rgw/multisite: Add testcases for sync policy feature

Added test cases for the various use-cases of multisite sync
policy feature listed in

Signed-off-by: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Soumya Koduri 2020-11-18 16:49:25 +05:30 committed by Adam C. Emerson
parent 9f774b4dec
commit c55c505090

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from boto.s3.website import WebsiteConfiguration
from boto.s3.cors import CORSConfiguration
from nose.tools import eq_ as eq
from nose.tools import assert_not_equal, assert_equal
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
@ -1902,3 +1903,959 @@ def test_resharded_bucket_incremental_sync_oldest_after_data_sync_init():
# expect all generations to replicate via 'bucket incremental sync'
zonegroup_bucket_checkpoint(zonegroup_conns, bucket.name)
def sync_info(cluster, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'info']
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to get sync policy'
return json.loads(result_json)
def get_sync_policy(cluster, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'policy', 'get']
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to get sync policy'
return json.loads(result_json)
def create_sync_policy_group(cluster, group, status = "allowed", bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'create', '--group-id', group, '--status' , status]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to create sync policy group id=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def set_sync_policy_group_status(cluster, group, status, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'modify', '--group-id', group, '--status' , status]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to set sync policy group id=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def get_sync_policy_group(cluster, group, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'get', '--group-id', group]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to get sync policy group id=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def remove_sync_policy_group(cluster, group, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'remove', '--group-id', group]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to remove sync policy group id=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(cluster, group, flow_id, zones, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'flow', 'create', '--group-id', group, '--flow-id' , flow_id, '--flow-type', 'symmetrical', '--zones=%s' % zones]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to create sync group flow symmetrical groupid=%s, flow_id=%s, zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, flow_id, zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def create_sync_group_flow_directional(cluster, group, flow_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'flow', 'create', '--group-id', group, '--flow-id' , flow_id, '--flow-type', 'directional', '--source-zone=%s' % src_zones, '--dest-zone=%s' % dest_zones]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to create sync group flow directional groupid=%s, flow_id=%s, src_zones=%s, dest_zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, flow_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def remove_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(cluster, group, flow_id, zones = None, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'flow', 'remove', '--group-id', group, '--flow-id' , flow_id, '--flow-type', 'symmetrical']
if zones:
cmd += ['--zones=%s' % zones]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to remove sync group flow symmetrical groupid=%s, flow_id=%s, zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, flow_id, zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def remove_sync_group_flow_directional(cluster, group, flow_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'flow', 'remove', '--group-id', group, '--flow-id' , flow_id, '--flow-type', 'directional', '--source-zone=%s' % src_zones, '--dest-zone=%s' % dest_zones]
if bucket:
cmd += ['--bucket', bucket]
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to remove sync group flow directional groupid=%s, flow_id=%s, src_zones=%s, dest_zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, flow_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def create_sync_group_pipe(cluster, group, pipe_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket = None, args = []):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'pipe', 'create', '--group-id', group, '--pipe-id' , pipe_id, '--source-zones=%s' % src_zones, '--dest-zones=%s' % dest_zones]
if bucket:
b_args = '--bucket=' + bucket
if args:
cmd += args
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to create sync group pipe groupid=%s, pipe_id=%s, src_zones=%s, dest_zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, pipe_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def remove_sync_group_pipe(cluster, group, pipe_id, bucket = None, args = None):
cmd = ['sync', 'group', 'pipe', 'remove', '--group-id', group, '--pipe-id' , pipe_id]
if bucket:
b_args = '--bucket=' + bucket
if args:
(result_json, retcode) = cluster.admin(cmd)
if retcode != 0:
assert False, 'failed to remove sync group pipe groupid=%s, pipe_id=%s, src_zones=%s, dest_zones=%s, bucket=%s' % (group, pipe_id, src_zones, dest_zones, bucket)
return json.loads(result_json)
def create_zone_bucket(zone):
b_name = gen_bucket_name()
log.info('create bucket zone=%s name=%s', zone.name, b_name)
bucket = zone.create_bucket(b_name)
return bucket
def create_object(zone_conn, bucket, objname, content):
k = new_key(zone_conn, bucket.name, objname)
def create_objects(zone_conn, bucket, obj_arr, content):
for objname in obj_arr:
create_object(zone_conn, bucket, objname, content)
def check_object_exists(bucket, objname, content = None):
k = bucket.get_key(objname)
assert_not_equal(k, None)
if (content != None):
assert_equal(k.get_contents_as_string(encoding='ascii'), content)
def check_objects_exist(bucket, obj_arr, content = None):
for objname in obj_arr:
check_object_exists(bucket, objname, content)
def check_object_not_exists(bucket, objname):
k = bucket.get_key(objname)
assert_equal(k, None)
def check_objects_not_exist(bucket, obj_arr):
for objname in obj_arr:
check_object_not_exists(bucket, objname)
def test_sync_policy_config_zonegroup():
test configuration of all sync commands
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
z1, z2 = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
