mirror of
synced 2025-01-15 23:43:06 +00:00
qa: add more ephemeral pin tests
Signed-off-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
- Replacing daemon mds
- cephfs_test_runner:
fail_on_skip: false
@ -288,13 +288,22 @@ class CephFSTestCase(CephTestCase):
log.info("No core_pattern directory set, nothing to clear (internal.coredump not enabled?)")
def _get_subtrees(self, status=None, rank=None):
def _get_subtrees(self, status=None, rank=None, path=None):
if path is None:
path = "/"
with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=1, tries=3) as proceed:
while proceed():
subtrees = self.fs.rank_asok(["get", "subtrees"], status=status, rank=rank)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
if rank == "all":
subtrees = []
for r in self.fs.get_ranks(status=status):
s = self.fs.rank_asok(["get", "subtrees"], status=status, rank=r['rank'])
s = filter(lambda s: s['auth_first'] == r['rank'] and s['auth_second'] == -2, s)
subtrees += s
subtrees = self.fs.rank_asok(["get", "subtrees"], status=status, rank=rank)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith(path), subtrees)
return list(subtrees)
except CommandFailedError as e:
# Sometimes we get transient errors
@ -305,12 +314,12 @@ class CephFSTestCase(CephTestCase):
except contextutil.MaxWhileTries as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"could not get subtree state from rank {rank}") from e
def _wait_subtrees(self, test, status=None, rank=None, timeout=30, sleep=2, action=None):
def _wait_subtrees(self, test, status=None, rank=None, timeout=30, sleep=2, action=None, path=None):
test = sorted(test)
with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=sleep, tries=timeout//sleep) as proceed:
while proceed():
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=status, rank=rank)
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=status, rank=rank, path=path)
filtered = sorted([(s['dir']['path'], s['auth_first']) for s in subtrees])
log.info("%s =?= %s", filtered, test)
if filtered == test:
@ -332,42 +341,26 @@ class CephFSTestCase(CephTestCase):
if out_json['status'] == "no active scrubs running":
def _wait_distributed_subtrees(self, status, rank, count):
timeout = 30
pause = 2
for i in range(timeout//pause):
subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=status.get_rank(self.fs.id, rank)['name'])
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
subtrees = list(filter(lambda s: s['distributed_ephemeral_pin'] == 1, subtrees))
if (len(subtrees) == count):
return subtrees
raise RuntimeError("rank {0} failed to reach desired subtree state".format(rank))
def _wait_distributed_subtrees(self, count, status=None, rank=None, path=None):
with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=5, tries=20) as proceed:
while proceed():
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=status, rank=rank, path=path)
subtrees = list(filter(lambda s: s['distributed_ephemeral_pin'] == True, subtrees))
log.info(f"len={len(subtrees)} {subtrees}")
if len(subtrees) >= count:
return subtrees
except contextutil.MaxWhileTries as e:
raise RuntimeError("rank {0} failed to reach desired subtree state".format(rank)) from e
def get_auth_subtrees(self, status, rank):
subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=status.get_rank(self.fs.id, rank)['name'])
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['auth_first'] == rank, subtrees)
return list(subtrees)
def get_ephemerally_pinned_auth_subtrees(self, status, rank):
subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=status.get_rank(self.fs.id, rank)['name'])
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: (s['distributed_ephemeral_pin'] == 1 or s['random_ephemeral_pin'] == 1) and (s['auth_first'] == rank), subtrees)
return list(subtrees)
def get_distributed_auth_subtrees(self, status, rank):
subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=status.get_rank(self.fs.id, rank)['name'])
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: (s['distributed_ephemeral_pin'] == 1) and (s['auth_first'] == rank), subtrees)
return list(subtrees)
def get_random_auth_subtrees(self, status, rank):
subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=status.get_rank(self.fs.id, rank)['name'])
subtrees = filter(lambda s: s['dir']['path'].startswith('/'), subtrees)
subtrees = filter(lambda s: (s['random_ephemeral_pin'] == 1) and (s['auth_first'] == rank), subtrees)
return list(subtrees)
def _wait_random_subtrees(self, count, status=None, rank=None, path=None):
with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=5, tries=20) as proceed:
while proceed():
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=status, rank=rank, path=path)
subtrees = list(filter(lambda s: s['random_ephemeral_pin'] == True, subtrees))
log.info(f"len={len(subtrees)} {subtrees}")
if len(subtrees) >= count:
return subtrees
except contextutil.MaxWhileTries as e:
