From aa01f440222e1c7e249836855b5aeccd7fdd091e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Spray <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:33:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] qa: enable cluster creation in vstart_runner

Convenient when you want to create a fresh cluster
each test run: just pass --create and you'll get
a cluster with the right number of daemons for
the tests you're running.

Signed-off-by: John Spray <>
 qa/tasks/ | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qa/tasks/ b/qa/tasks/
index 05ff7d9c325..2e8f2de2abd 100644
--- a/qa/tasks/
+++ b/qa/tasks/
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ vstart_runner: override Filesystem and Mount interfaces to run a CephFSTestCase
 ceph instance instead of a packaged/installed cluster.  Use this to turn around test cases
 quickly during development.
-Usage (assuming teuthology, ceph, ceph-qa-suite checked out in ~/git):
+Simple usage (assuming teuthology, ceph, ceph-qa-suite checked out in ~/git):
     # Activate the teuthology virtualenv
     source ~/git/teuthology/virtualenv/bin/activate
     # Go into your ceph build directory
     cd ~/git/ceph/build
-    # Start a vstart cluster
-    MDS=2 MON=1 OSD=3 ../src/ -n
-    # Invoke a test using this script, with PYTHONPATH set appropriately
-    python ~/git/ceph-qa-suite/tasks/
+    # Invoke a test using this script
+    python ~/git/ceph-qa-suite/tasks/ --create tasks.cephfs.test_data_scan
+Alternative usage:
     # Alternatively, if you use different paths, specify them as follows:
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib PYTHONPATH=~/git/teuthology:~/git/ceph-qa-suite:`pwd`/../src/pybind:`pwd`/lib/cython_modules/lib.2 python ~/git/ceph-qa-suite/tasks/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import time
 import json
 import sys
 import errno
-from unittest import suite
+from unittest import suite, loader
 import unittest
 import platform
 from import Raw, quote
@@ -127,9 +127,11 @@ import subprocess
 if os.path.exists("./CMakeCache.txt"):
     # Running in build dir of a cmake build
     BIN_PREFIX = "./bin/"
+    SRC_PREFIX = "../src"
     # Running in src/ of an autotools build
     BIN_PREFIX = "./"
+    SRC_PREFIX = "./"
 class LocalRemoteProcess(object):
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ class LocalRemote(object):
     def run(self, args, check_status=True, wait=True,
             stdout=None, stderr=None, cwd=None, stdin=None,
-            logger=None, label=None):
+            logger=None, label=None, env=None):"run args={0}".format(args))
         # We don't need no stinkin' sudo
@@ -274,7 +276,8 @@ class LocalRemote(object):
-                                       cwd=cwd)
+                                       cwd=cwd,
+                                       env=env)
         if stdin:
             if not isinstance(stdin, basestring):
@@ -525,6 +528,8 @@ class LocalCephManager(CephManager):
         # certain teuthology tests want to run tasks in parallel
         self.lock = threading.RLock()
+        self.log = lambda x:
     def find_remote(self, daemon_type, daemon_id):
         daemon_type like 'mds', 'osd'
@@ -775,7 +780,97 @@ class InteractiveFailureResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
         interactive.task(ctx=None, config=None)
+def enumerate_methods(s):
+"e: {0}".format(s))
+    for t in s._tests:
+        if isinstance(t, suite.BaseTestSuite):
+            for sub in enumerate_methods(t):
+                yield sub
+        else:
+            yield s, t
+def load_tests(modules, loader):
+    if modules:
+"Executing modules: {0}".format(modules))
+        module_suites = []
+        for mod_name in modules:
+            # Test names like cephfs.test_auto_repair
+            module_suites.append(loader.loadTestsFromName(mod_name))
+"Loaded: {0}".format(list(module_suites)))
+        return suite.TestSuite(module_suites)
+    else:
+"Executing all cephfs tests")
+        return
+            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "cephfs")
+        )
+def scan_tests(modules):
+    overall_suite = load_tests(modules, loader.TestLoader())
+    max_required_mds = 0
+    max_required_clients = 0
+    for suite, case in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
+        max_required_mds = max(max_required_mds,
+                               getattr(case, "MDSS_REQUIRED", 0))
+        max_required_clients = max(max_required_clients,
+                               getattr(case, "CLIENTS_REQUIRED", 0))
+    return max_required_mds, max_required_clients
+class LocalCluster(object):
+    def __init__(self, rolename="placeholder"):
+        self.remotes = {
+            LocalRemote(): [rolename]
+        }
+    def only(self, requested):
+        return self.__class__(rolename=requested)
+class LocalContext(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.config = {}
+        self.teuthology_config = teuth_config
+        self.cluster = LocalCluster()
+        self.daemons = DaemonGroup()
+        # Shove some LocalDaemons into the ctx.daemons DaemonGroup instance so that any
+        # tests that want to look these up via ctx can do so.
