mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 11:37:37 +00:00
Merge PR #35944 into master
* refs/pull/35944/head: qa: defer cleaning the mountpoint's netnses and the bridge qa/tasks/cephfs/mount.py: remove the stale netnses and bridge qa/tasks/cephfs/mount.py: try to flush the stale ceph-brx dev info qa/tasks/cephfs/mount.py: switch to run_shell_payload() helper qa/tasks/cephfs/mount.py: clean up the none used code Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Rishabh Dave <ridave@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,11 +109,13 @@ def task(ctx, config):
all_mounts = getattr(ctx, 'mounts', {})
mounted_by_me = {}
skipped = {}
remotes = set()
brxnet = config.get("brxnet", None)
# Construct any new FuseMount instances
for id_, remote in clients:
client_config = config.get("client.%s" % id_)
if client_config is None:
client_config = {}
@ -137,6 +139,15 @@ def task(ctx, config):
ctx.mounts = all_mounts
# Umount any pre-existing clients that we have not been asked to mount
for client_id in set(all_mounts.keys()) - set(mounted_by_me.keys()) - set(skipped.keys()):
mount = all_mounts[client_id]
if mount.is_mounted():
for remote in remotes:
# Mount any clients we have been asked to (default to mount all)
log.info('Mounting ceph-fuse clients...')
for info in mounted_by_me.values():
@ -148,12 +159,6 @@ def task(ctx, config):
for info in mounted_by_me.values():
# Umount any pre-existing clients that we have not been asked to mount
for client_id in set(all_mounts.keys()) - set(mounted_by_me.keys()) - set(skipped.keys()):
mount = all_mounts[client_id]
if mount.is_mounted():
yield all_mounts
@ -164,3 +169,5 @@ def task(ctx, config):
mount = info["mount"]
if mount.is_mounted():
for remote in remotes:
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CephFSMount(object):
def __init__(self, ctx, test_dir, client_id, client_remote, brxnet):
@ -42,6 +41,33 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
self.background_procs = []
# This will cleanup the stale netnses, which are from the
# last failed test cases.
def cleanup_stale_netnses_and_bridge(remote):
p = remote.run(args=['ip', 'netns', 'list'],
stdout=StringIO(), timeout=(5*60))
p = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
# Get the netns name list
netns_list = re.findall(r'ceph-ns-[^()\s][-.\w]+[^():\s]', p)
# Remove the stale netnses
for ns in netns_list:
ns_name = ns.split()[0]
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'netns', 'delete', '{0}'.format(ns_name)]
remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
except Exception:
# Remove the stale 'ceph-brx'
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'delete', 'ceph-brx']
remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
except Exception:
def _parse_netns_name(self):
self._netns_name = '-'.join(["ceph-ns",
re.sub(r'/+', "-", self.mountpoint)])
@ -81,11 +107,6 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info('Ready to start {}...'.format(type(self).__name__))
def _bringup_network_manager_service(self):
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"systemctl start NetworkManager"]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
def _setup_brx_and_nat(self):
# The ip for ceph-brx should be
ip = IP(self.ceph_brx_net)[-2]
@ -106,13 +127,13 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
if not brx:
log.info("Setuping the 'ceph-brx' with {0}/{1}".format(ip, mask))
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c", "ip link add name ceph-brx type bridge"]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c", "ip link set ceph-brx up"]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip addr add {0}/{1} brd {2} dev ceph-brx".format(ip, mask, brd)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo ip link add name ceph-brx type bridge
sudo ip addr flush dev ceph-brx
sudo ip link set ceph-brx up
sudo ip addr add {ip}/{mask} brd {brd} dev ceph-brx
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
args = "echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
@ -124,48 +145,50 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
if p == False:
raise RuntimeError("No default gw found")
gw = p[0].split()[7]
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -A FORWARD -o {0} -i ceph-brx -j ACCEPT".format(gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -A FORWARD -i {0} -o ceph-brx -j ACCEPT".format(gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {0}/{1} -o {2} -j MASQUERADE".format(ip, mask, gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o {gw} -i ceph-brx -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i {gw} -o ceph-brx -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {ip}/{mask} -o {gw} -j MASQUERADE
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
def _setup_netns(self):
p = self.client_remote.run(args=['ip', 'netns', 'list'],
stderr=StringIO(), stdout=StringIO(),
p = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
if re.match(self.netns_name, p) is not None:
raise RuntimeError("the netns '{}' already exists!".format(self.netns_name))
# Get the netns name list
netns_list = re.findall(r'[^()\s][-.\w]+[^():\s]', p)
# Get an uniq netns id
nsid = 0
while True:
out = re.search(r"{0}".format(self.netns_name), p)
if out is None:
# Get an uniq nsid for the new netns
nsid = 0
p = self.client_remote.run(args=['ip', 'netns', 'list-id'],
stderr=StringIO(), stdout=StringIO(),
p = re.search(r"nsid {} ".format(nsid), p.stdout.getvalue())
if p is None:
while True:
out = re.search(r"nsid {} ".format(nsid), p)
if out is None:
nsid += 1
nsid += 1
self.nsid = nsid;
# Add one new netns and set it id
set -e
sudo ip netns add {self.netns_name}
sudo ip netns set {self.netns_name} {nsid}