raise RuntimeError("rank {0} failed to reach desired subtree state".format(rank)) from e
@ -1021,8 +1021,18 @@ class Filesystem(MDSCluster):
def ranks_tell(self, command, status=None):
if status is None:
status = self.status()
out = []
for r in status.get_ranks(self.id):
self.rank_tell(command, rank=r['rank'], status=status)
result = self.rank_tell(command, rank=r['rank'], status=status)
out.append((r['rank'], result))
return sorted(out)
def ranks_perf(self, f, status=None):
perf = self.ranks_tell(["perf", "dump"], status=status)
out = []
for rank, perf in perf:
out.append((rank, f(perf)))
return out
def read_cache(self, path, depth=None):
cmd = ["dump", "tree", path]
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import logging
import random
import time
import unittest
from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount
from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase
from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError, Raw
@ -144,9 +146,9 @@ class TestExports(CephFSTestCase):
status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
self.mount_a.run_shell(f"mkdir -p foo")
self.mount_a.run_shell_payload(f"mkdir -p foo")
self.mount_a.setfattr(f"foo", "ceph.dir.pin", "0")
self.mount_a.run_shell(["bash", "-c", Raw(f"'mkdir -p foo/bar/baz && setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 1 foo/bar'")])
self.mount_a.run_shell_payload(f"mkdir -p foo/bar/baz && setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 1 foo/bar")
self._wait_subtrees([('/foo/bar', 1), ('/foo', 0)], status=status)
self.mount_a.umount_wait() # release all caps
def _drop():
@ -191,199 +193,358 @@ class TestExports(CephFSTestCase):
new_rank1 = self.fs.get_rank(rank=1)
self.assertEqual(rank1['gid'], new_rank1['gid'])
def test_ephememeral_pin_distribution(self):
class TestEphemeralPins(CephFSTestCase):
# Check if the subtree distribution under ephemeral distributed pin is fairly uniform
def setUp(self):
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_random', True)
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_distributed', True)
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_random_max', 1.0)
set -e
# Use up a random number of inode numbers so the ephemeral pinning is not the same every test.
mkdir .inode_number_thrash
count=$((RANDOM % 1024))
for ((i = 0; i < count; i++)); do touch .inode_number_thrash/$i; done
rm -rf .inode_number_thrash
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
status = self.fs.status()
def _setup_tree(self, path="tree", export=-1, distributed=False, random=0.0, count=100, wait=True):
return self.mount_a.run_shell_payload(f"""
set -e
mkdir -p {path}
{f"setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v {export} {path}" if export >= 0 else ""}
{f"setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin.distributed -v 1 {path}" if distributed else ""}
{f"setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin.random -v {random} {path}" if random > 0.0 else ""}
for ((i = 0; i < {count}; i++)); do
mkdir -p "{path}/$i"
echo file > "{path}/$i/file"
""", wait=wait)
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", "a"])
self._wait_subtrees(status, 0, [])
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_override(self):
That an ephemeral distributed pin overrides a normal export pin.
for i in range(0,100):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", "a/" + str(i) + "/d"])
self._wait_subtrees(status, 0, [])
subtrees = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
for s in subtrees:
path = s['dir']['path']
if path == '/tree':
self.assertEqual(s['export_pin'], 0)
self.assertEqual(s['auth_first'], 0)
elif path.startswith('/tree/'):
self.assertEqual(s['export_pin'], -1)
self.mount_b.setfattr(["a", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_override_pin(self):
That an export pin overrides an ephemerally pinned directory.
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 100])
self._setup_tree(distributed=True, export=0)
subtrees = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all", path="/tree/")
which = None
for s in subtrees:
if s['auth_first'] == 1:
path = s['dir']['path']
self.mount_a.setfattr(path[1:], "ceph.dir.pin", "0")
which = path
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=self.status, rank=0)
for s in subtrees:
path = s['dir']['path']
if path == which:
self.assertEqual(s['auth_first'], 0)
# it has been merged into /tree
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_off(self):
That turning off ephemeral distributed pin merges subtrees.
self._setup_tree(distributed=True, export=0)
self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
self.mount_a.setfattr("tree", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "0")
self._wait_subtrees([('/tree', 0)], status=self.status)
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_conf_off(self):
That turning off ephemeral distributed pin config prevents distribution.
