qa/rgw: remove unused helpers in util/

Signed-off-by: Casey Bodley <>
This commit is contained in:
Casey Bodley 2017-04-26 02:35:46 +00:00
parent a05b3bb409
commit c8d8b9cae1

View File

@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ from teuthology import misc as teuthology
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def multi_region_enabled(ctx):
# this is populated by the radosgw-agent task, seems reasonable to
# use that as an indicator that we're testing multi-region sync
return 'radosgw_agent' in ctx
def rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd, stdin=StringIO(), check_status=False,
format='json', decode=True, log_level=logging.DEBUG):'rgwadmin: {client} : {cmd}'.format(client=client,cmd=cmd))
@ -75,237 +70,6 @@ def get_user_successful_ops(out, user):
return 0
return get_user_summary(out, user)['total']['successful_ops']
def get_zone_host_and_port(ctx, client, zone):
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
_, period = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
cmd=['period', 'get'])
period_map = period['period_map']
zonegroups = period_map['zonegroups']
for zonegroup in zonegroups:
for zone_info in zonegroup['zones']:
if zone_info['name'] == zone:
endpoint = urlparse(zone_info['endpoints'][0])
host, port = endpoint.hostname, endpoint.port
if port is None:
port = 80
return host, port
assert False, 'no endpoint for zone {zone} found'.format(zone=zone)
def get_master_zone(ctx, client):
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
_, period = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
cmd=['period', 'get'])
period_map = period['period_map']
zonegroups = period_map['zonegroups']
for zonegroup in zonegroups:
is_master = (zonegroup['is_master'] == "true")'zonegroup={z} is_master={ism}'.format(z=zonegroup, ism=is_master))
if not is_master:
master_zone = zonegroup['master_zone']'master_zone=%s' % master_zone)
for zone_info in zonegroup['zones']:
if zone_info['name'] == master_zone:
return master_zone'couldn\'t find master zone')
return None
def get_master_client(ctx, clients):
master_zone = get_master_zone(ctx, clients[0]) # can use any client for this as long as system configured correctly
if not master_zone:
return None
for client in clients:
zone = zone_for_client(ctx, client)
if zone == master_zone:
return client
return None
def get_zone_system_keys(ctx, client, zone):
_, zone_info = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
cmd=['zone', 'get', '--rgw-zone', zone])
system_key = zone_info['system_key']
return system_key['access_key'], system_key['secret_key']
def zone_for_client(ctx, client):
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
return ceph_config.get('rgw zone')
def region_for_client(ctx, client):
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
return ceph_config.get('rgw region')
def radosgw_data_log_window(ctx, client):
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
return ceph_config.get('rgw data log window', 30)
def radosgw_agent_sync_data(ctx, agent_host, agent_port, full=False):'sync agent {h}:{p}'.format(h=agent_host, p=agent_port))
# use retry with backoff to tolerate slow startup of radosgw-agent
s = requests.Session()
s.mount('http://{addr}:{port}/'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port),
requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1)))
method = "full" if full else "incremental"
return'http://{addr}:{port}/data/{method}'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port, method = method))
def radosgw_agent_sync_metadata(ctx, agent_host, agent_port, full=False):'sync agent {h}:{p}'.format(h=agent_host, p=agent_port))
# use retry with backoff to tolerate slow startup of radosgw-agent
s = requests.Session()
s.mount('http://{addr}:{port}/'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port),
requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1)))
method = "full" if full else "incremental"
return'http://{addr}:{port}/metadata/{method}'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port, method = method))
def radosgw_agent_sync_all(ctx, full=False, data=False):
if ctx.radosgw_agent.procs:
for agent_client, c_config in ctx.radosgw_agent.config.iteritems():
zone_for_client(ctx, agent_client)
sync_host, sync_port = get_sync_agent(ctx, agent_client)
log.debug('doing a sync via {host1}'.format(host1=sync_host))
radosgw_agent_sync_metadata(ctx, sync_host, sync_port, full)
if (data):
radosgw_agent_sync_data(ctx, sync_host, sync_port, full)
def host_for_role(ctx, role):
for target, roles in zip(ctx.config['targets'].iterkeys(), ctx.config['roles']):
if role in roles:
_, host = split_user(target)
return host
def get_sync_agent(ctx, source):
for task in ctx.config['tasks']:
if 'radosgw-agent' not in task:
for client, conf in task['radosgw-agent'].iteritems():
if conf['src'] == source:
return host_for_role(ctx, source), conf.get('port', 8000)
return None, None
def extract_zone_info(ctx, client, client_config):
Get zone information.
:param client: dictionary of client information
:param client_config: dictionary of client configuration information
:returns: zone extracted from client and client_config information
cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client_with_id, {}))
for key in ['rgw zone', 'rgw region', 'rgw zone root pool']:
assert key in ceph_config, \
'ceph conf must contain {key} for {client}'.format(key=key,
region = ceph_config['rgw region']
zone = ceph_config['rgw zone']
zone_info = dict()
for key in ['rgw control pool', 'rgw gc pool', 'rgw log pool',
'rgw intent log pool', 'rgw usage log pool',
'rgw user keys pool', 'rgw user email pool',
'rgw user swift pool', 'rgw user uid pool',
'rgw domain root']:
new_key = key.split(' ', 1)[1]
new_key = new_key.replace(' ', '_')
if key in ceph_config:
value = ceph_config[key]
log.debug('{key} specified in ceph_config ({val})'.format(
key=key, val=value))
zone_info[new_key] = value
zone_info[new_key] = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + new_key
index_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'index_pool'
data_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_pool'
data_extra_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_extra_pool'
compression_type = ceph_config.get('rgw compression type', '')
zone_info['placement_pools'] = [{'key': 'default_placement',
'val': {'index_pool': index_pool,
'data_pool': data_pool,
'data_extra_pool': data_extra_pool,
'compression': compression_type}
# these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We
# insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them
# in the fill_in_endpoints() method
for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']:
if key in ceph_config:
zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key]
# these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We
# insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them
# in the fill_in_endpoints() method
for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']:
if key in ceph_config:
zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key]
return region, zone, zone_info
def extract_region_info(region, region_info):
Extract region information from the region_info parameter, using get
to set default values.
:param region: name of the region
:param region_info: region information (in dictionary form).
:returns: dictionary of region information set from region_info, using
default values for missing fields.
assert isinstance(region_info['zones'], list) and region_info['zones'], \
'zones must be a non-empty list'
return dict(
api_name=region_info.get('api name', region),
is_master=region_info.get('is master', False),
log_meta=region_info.get('log meta', False),
log_data=region_info.get('log data', False),
master_zone=region_info.get('master zone', region_info['zones'][0]),
placement_targets=region_info.get('placement targets',
[{'name': 'default_placement',
'tags': []}]),
default_placement=region_info.get('default placement',
def get_config_master_client(ctx, config, regions):
role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config))
for client, c_config in config.iteritems()])
log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones)
region_info = dict([
(region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config))
for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()])
# read master zonegroup and master_zone
for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems():
if zg_info['is_master']:
master_zonegroup = zonegroup
master_zone = zg_info['master_zone']
for client in config.iterkeys():
(zonegroup, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client]
if zonegroup == master_zonegroup and zone == master_zone:
return client
return None
def wait_for_radosgw(url):
""" poll the given url until it starts accepting connections