
"name=feature_type,type=CephChoices,strings=persistent|optional " \
COMMAND("mon feature list " \
"name=with_value,type=CephChoices,strings=--with-value,req=false", \
"list available mon map features to be set/unset", \
"mon", "r", "cli,rest")
COMMAND("mon feature set " \
"name=feature_name,type=CephString " \
"name=sure,type=CephChoices,strings=--yes-i-really-mean-it,req=false", \
"set provided feature on mon map", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
COMMAND("mon debug list_features " \
"name=feature_type,type=CephString,req=false", \
"list available mon map features to be set/unset", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
COMMAND("mon debug unset_feature " \
"name=feature_type,type=CephChoices,strings=persistent|optional " \
"name=feature_name,type=CephString " \
"name=sure,type=CephChoices,strings=--yes-i-really-mean-it,req=false", \
"unset provided feature from monmap", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
"mon", "rw", "cli,rest")
* OSD commands
@ -331,123 +331,6 @@ void Monitor::do_admin_command(string command, cmdmap_t& cmdmap, string format,
if (f) {
} else if (boost::starts_with(command, "debug mon features")) {
// check if unsupported feature is set
if (!cct->check_experimental_feature_enabled("mon_debug_features_commands")) {
ss << "error: this is an experimental feature and is not enabled.";
goto abort;
if (command == "debug mon features list") {
mon_feature_t supported = ceph::features::mon::get_supported();
mon_feature_t persistent = ceph::features::mon::get_persistent();
if (f) {
supported.dump_with_value(f.get(), "supported");
persistent.dump_with_value(f.get(), "persistent");
f->close_section(); // ceph-mon
monmap->persistent_features.dump_with_value(f.get(), "persistent");
monmap->optional_features.dump_with_value(f.get(), "optional");
mon_feature_t required = monmap->get_required_features();
required.dump_with_value(f.get(), "required");
f->close_section(); // monmap
f->close_section(); // features
} else {
ss << "only structured formats allowed when listing";
} else if (command == "debug mon features set" ||
command == "debug mon features set_val" ||
command == "debug mon features unset" ||
command == "debug mon features unset_val") {
string n;
if (!cmd_getval(cct, cmdmap, "feature", n)) {
ss << "missing feature to set";
goto abort;
string f_type;
bool do_persistent = false, do_optional = false;
if (cmd_getval(cct, cmdmap, "feature_type", f_type)) {
if (f_type == "--persistent") {
do_persistent = true;
} else {
do_optional = true;
mon_feature_t feature;
if (command == "debug mon features set" ||
command == "debug mon features unset") {
feature = ceph::features::mon::get_feature_by_name(n);
if (feature == ceph::features::mon::FEATURE_NONE) {
ss << "no such feature '" << n << "'";
goto abort;
} else {
uint64_t feature_val;
string interr;
feature_val = strict_strtoll(n.c_str(), 10, &interr);
if (!interr.empty()) {
ss << "unable to parse feature value: " << interr;
goto abort;
feature = mon_feature_t(feature_val);
bool do_unset = false;
if (boost::ends_with(command, "unset") ||
boost::ends_with(command, "unset_val")) {
do_unset = true;
ss << (do_unset? "un" : "") << "setting feature '";
ss << "' on current monmap\n";
ss << "please note this change is not persistent; "
<< "changes to monmap will overwrite the changes\n";
if (!do_persistent && !do_optional) {
if (ceph::features::mon::get_persistent().contains_all(feature)) {
do_persistent = true;
} else {
do_optional = true;
ss << "\n" << (do_unset ? "un" : "") << "setting ";
mon_feature_t &target_feature = (do_persistent ?
monmap->persistent_features : monmap->optional_features);
if (do_persistent) {
ss << "persistent feature";
} else {
ss << "optional feature";
if (do_unset) {
} else {
} else {
ss << "unrecognized command";
} else {
assert(0 == "bad AdminSocket command binding");
@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ void MonmapMonitor::apply_mon_features(const mon_feature_t& features)
// we should never hit this because `features` should be the result
// of the quorum's supported features. But if it happens, die.