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_distributed', False)
self.mount_a.setfattr("tree", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1")
self._wait_subtrees([('/tree', 0)], status=self.status)
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_conf_off_merge(self):
That turning off ephemeral distributed pin config merges subtrees.
self._setup_tree(distributed=True, export=0)
self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status)
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_distributed', False)
self._wait_subtrees([('/tree', 0)], timeout=60, status=self.status)
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_override_before(self):
That a conventional export pin overrides the distributed policy _before_ distributed policy is set.
count = 10
test = []
for i in range(count):
path = f"tree/{i}"
self.mount_a.setfattr(path, "ceph.dir.pin", "1")
test.append(("/"+path, 1))
self.mount_a.setfattr("tree", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1")
time.sleep(10) # for something to not happen...
self._wait_subtrees(test, timeout=60, status=self.status, rank="all", path="/tree/")
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_override_after(self):
That a conventional export pin overrides the distributed policy _after_ distributed policy is set.
self._setup_tree(count=10, distributed=True)
subtrees = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(10, status=self.status, rank="all")
victim = None
test = []
for s in subtrees:
path = s['dir']['path']
auth = s['auth_first']
if auth in (0, 2) and victim is None:
victim = path
self.mount_a.setfattr(victim[1:], "ceph.dir.pin", "1")
test.append((victim, 1))
test.append((path, auth))
self._wait_subtrees(test, status=self.status, rank="all", path="/tree/")
def test_ephemeral_pin_dist_failover(self):
That MDS failover does not cause unnecessary migrations.
# pin /tree so it does not export during failover
self._setup_tree(distributed=True, export=0)
subtrees = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
test = [(s['dir']['path'], s['auth_first']) for s in subtrees]
before = self.fs.ranks_perf(lambda p: p['mds']['exported'])
log.info(f"export stats: {before}")
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
time.sleep(10) # waiting for something to not happen
after = self.fs.ranks_perf(lambda p: p['mds']['exported'])
log.info(f"export stats: {after}")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
def test_ephemeral_pin_distribution(self):
That ephemerally pinned subtrees are somewhat evenly distributed.
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
count = 1000
self._setup_tree(count=count, distributed=True)
subtrees = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(count, status=self.status, rank="all")
nsubtrees = len(subtrees)
# Check if distribution is uniform
rank0_distributed_subtree_ratio = len(self.get_distributed_auth_subtrees(status, 0))/len(self.get_auth_subtrees(status, 0))
self.assertGreaterEqual(rank0_distributed_subtree_ratio, 0.2)
rank1_distributed_subtree_ratio = len(self.get_distributed_auth_subtrees(status, 1))/len(self.get_auth_subtrees(status, 1))
self.assertGreaterEqual(rank1_distributed_subtree_ratio, 0.2)
rank2_distributed_subtree_ratio = len(self.get_distributed_auth_subtrees(status, 2))/len(self.get_auth_subtrees(status, 2))
self.assertGreaterEqual(rank2_distributed_subtree_ratio, 0.2)
rank0 = list(filter(lambda x: x['auth_first'] == 0, subtrees))
rank1 = list(filter(lambda x: x['auth_first'] == 1, subtrees))
rank2 = list(filter(lambda x: x['auth_first'] == 2, subtrees))
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(rank0)/nsubtrees, 0.2)
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(rank1)/nsubtrees, 0.2)
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(rank2)/nsubtrees, 0.2)
def test_ephemeral_random(self):
# Check if export ephemeral random is applied hierarchically
That 100% randomness causes all children to be pinned.
self._wait_random_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
status = self.fs.status()
def test_ephemeral_random_max(self):
That the config mds_export_ephemeral_random_max is not exceeded.
