tasks/mds_client_recovery: use existing clients

This will enable using .yaml changes to switch this
guy over to use kcephfs client once the teuthology
code around it supports all the same hooks as I've added
for fuse.

Signed-off-by: John Spray <john.spray@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
John Spray 2014-08-20 12:58:15 +01:00
parent bb52a9733a
commit d001cc27bc

View File

@ -337,35 +337,31 @@ class InteractiveFailureResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
def task(ctx, config):
Execute CephFS client recovery test suite.
- An outer ceph_fuse task with at least two clients
- That the clients are on a separate host to the MDS
fs = Filesystem(ctx, config)
# Pick out the clients we will use from the configuration
# =======================================================
client_list = list(misc.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client'))
if len(client_list) < 2:
if len(ctx.mounts) < 2:
raise RuntimeError("Need at least two clients")
mount_a = ctx.mounts.values()[0]
mount_b = ctx.mounts.values()[1]
client_a_id = client_list[0]
client_a_role = "client.{0}".format(client_a_id)
client_a_remote = list(misc.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=["client.{0}".format(client_a_id)]))[0][1]
client_b_id = client_list[1]
client_b_role = "client.{0}".format(client_b_id)
client_b_remote = list(misc.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=["client.{0}".format(client_b_id)]))[0][1]
if not isinstance(mount_a, FuseMount) or not isinstance(mount_b, FuseMount):
# TODO: make kclient mount capable of all the same test tricks as ceph_fuse
raise RuntimeError("Require FUSE clients")
# Check we have at least one remote client for use with network-dependent tests
# =============================================================================
if client_a_remote.hostname in fs.get_mds_hostnames():
if mount_a.client_remote.hostname in fs.get_mds_hostnames():
raise RuntimeError("Require first client to on separate server from MDSs")
test_dir = misc.get_testdir(ctx)
# TODO: enable switching FUSE to kclient here
# or perhaps just use external client tasks and consume ctx.mounts here?
client_configs = get_client_configs(ctx, config)
mount_a = FuseMount(client_configs.get(client_a_role, {}), test_dir, client_a_id, client_a_remote)
mount_b = FuseMount(client_configs.get(client_b_role, {}), test_dir, client_b_id, client_b_remote)
# Attach environment references to test case
# ==========================================
TestClientRecovery.mds_reconnect_timeout = int(fs.mds_asok(