mon_feature_t new_features =
(pending_map.persistent_features ^
@ -140,6 +143,16 @@ void MonmapMonitor::apply_mon_features(const mon_feature_t& features)
if (mon->get_quorum().size() < mon->monmap->size()) {
dout(1) << __func__ << " new features " << new_features
<< " contains features that require a full quorum"
<< " (quorum size is " << mon->get_quorum().size()
<< ", requires " << mon->monmap->size() << "): "
<< new_features
<< " -- do not enable them!" << dendl;
new_features |= pending_map.persistent_features;
dout(5) << __func__ << " applying new features to monmap;"
@ -224,6 +237,10 @@ bool MonmapMonitor::preprocess_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
return true;
string format;
cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "format", format, string("plain"));
boost::scoped_ptr<Formatter> f(Formatter::create(format));
if (prefix == "mon stat") {
ss << ", election epoch " << mon->get_epoch() << ", quorum " << mon->get_quorum()
@ -261,10 +278,7 @@ bool MonmapMonitor::preprocess_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
r = 0;
ss << "got monmap epoch " << p->get_epoch();
} else if (prefix == "mon dump") {
string format;
cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "format", format, string("plain"));
stringstream ds;
boost::scoped_ptr<Formatter> f(Formatter::create(format));
if (f) {
@ -286,6 +300,78 @@ bool MonmapMonitor::preprocess_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
if (p != mon->monmap)
delete p;
} else if (prefix == "mon feature list") {
bool list_with_value = false;
string with_value;
if (cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "with_value", with_value) &&
with_value == "--with-value") {
list_with_value = true;
MonMap *p = mon->monmap;
// list features
mon_feature_t supported = ceph::features::mon::get_supported();
mon_feature_t persistent = ceph::features::mon::get_persistent();
mon_feature_t required = p->get_required_features();
stringstream ds;
auto print_feature = [&](mon_feature_t& m_features, const char* m_str) {
if (f) {
if (list_with_value)
m_features.dump_with_value(f.get(), m_str);
m_features.dump(f.get(), m_str);
} else {
if (list_with_value)
if (f) {
print_feature(supported, "supported");
print_feature(persistent, "persistent");
f->close_section(); // all
print_feature(p->persistent_features, "persistent");
print_feature(p->optional_features, "optional");
print_feature(required, "required");
f->close_section(); // monmap
f->close_section(); // features
} else {
ds << "all features" << std::endl
<< "\tsupported: ";
print_feature(supported, nullptr);
ds << std::endl
<< "\tpersistent: ";
print_feature(persistent, nullptr);
ds << std::endl
<< std::endl;
ds << "on current monmap (epoch "
<< p->get_epoch() << ")" << std::endl
<< "\tpersistent: ";
print_feature(p->persistent_features, nullptr);
ds << std::endl
// omit optional features in plain-text
// makes it easier to read, and they're, currently, empty.
<< "\trequired: ";
print_feature(required, nullptr);
ds << std::endl;
r = 0;
@ -513,6 +599,72 @@ bool MonmapMonitor::prepare_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
propose = true;
err = 0;
} else if (prefix == "mon feature set") {
* We currently only support setting/unsetting persistent features.
* This is by design, given at the moment we still don't have optional
* features, and, as such, there is no point introducing an interface
* to manipulate them. This allows us to provide a cleaner, more
* intuitive interface to the user, modifying solely persistent
* features.
* In the future we should consider adding another interface to handle
* optional features/flags; e.g., 'mon feature flag set/unset', or
* 'mon flag set/unset'.
string feature_name;
if (!cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "feature_name", feature_name)) {
ss << "missing required feature name";
err = -EINVAL;
goto reply;
mon_feature_t feature;
feature = ceph::features::mon::get_feature_by_name(feature_name);
if (feature == ceph::features::mon::FEATURE_NONE) {
ss << "unknown feature '" << feature_name << "'";
err = -ENOENT;
goto reply;
string sure;
if (!cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "sure", sure) ||
sure != "--yes-i-really-mean-it") {
ss << "please specify '--yes-i-really-mean-it' if you "
<< "really, **really** want to set feature '"
<< feature << "' in the monmap.";
err = -EPERM;
goto reply;
if (!mon->get_quorum_mon_features().contains_all(feature)) {
ss << "current quorum does not support feature '" << feature
<< "'; supported features: "
<< mon->get_quorum_mon_features();
err = -EINVAL;
goto reply;
ss << "setting feature '" << feature << "'";
err = 0;
if (monmap.persistent_features.contains_all(feature)) {
dout(10) << __func__ << " feature '" << feature
<< "' already set on monmap; no-op." << dendl;
goto reply;
pending_map.last_changed = ceph_clock_now();
propose = true;
dout(1) << __func__ << ss.str() << "; new features will be: "
<< "persistent = " << pending_map.persistent_features
// output optional nevertheless, for auditing purposes.