+        # Inspect ceph.conf to see what roles exist
+        for conf_line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
+            for svc_type in ["mon", "osd", "mds", "mgr"]:
+                if svc_type not in self.daemons.daemons:
+                    self.daemons.daemons[svc_type] = {}
+                match = re.match("^\[{0}\.(.+)\]$".format(svc_type), conf_line)
+                if match:
+                    svc_id =
+                    self.daemons.daemons[svc_type][svc_id] = LocalDaemon(svc_type, svc_id)
+    def __del__(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.teuthology_config['test_path'])
 def exec_test():
+    # Parse arguments
+    interactive_on_error = False
+    create_cluster = False
+    args = sys.argv[1:]
+    flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
+    modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
+    for f in flags:
+        if f == "--interactive":
+            interactive_on_error = True
+        elif f == "--create":
+            create_cluster = True
+        else:
+            log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))
+            sys.exit(-1)
     # Help developers by stopping up-front if their tree isn't built enough for all the
     # tools that the tests might want to use (add more here if needed)
     require_binaries = ["ceph-dencoder", "cephfs-journal-tool", "cephfs-data-scan",
@@ -785,10 +880,7 @@ def exec_test():
         log.error("Some ceph binaries missing, please build them: {0}".format(" ".join(missing_binaries)))
-    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    # Create as many of these as the biggest test requires
-    clients = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
+    max_required_mds, max_required_clients = scan_tests(modules)
     remote = LocalRemote()
@@ -797,48 +889,39 @@ def exec_test():
         args=["ps", "-u"+str(os.getuid())]
     lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]
     for line in lines:
         if 'ceph-fuse' in line or 'ceph-mds' in line:
             pid = int(line.split()[0])
             log.warn("Killing stray process {0}".format(line))
             os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
-    class LocalCluster(object):
-        def __init__(self, rolename="placeholder"):
-            self.remotes = {
-                remote: [rolename]
-            }
+    # Fire up the Ceph cluster if the user requested it
+    if create_cluster:
+"Creating cluster with {0} MDS daemons".format(
+            max_required_mds))
+[os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, "")], check_status=False)
+["rm", "-rf", "./out"])
+["rm", "-rf", "./dev"])
+        vstart_env = os.environ.copy()
+        vstart_env["FS"] = "0"
+        vstart_env["MDS"] = max_required_mds.__str__()
+        vstart_env["OSD"] = "1"
+        vstart_env["MGR"] = "1"
-        def only(self, requested):
-            return self.__class__(rolename=requested)
+[os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, ""), "-n", "-d", "--nolockdep"],
+                   env=vstart_env)
+        # Wait for OSD to come up so that subsequent injectargs etc will
+        # definitely succeed
+        LocalCephCluster(LocalContext()).mon_manager.wait_for_all_up(timeout=30)
+    # List of client mounts, sufficient to run the selected tests
+    clients = [i.__str__() for i in range(0, max_required_clients)]
+    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     teuth_config['test_path'] = test_dir
-    class LocalContext(object):
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.config = {}
-            self.teuthology_config = teuth_config
-            self.cluster = LocalCluster()
-            self.daemons = DaemonGroup()
-            # Shove some LocalDaemons into the ctx.daemons DaemonGroup instance so that any
-            # tests that want to look these up via ctx can do so.
-            # Inspect ceph.conf to see what roles exist
-            for conf_line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
-                for svc_type in ["mon", "osd", "mds", "mgr"]:
-                    if svc_type not in self.daemons.daemons:
-                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type] = {}
-                    match = re.match("^\[{0}\.(.+)\]$".format(svc_type), conf_line)
-                    if match:
-                        svc_id =
-                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type][svc_id] = LocalDaemon(svc_type, svc_id)
-        def __del__(self):
-            shutil.rmtree(self.teuthology_config['test_path'])
-    ctx = LocalContext()
+    # Construct Mount classes
     mounts = []
     for client_id in clients:
         # Populate client keyring (it sucks to use client.admin for test clients
@@ -861,6 +944,8 @@ def exec_test():
             if os.path.exists(mount.mountpoint):
+    ctx = LocalContext()
     ceph_cluster = LocalCephCluster(ctx)
     mds_cluster = LocalMDSCluster(ctx)
     mgr_cluster = LocalMgrCluster(ctx)
@@ -915,39 +1000,7 @@ def exec_test():
     import teuthology.packaging
     teuthology.packaging.get_package_version = _get_package_version
-    def enumerate_methods(s):
-        for t in s._tests:
-            if isinstance(t, suite.BaseTestSuite):
-                for sub in enumerate_methods(t):
-                    yield sub
-            else:
-                yield s, t
-    interactive_on_error = False
-    args = sys.argv[1:]
-    flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
-    modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
-    for f in flags:
-        if f == "--interactive":
-            interactive_on_error = True
-        else:
-            log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))
-            sys.exit(-1)
-    if modules:
-"Executing modules: {0}".format(modules))
-        module_suites = []
-        for mod_name in modules:
-            # Test names like cephfs.test_auto_repair
-            module_suites.append(decorating_loader.loadTestsFromName(mod_name))
-"Loaded: {0}".format(list(module_suites)))
-        overall_suite = suite.TestSuite(module_suites)
-    else:
-"Executing all cephfs tests")
-        overall_suite =
-            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "cephfs")
-        )
+    overall_suite = load_tests(modules, decorating_loader)
     # Filter out tests that don't lend themselves to interactive running,
     victims = []