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
self.nsid = nsid;
# The netns already exists and maybe suspended by self.kill()
# Add one new netns and set it id
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns add {0}".format(self.netns_name)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns set {0} {1}".format(self.netns_name, nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
nsid = int(re.search(r"{0} \(id: (\d+)\)".format(self.netns_name), p).group(1))
self.nsid = nsid;
# Get one ip address for netns
ips = IP(self.ceph_brx_net)
@ -178,15 +201,20 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
for ns in netns_list:
ns_name = ns.split()[0]
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns exec {0} ip addr".format(ns_name)]
p = self.client_remote.run(args=args, stderr=StringIO(),
stdout=StringIO(), timeout=(5*60),
q = re.search("{0}".format(ip), p.stdout.getvalue())
if q is not None:
found = True
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', '{0}'.format(ns_name), 'ip', 'addr']
p = self.client_remote.run(args=args, stderr=StringIO(),
stdout=StringIO(), timeout=(5*60),
q = re.search("{0}".format(ip), p.stdout.getvalue())
if q is not None:
found = True
except CommandFailedError:
if "No such file or directory" in p.stderr.getvalue():
if "Invalid argument" in p.stderr.getvalue():
if found == False:
@ -197,31 +225,22 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info("Setuping the netns '{0}' with {1}/{2}".format(self.netns_name, ip, mask))
# Setup the veth interfaces
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link add veth0 netns {0} type veth peer name brx.{1}".format(self.netns_name, nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns exec {0} ip addr add {1}/{2} brd {3} dev veth0".format(self.netns_name, ip, mask, brd)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns exec {0} ip link set veth0 up".format(self.netns_name)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns exec {0} ip link set lo up".format(self.netns_name)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
brxip = IP(self.ceph_brx_net)[-2]
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns exec {0} ip route add default via {1}".format(self.netns_name, brxip)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo ip link add veth0 netns {self.netns_name} type veth peer name brx.{nsid}
sudo ip netns exec {self.netns_name} ip addr add {ip}/{mask} brd {brd} dev veth0
sudo ip netns exec {self.netns_name} ip link set veth0 up
sudo ip netns exec {self.netns_name} ip link set lo up
sudo ip netns exec {self.netns_name} ip route add default via {brxip}
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
# Bring up the brx interface and join it to 'ceph-brx'
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set brx.{0} up".format(nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set dev brx.{0} master ceph-brx".format(nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo ip link set brx.{nsid} up
sudo ip link set dev brx.{nsid} master ceph-brx
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
def _cleanup_netns(self):
if self.nsid == -1:
@ -229,16 +248,12 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info("Removing the netns '{0}'".format(self.netns_name))
# Delete the netns and the peer veth interface
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set brx.{0} down".format(self.nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link delete brx.{0}".format(self.nsid)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip netns delete {0}".format(self.netns_name)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo ip link set brx.{self.nsid} down
sudo ip link delete dev brx.{self.nsid}
sudo ip netns delete {self.netns_name}
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
self.nsid = -1
@ -250,7 +265,7 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
# If we are the last netns, will delete the ceph-brx
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c", "ip link show"]
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'show']
p = self.client_remote.run(args=args, stdout=StringIO(),
timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
_list = re.findall(r'brx\.', p.stdout.getvalue().strip())
@ -259,12 +274,11 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info("Removing the 'ceph-brx'")
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set ceph-brx down"]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link delete ceph-brx"]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo ip link set ceph-brx down
sudo ip link delete ceph-brx
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
# Drop the iptables NAT rules
ip = IP(self.ceph_brx_net)[-2]
@ -276,15 +290,12 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
if p == False:
raise RuntimeError("No default gw found")
gw = p[0].split()[7]
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -D FORWARD -o {0} -i ceph-brx -j ACCEPT".format(gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -D FORWARD -i {0} -o ceph-brx -j ACCEPT".format(gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s {0}/{1} -o {2} -j MASQUERADE".format(ip, mask, gw)]
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
set -e
sudo iptables -D FORWARD -o {gw} -i ceph-brx -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -D FORWARD -i {gw} -o ceph-brx -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s {ip}/{mask} -o {gw} -j MASQUERADE
""", timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False, cwd='/')
def setup_netns(self):
@ -298,9 +309,13 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
Cleanup the netns for the mountpoint.