<< ", optional = " << pending_map.optional_features << dendl;
} else {
ss << "unknown command " << prefix;
err = -EINVAL;
@ -150,6 +150,125 @@ function TEST_no_segfault_for_bad_keyring() {
teardown $dir || return 1
function jq_success() {
in_escaped=$(printf %s "$input" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g")
filter_escaped=$(printf %s "$filter" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g")
ret=$(echo "$in_escaped" | jq "$filter_escaped")
if [[ "$ret" == "true" ]]; then
return 0
elif [[ -n "$expects" ]]; then
if [[ "$ret" == "$expects" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
ret="$(echo $input | jq \"$filter\")"
if [[ "$ret" == "true" ]]; then
return 0
elif [[ -n "$expects" && "$ret" == "$expects" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
function TEST_mon_features() {
local dir=$1
setup $dir || return 1
MONA= # git grep '\<7127\>' ; there must be only one
MONB= # git grep '\<7128\>' ; there must be only one
MONC= # git grep '\<7129\>' ; there must be only one
CEPH_ARGS="--fsid=$fsid --auth-supported=none "
CEPH_ARGS+="--mon-initial-members=a,b,c "
CEPH_ARGS+="--mon-host=$MONA,$MONB,$MONC "
run_mon $dir a --public-addr $MONA || return 1
run_mon $dir b --public-addr $MONB || return 1
timeout 120 ceph -s > /dev/null || return 1
# jq only support --exit-status|-e from version 1.4 forwards, which makes
# returning on error waaaay prettier and straightforward.
# However, the current automated upstream build is running with v1.3,
# which has no idea what -e is. Hence the convoluted error checking we
# need. Sad.
# The next time someone changes this code, please check if v1.4 is now
# a thing, and, if so, please change these to use -e. Thanks.
# jq '.all.supported | select([.[] == "foo"] | any)'
# expect monmap to contain 3 monitors (a, b, and c)
jqinput="$(ceph mon_status --format=json 2>/dev/null)"
jq_success "$jqinput" '.monmap.mons | length == 3' || return 1
# quorum contains two monitors
jq_success "$jqinput" '.quorum | length == 2' || return 1
# quorum's monitor features contain kraken and luminous
jqfilter='.features.quorum_mon[]|select(. == "kraken")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "kraken" || return 1
jqfilter='.features.quorum_mon[]|select(. == "luminous")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "luminous" || return 1
# monmap must have no persistent features set, because we
# don't currently have a quorum made out of all the monitors
# in the monmap.
jqfilter='.monmap.features.persistent | length == 0'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" || return 1
# nor do we have any optional features, for that matter.
jqfilter='.monmap.features.optional | length == 0'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" || return 1
# validate 'mon feature list'
jqinput="$(ceph mon feature list --format=json 2>/dev/null)"
# 'kraken' and 'luminous' are supported
jqfilter='.all.supported[] | select(. == "kraken")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "kraken" || return 1
jqfilter='.all.supported[] | select(. == "luminous")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "luminous" || return 1
# start third monitor
run_mon $dir c --public-addr $MONC || return 1
wait_for_quorum 300 3 || return 1
timeout 300 ceph -s > /dev/null || return 1
jqinput="$(ceph mon_status --format=json 2>/dev/null)"
# expect quorum to have all three monitors
jqfilter='.quorum | length == 3'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" || return 1
# quorum's monitor features contain kraken and luminous
jqfilter='.features.quorum_mon[]|select(. == "kraken")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "kraken" || return 1
jqfilter='.features.quorum_mon[]|select(. == "luminous")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "luminous" || return 1
# monmap must have no both 'kraken' and 'luminous' persistent
# features set.
jqfilter='.monmap.features.persistent | length == 2'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" || return 1
jqfilter='.monmap.features.persistent[]|select(. == "kraken")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "kraken" || return 1
jqfilter='.monmap.features.persistent[]|select(. == "luminous")'
jq_success "$jqinput" "$jqfilter" "luminous" || return 1
# that's all folks. thank you for tuning in.
teardown $dir || return 1
main misc "$@"
# Local Variables:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user