tmp_dir = ""
for i in range(0, 100):
tmp_dir = tmp_dir + str(i) + "/"
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", tmp_dir])
self.mount_b.setfattr([temp_dir, "ceph.dir.pin.random", "1"])
r = 0.5
count = 1000
self._setup_tree(count=count, random=r)
subtrees = self._wait_random_subtrees(int(r*count*.75), status=self.status, rank="all")
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_random_max', 0.01)
self._setup_tree(path="tree/new", count=count)
time.sleep(30) # for something not to happen...
subtrees = self._get_subtrees(status=self.status, rank="all", path="tree/new/")
self.assertLessEqual(len(subtrees), int(.01*count*1.25))
count = len(get_random_auth_subtrees(status,0))
self.assertEqual(count, 100)
def test_ephemeral_random_max_config(self):
That the config mds_export_ephemeral_random_max config rejects new OOB policies.
self.config_set('mds', 'mds_export_ephemeral_random_max', 0.01)
p = self._setup_tree(count=1, random=0.02, wait=False)
except CommandFailedError as e:
self.assertIn("Invalid", p.stderr.getvalue())
raise RuntimeError("mds_export_ephemeral_random_max ignored!")
def test_ephemeral_random_dist(self):
That ephemeral random and distributed can coexist with each other.
self._setup_tree(random=1.0, distributed=True, export=0)
self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status)
self._wait_random_subtrees(100, status=self.status)
def test_ephemeral_random_pin_override_before(self):
That a conventional export pin overrides the random policy before creating new directories.
self._setup_tree(count=0, random=1.0)
self._setup_tree(path="tree/pin", count=10, export=1)
self._wait_subtrees([("/tree/pin", 1)], status=self.status, rank=1, path="/tree/pin")
def test_ephemeral_random_pin_override_after(self):
That a conventional export pin overrides the random policy after creating new directories.
count = 10
self._setup_tree(count=0, random=1.0)
self._setup_tree(path="tree/pin", count=count)
self._wait_random_subtrees(count+1, status=self.status, rank="all")
self.mount_a.setfattr(f"tree/pin", "ceph.dir.pin", "1")
self._wait_subtrees([("/tree/pin", 1)], status=self.status, rank=1, path="/tree/pin")
def test_ephemeral_randomness(self):
That the randomness is reasonable.
r = random.uniform(0.25, 0.75) # ratios don't work for small r!
count = 1000
self._setup_tree(count=count, random=r)
subtrees = self._wait_random_subtrees(int(r*count*.50), status=self.status, rank="all")
time.sleep(30) # for max to not be exceeded
subtrees = self._wait_random_subtrees(int(r*count*.50), status=self.status, rank="all")
self.assertLessEqual(len(subtrees), int(r*count*1.50))
def test_ephemeral_random_cache_drop(self):
That the random ephemeral pin does not prevent empty (nothing in cache) subtree merging.
count = 100
self._setup_tree(count=count, random=1.0)
subtrees = self._wait_random_subtrees(count, status=self.status, rank="all")
self.mount_a.umount_wait() # release all caps
def _drop():
self.fs.ranks_tell(["cache", "drop"], status=self.status)
self._wait_subtrees([], status=self.status, action=_drop)
def test_ephemeral_random_failover(self):
That the random ephemeral pins stay pinned across MDS failover.
count = 100
r = 0.5
self._setup_tree(count=count, random=r, export=0)
# wait for all random subtrees to be created, not a specific count
subtrees = self._wait_random_subtrees(1, status=self.status, rank=1)
test = [(s['dir']['path'], s['auth_first']) for s in subtrees]
before = self.fs.ranks_perf(lambda p: p['mds']['exported'])
log.info(f"export stats: {before}")
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
time.sleep(30) # waiting for something to not happen
self._wait_subtrees(test, status=self.status, rank=1)
after = self.fs.ranks_perf(lambda p: p['mds']['exported'])
log.info(f"export stats: {after}")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
def test_ephemeral_pin_grow_mds(self):
# Increase the no of MDSs and verify that the no of subtrees that migrate are less than 1/3 of the total no of subtrees that are ephemerally pinned
That consistent hashing works to reduce the number of migrations.