c1, c2 = (z1.cluster, z2.cluster)
zones = z1.name+","+z2.name
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
# (a) zonegroup level
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
get_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
create_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow2", z1.name, z2.name)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
get_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
zonegroup.period.update(z1, commit=True)
# (b) bucket level
zc1, zc2 = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
bucket = create_zone_bucket(zc1)
bucket_name = bucket.name
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucket_name)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucket_name)
get_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucket_name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucket_name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flow1", zones, bucket_name)
create_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flow2", z1.name, z2.name, bucket_name)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe", zones, zones, bucket_name)
get_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucket_name)
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe", bucket_name)
remove_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flow2", z1.name, z2.name, bucket_name)
remove_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flow1", zones, bucket_name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucket_name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucket_name)
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe")
remove_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow2", z1.name, z2.name)
remove_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1")
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
zonegroup.period.update(z1, commit=True)
def test_sync_flow_symmetrical_zonegroup_all():
allows sync from all the zones to all other zones (default case)
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
(zoneA, zoneB) = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
(zcA, zcB) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
c1 = zoneA.cluster
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
objnames = [ 'obj1', 'obj2' ]
content = 'asdasd'
buckets = []
# create bucket & object in all zones
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
create_object(zcA, bucketA, objnames[0], content)
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcB)
create_object(zcB, bucketB, objnames[1], content)
# 'zonegroup_data_checkpoint' currently fails for the zones not
# allowed to sync. So as a workaround, data checkpoint is done
# for only the ones configured.
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify if objects are synced accross the zone
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_object_exists(bucket, objnames[0], content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcA, bucketB.name)
check_object_exists(bucket, objnames[1], content)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_flow_symmetrical_zonegroup_select():
allow sync between zoneA & zoneB
verify zoneC doesnt sync the data
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
if len(zonegroup.zones) < 3:
raise SkipTest("test_sync_flow_symmetrical_zonegroup_select skipped. Requires 3 or more zones in master zonegroup.")
(zoneA, zoneB, zoneC) = zonegroup.zones[0:3]
(zcA, zcB, zcC) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:3]
c1 = zoneA.cluster
# configure sync policy
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow", zones)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
buckets = []
content = 'asdasd'
# create bucketA & objects in zoneA
objnamesA = [ 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3' ]
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesA, content)
# create bucketB & objects in zoneB
objnamesB = [ 'obj4', 'obj5', 'obj6' ]
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcB)
create_objects(zcB, bucketB, objnamesB, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneA, zoneB)
# verify if objnamesA synced to only zoneB but not zoneC
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesA, content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcC, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesA)
# verify if objnamesB synced to only zoneA but not zoneC
bucket = get_bucket(zcA, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesB, content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcC, bucketB.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesB)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_flow_directional_zonegroup_select():
allow sync from only zoneA to zoneB
verify that data doesn't get synced to zoneC and
zoneA shouldn't sync data from zoneB either
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
if len(zonegroup.zones) < 3:
raise SkipTest("test_sync_flow_symmetrical_zonegroup_select skipped. Requires 3 or more zones in master zonegroup.")
(zoneA, zoneB, zoneC) = zonegroup.zones[0:3]
(zcA, zcB, zcC) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:3]
c1 = zoneA.cluster
# configure sync policy
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow", zoneA.name, zoneB.name)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zoneA.name, zoneB.name)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
buckets = []
content = 'asdasd'
# create bucketA & objects in zoneA
objnamesA = [ 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3' ]
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesA, content)
# create bucketB & objects in zoneB
objnamesB = [ 'obj4', 'obj5', 'obj6' ]
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcB)
create_objects(zcB, bucketB, objnamesB, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify if objnamesA synced to only zoneB but not zoneC
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesA, content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcC, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesA)
# verify if objnamesB are not synced to either zoneA or zoneC
bucket = get_bucket(zcA, bucketB.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesB)
bucket = get_bucket(zcC, bucketB.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesB)
verify the same at bucketA level
configure another policy at bucketA level with src and dest
zones specified to zoneA and zoneB resp.
verify zoneA bucketA syncs to zoneB BucketA but not viceversa.