log.info("Cleaning the '{0}' netns for '{1}'".format(self._netns_name, self.mountpoint))
# We will defer cleaning the netnses and bridge until the last
# mountpoint is unmounted, this will be a temporary work around
# for issue#46282.
# log.info("Cleaning the '{0}' netns for '{1}'".format(self._netns_name, self.mountpoint))
# self._cleanup_netns()
# self._cleanup_brx_and_nat()
def suspend_netns(self):
@ -311,8 +326,7 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info("Suspending the '{0}' netns for '{1}'".format(self._netns_name, self.mountpoint))
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set brx.{0} down".format(self.nsid)]
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'brx.{0}'.format(self.nsid), 'down']
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
def resume_netns(self):
@ -324,8 +338,7 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
log.info("Resuming the '{0}' netns for '{1}'".format(self._netns_name, self.mountpoint))
args = ["sudo", "bash", "-c",
"ip link set brx.{0} up".format(self.nsid)]
args = ['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'brx.{0}'.format(self.nsid), 'up']
self.client_remote.run(args=args, timeout=(5*60), omit_sudo=False)
def mount(self, mount_path=None, mount_fs_name=None, mountpoint=None, mount_options=[]):
@ -500,18 +513,19 @@ class CephFSMount(object):
return p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
def run_shell(self, args, wait=True, stdin=None, check_status=True,
cwd=None, omit_sudo=True):
cwd=None, omit_sudo=True, timeout=900):
args = args.split() if isinstance(args, str) else args
# XXX: all commands ran with CephFS mount as CWD must be executed with
# superuser privileges when tests are being run using teuthology.
if args[0] != 'sudo':
args.insert(0, 'sudo')
if not cwd:
if not cwd and self.mountpoint:
cwd = self.mountpoint
return self.client_remote.run(args=args, stdin=stdin, wait=wait,
stdout=StringIO(), stderr=StringIO(),
cwd=cwd, check_status=check_status)
cwd=cwd, check_status=check_status,
def run_shell_payload(self, payload, **kwargs):
return self.run_shell(["bash", "-c", Raw(f"'{payload}'")], **kwargs)
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ def task(ctx, config):
test_dir = misc.get_testdir(ctx)
for id_, remote in clients:
mounts = {}
for id_, remote in clients:
client_config = config.get("client.%s" % id_)
@ -115,6 +118,9 @@ def task(ctx, config):
forced = True
for id_, remote in clients:
return forced
ctx.mounts = mounts
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ try:
from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount
from tasks.cephfs.kernel_mount import KernelMount
from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem, MDSCluster, CephCluster
from tasks.cephfs.mount import CephFSMount
from tasks.mgr.mgr_test_case import MgrCluster
from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries
from teuthology.task import interactive
@ -1287,6 +1288,8 @@ def exec_test():
global remote
remote = LocalRemote()
# Tolerate no MDSs or clients running at start
ps_txt = remote.run(args=["ps", "-u"+str(os.getuid())],
@ -1477,6 +1480,8 @@ def exec_test():
if opt_teardown_cluster:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user