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
subtrees_old = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
status = self.fs.status()
for i in range(0,100):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", "a/" + str(i) + "/d"])
self._wait_subtrees(status, 0, [])
self.mount_b.setfattr(["a", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 100])
subtrees_old = dict(get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 1).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 2).items())
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
# Sleeping for a while to allow the ephemeral pin migrations to complete
subtrees_new = dict(get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 1).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 2).items())
subtrees_new = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
count = 0
for old_subtree in subtrees_old:
for new_subtree in subtrees_new:
if (old_subtree['dir']['path'] == new_subtree['dir']['path']) and (old_subtree['auth_first'] != new_subtree['auth_first']):
count = count + 1
assertLessEqual((count/subtrees_old), 0.33)
log.info("{0} migrations have occured due to the cluster resizing".format(count))
# ~50% of subtrees from the two rank will migrate to another rank
self.assertLessEqual((count/len(subtrees_old)), (0.5)*1.25) # with 25% overbudget
def test_ephemeral_pin_shrink_mds(self):
# Shrink the no of MDSs
That consistent hashing works to reduce the number of migrations.
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
status = self.fs.status()
subtrees_old = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
for i in range(0,100):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", "a/" + str(i) + "/d"])
self._wait_subtrees(status, 0, [])
self.mount_b.setfattr(["a", "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 100])
subtrees_old = dict(get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 1).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 2).items())
self.status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
subtrees_new = dict(get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 1).items() + get_ephemrally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 2).items())
subtrees_new = self._wait_distributed_subtrees(100, status=self.status, rank="all")
count = 0
for old_subtree in subtrees_old:
for new_subtree in subtrees_new:
if (old_subtree['dir']['path'] == new_subtree['dir']['path']) and (old_subtree['auth_first'] != new_subtree['auth_first']):
count = count + 1
assertLessEqual((count/subtrees_old), 0.33)
def test_ephemeral_pin_unset_config(self):
# Check if unsetting the distributed pin config results in every distributed pin being unset
status = self.fs.status()
for i in range(0, 10):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", i +"/dummy_dir"])
self.mount_b.setfattr([i, "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 10])
self.fs.mds_asok(["config", "set", "mds_export_ephemeral_distributed_config", "false"])
# Sleep for a while to facilitate unsetting of the pins
for i in range(0, 10):
self.assertTrue(self.mount_a.getfattr(i, "ceph.dir.pin.distributed") == "0")
def test_ephemeral_distributed_pin_unset(self):
# Test if unsetting the distributed ephemeral pin on a parent directory then the children directory should not be ephemerally pinned anymore
status = self.fs.status()
for i in range(0, 10):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", i +"/a/b"])
self.mount_b.setfattr([i, "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 10])
for i in range(0, 10):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", i +"/a/b"])
self.mount_b.setfattr([i, "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "0"])
subtree_count = len(get_distributed_auth_subtrees(status, 0))
assertEqual(subtree_count, 0)
def test_ephemeral_standby(self):
# Test if the distribution is unaltered when a Standby MDS takes up a failed rank
# Need all my standbys up as well as the active daemons
status = self.fs.status()
for i in range(0, 10):
self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "-p", i +"/a/b"])
self.mount_b.setfattr([i, "ceph.dir.pin.distributed", "1"])
self._wait_distributed_subtrees([status, 0, 10])
original_subtrees = get_ephemerally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0)
# Flush the journal for rank 0
self.fs.rank_asok(["flush", "journal"], rank=0, status=status)
(original_active, ) = self.fs.get_active_names()
original_standbys = self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons()
# Kill the rank 0 daemon's physical process
grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon"))
# Wait until the monitor promotes his replacement
def promoted():
active = self.fs.get_active_names()
return active and active[0] in original_standbys
log.info("Waiting for promotion of one of the original standbys {0}".format(
self.fs.wait_for_state('up:active', rank=0, timeout=MDS_RESTART_GRACE)
new_subtrees = get_ephemerally_pinned_auth_subtrees(status, 0)
assertEqual(original_subtrees, new_subtrees)
log.info("{0} migrations have occured due to the cluster resizing".format(count))
# rebalancing from 3 -> 2 may cause half of rank 0/1 to move and all of rank 2
self.assertLessEqual((count/len(subtrees_old)), (1.0/3.0/2.0 + 1.0/3.0/2.0 + 1.0/3.0)*1.25) # aka .66 with 25% overbudget
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