# reconfigure zonegroup pipe & flow
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe")
remove_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow", zoneA.name, zoneB.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
# change state to allowed
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "allowed")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
args = ['--source-bucket=*', '--dest-bucket=*']
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe", zoneA.name, zoneB.name, bucketA.name, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucketA.name)
# create objects in bucketA in zoneA and zoneB
objnamesC = [ 'obj7', 'obj8', 'obj9' ]
objnamesD = [ 'obj10', 'obj11', 'obj12' ]
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesC, content)
create_objects(zcB, bucketA, objnamesD, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that objnamesC are synced to bucketA in zoneB
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesC, content)
# verify that objnamesD are not synced to bucketA in zoneA
bucket = get_bucket(zcA, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesD)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_single_bucket():
Allow data sync for only bucketA but not for other buckets via
below 2 methods
(a) zonegroup: symmetrical flow but configure pipe for only bucketA.
(b) bucket level: configure policy for bucketA
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
(zoneA, zoneB) = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
(zcA, zcB) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
c1 = zoneA.cluster
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
objnames = [ 'obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3' ]
content = 'asdasd'
buckets = []
# create bucketA & bucketB in zoneA
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
Method (a): configure pipe for only bucketA
# configure sync policy & pipe for only bucketA
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
args = ['--source-bucket=' + bucketA.name, '--dest-bucket=' + bucketA.name]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones, None, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# create objects in bucketA & bucketB
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnames, content)
create_object(zcA, bucketB, objnames, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify if bucketA objects are synced
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnames, content)
# bucketB objects should not be synced
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnames)
Method (b): configure policy at only bucketA level
# reconfigure group pipe
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe")
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
# change state to allowed
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "allowed")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe", zones, zones, bucketA.name)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucketA.name)
# create object in bucketA
create_object(zcA, bucketA, objnames[2], content)
# create object in bucketA too
create_object(zcA, bucketB, objnames[2], content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify if bucketA objects are synced
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_object_exists(bucket, objnames[2], content)
# bucketB objects should not be synced
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_object_not_exists(bucket, objnames[2])
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_different_buckets():
sync zoneA bucketA to zoneB bucketB via below methods
(a) zonegroup: directional flow but configure pipe for zoneA bucketA to zoneB bucketB
(b) bucket: configure another policy at bucketA level with pipe set to
another bucket(bucketB) in target zone.
sync zoneA bucketA from zoneB bucketB
(c) configure another policy at bucketA level with pipe set from
another bucket(bucketB) in source zone.
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
(zoneA, zoneB) = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
(zcA, zcB) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
c1 = zoneA.cluster
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
objnames = [ 'obj1', 'obj2' ]
objnamesB = [ 'obj3', 'obj4' ]
content = 'asdasd'
buckets = []
# create bucketA & bucketB in zoneA
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
Method (a): zonegroup - configure pipe for only bucketA
# configure pipe from zoneA bucketA to zoneB bucketB
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
args = ['--source-bucket=' + bucketA.name, '--dest-bucket=' + bucketB.name]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zoneA.name, zoneB.name, None, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# create objects in bucketA
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnames, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that objects are synced to bucketB in zoneB
# but not to bucketA
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnames)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnames, content)
Method (b): configure policy at only bucketA level with pipe
set to bucketB in target zone
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe")
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
# change state to allowed
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "allowed")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
args = ['--source-bucket=*', '--dest-bucket=' + bucketB.name]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipeA", zones, zones, bucketA.name, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucketA.name)
objnamesC = [ 'obj5', 'obj6' ]
# create objects in bucketA
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesC, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that objects are synced to bucketB in zoneB
# but not to bucketA
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesC)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesC, content)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucketA.name)
Method (c): configure policy at only bucketA level with pipe
set from bucketB in source zone
verify zoneA bucketA syncs from zoneB BucketB but not bucketA
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
args = ['--source-bucket=' + bucketB.name, '--dest-bucket=' + '*']
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe", zones, zones, bucketA.name, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
get_sync_policy(c1, bucketA.name)
# create objects in bucketA & B in ZoneB
objnamesD = [ 'obj7', 'obj8' ]
objnamesE = [ 'obj9', 'obj10' ]
create_objects(zcB, bucketA, objnamesD, content)
create_objects(zcB, bucketB, objnamesE, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneA, zoneB)
# verify that objects from only bucketB are synced to
# bucketA in zoneA
bucket = get_bucket(zcA, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesD)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesE, content)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_multiple_buckets_to_single():
directional flow
(a) pipe: sync zoneA bucketA,bucketB to zoneB bucketB
(b) configure another policy at bucketA level with pipe configured
to sync from multiple buckets (bucketA & bucketB)
verify zoneA bucketA & bucketB syncs to zoneB BucketB
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
(zoneA, zoneB) = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
(zcA, zcB) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
c1 = zoneA.cluster
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
objnamesA = [ 'obj1', 'obj2' ]
objnamesB = [ 'obj3', 'obj4' ]
content = 'asdasd'
buckets = []
# create bucketA & bucketB in zoneA
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
# configure pipe from zoneA bucketA,bucketB to zoneB bucketB
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow", zoneA.name, zoneB.name)
source_buckets = [ bucketA.name, bucketB.name ]
for source_bucket in source_buckets:
args = ['--source-bucket=' + source_bucket, '--dest-bucket=' + bucketB.name]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe-%s" % source_bucket, zoneA.name, zoneB.name, None, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# create objects in bucketA & bucketB
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesA, content)
create_objects(zcA, bucketB, objnamesB, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that both zoneA bucketA & bucketB objects are synced to
# bucketB in zoneB but not to bucketA
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesA)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesB)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesA, content)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesB, content)
Method (b): configure at bucket level
# reconfigure pipe & flow
for source_bucket in source_buckets:
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe-%s" % source_bucket)
remove_sync_group_flow_directional(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow", zoneA.name, zoneB.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zones, zones)
# change state to allowed
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "allowed")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
objnamesC = [ 'obj5', 'obj6' ]
objnamesD = [ 'obj7', 'obj8' ]
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
source_buckets = [ bucketA.name, bucketB.name ]
for source_bucket in source_buckets:
args = ['--source-bucket=' + source_bucket, '--dest-bucket=' + '*']
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe-%s" % source_bucket, zoneA.name, zoneB.name, bucketA.name, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
# create objects in bucketA
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesC, content)
create_objects(zcA, bucketB, objnamesD, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that both zoneA bucketA & bucketB objects are synced to
# bucketA in zoneB but not to bucketB
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesC)
check_objects_not_exist(bucket, objnamesD)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesD, content)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesD, content)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
def test_sync_single_bucket_to_multiple():
directional flow
(a) pipe: sync zoneA bucketA to zoneB bucketA & bucketB
(b) configure another policy at bucketA level with pipe configured
to sync to multiple buckets (bucketA & bucketB)
verify zoneA bucketA syncs to zoneB bucketA & bucketB
zonegroup = realm.master_zonegroup()
zonegroup_conns = ZonegroupConns(zonegroup)
(zoneA, zoneB) = zonegroup.zones[0:2]
(zcA, zcB) = zonegroup_conns.zones[0:2]
zones = zoneA.name + ',' + zoneB.name
c1 = zoneA.cluster
c1.admin(['sync', 'policy', 'get'])
objnamesA = [ 'obj1', 'obj2' ]
content = 'asdasd'
buckets = []
# create bucketA & bucketB in zoneA
bucketA = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
bucketB = create_zone_bucket(zcA)
# configure pipe from zoneA bucketA to zoneB bucketA, bucketB
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-group", "sync-flow1", zones)
dest_buckets = [ bucketA.name, bucketB.name ]
for dest_bucket in dest_buckets:
args = ['--source-bucket=' + bucketA.name, '--dest-bucket=' + dest_bucket]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe-%s" % dest_bucket, zoneA.name, zoneB.name, None, args)
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", zoneA.name, zoneB.name, None, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "enabled")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
# create objects in bucketA
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesA, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that objects from zoneA bucketA are synced to both
# bucketA & bucketB in zoneB
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesA, content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesA, content)
Method (b): configure at bucket level
remove_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe")
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-group", "sync-pipe", '*', '*')
# change state to allowed
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-group", "allowed")
zonegroup.period.update(zoneA, commit=True)
objnamesB = [ 'obj3', 'obj4' ]
# configure sync policy for only bucketA and enable it
create_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", "allowed", bucketA.name)
create_sync_group_flow_symmetrical(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-flowA", zones, bucketA.name)
dest_buckets = [ bucketA.name, bucketB.name ]
for dest_bucket in dest_buckets:
args = ['--source-bucket=' + '*', '--dest-bucket=' + dest_bucket]
create_sync_group_pipe(c1, "sync-bucket", "sync-pipe-%s" % dest_bucket, zoneA.name, zoneB.name, bucketA.name, args)
set_sync_policy_group_status(c1, "sync-bucket", "enabled", bucketA.name)
# create objects in bucketA
create_objects(zcA, bucketA, objnamesB, content)
zone_data_checkpoint(zoneB, zoneA)
# verify that objects from zoneA bucketA are synced to both
# bucketA & bucketB in zoneB
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketA.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesB, content)
bucket = get_bucket(zcB, bucketB.name)
check_objects_exist(bucket, objnamesB, content)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-bucket", bucketA.name)
remove_sync_policy_group(c1, "sync-group")