examples: add elasticsearch and prometheus examples

Add examples on how to use lua scripting to push request fields from the RGW to Elasticsearch and Prometheus.

Signed-off-by: Zulai Wang <zl31wang@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Zulai Wang 2021-08-18 13:51:46 +08:00
parent 53065cad3f
commit 9b8a75a19b
6 changed files with 274 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
scrape_interval: 2s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.
# Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with
# external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).
monitor: 'codelab-monitor'
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'rgw'
# Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
scrape_interval: 1s
- targets: ['']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
local elasticsearch = require ("elasticsearch")
local json = require ("lunajson")
local client = elasticsearch.client{
hosts = {
host = "localhost",
port = "9200"
local copyfrom = {}
if (Request.CopyFrom ~= nil) then
copyfrom = {
Tenant = Request.CopyFrom.Tenant,
Bucket = Request.CopyFrom.Bucket,
Object = {
Name = Request.CopyFrom.Object.Name,
Instance = Request.CopyFrom.Object.Instance,
Id = Request.CopyFrom.Object.Id,
Size = Request.CopyFrom.Object.Size,
MTime = Request.CopyFrom.Object.MTime
local res, status = client:index{
index = "rgw",
type = "Request",
id = Request.Id,
body =
RGWOp = Request.RGWOp,
DecodedURI = Request.DecodedURI,
ContentLength = Request.ContentLength,
GenericAttributes = json.encode(Request.GenericAttributes),
Response = {
HTTPStatusCode = Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode,
HTTPStatus = Request.Response.HTTPStatus,
RGWCode = Request.Response.RGWCode,
Message = Request.Response.Message
SwiftAccountName = Request.SwiftAccountName,
Bucket = {
Tenant = Request.Bucket.Tenant,
Name = Request.Bucket.Name,
Marker = Request.Bucket.Marker,
Id = Request.Bucket.Id,
Count = Request.Bucket.Count,
Size = Request.Bucket.Size,
ZoneGroupId = Request.Bucket.ZoneGroupId,
CreationTime = Request.Bucket.CreationTime,
MTime = Request.Bucket.MTime,
Quota = {
MaxSize = Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxSize,
MaxObjects = Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxObjects,
Enabled = Request.Bucket.Quota.Enabled,
Rounded = Request.Bucket.Quota.Rounded
PlacementRule = {
Name = Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.Name,
StorageClass = Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.StorageClass
User = {
Tenant = Request.Bucket.User.Tenant,
Id = Request.Bucket.User.Id
Object = {
Name = Request.Object.Name,
Instance = Request.Object.Instance,
Id = Request.Object.Id,
Size = Request.Object.Size,
MTime = Request.Object.MTime
CopyFrom = copyfrom,
ObjectOwner = {
DisplayName = Request.ObjectOwner.DisplayName,
User = {
Tenant = Request.ObjectOwner.User.Tenant,
Id = Request.ObjectOwner.User.Id
ZoneGroup = {
Name = Request.ZoneGroup.Name,
Endpoint = Request.ZoneGroup.Endpoint
Environment = json.encode(Request.Environment),
Policy = json.encode(Request.Policy),
UserPolicies = json.encode(Request.UserPolicies),
RGWId = Request.RGWId,
HTTP = {
Parameters = json.encode(Request.HTTP.Parameters),
Resources = json.encode(Request.HTTP.Resources),
Metadata = json.encode(Request.HTTP.Metadata),
Host = Request.HTTP.Host,
Method = Request.HTTP.Method,
URI = Request.HTTP.URI,
QueryString = Request.HTTP.QueryString,
Domain = Request.HTTP.Domain
Time = Request.Time,
Dialect = Request.Dialect,
Id = Request.Id,
TransactionId = Request.TransactionId,
Tags = json.encode(Request.Tags),
User = {
Tenant = Request.User.Tenant,
Id = Request.User.Id

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Introduction
This directory contains an example `elasticsearch_adapter.lua` on how to
use [Lua Scripting](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/lua-scripting/)
to push fields of the RGW requests
to [Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/).
## Elasticsearch
Install and run Elasticsearch using docker:
docker network create elastic
docker pull elasticsearch:2.4.6
docker run --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:2.4.6
[Full documentation for Elasticsearch installation](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html)
## Usage
* Upload the script:
radosgw-admin script put --infile=elasticsearch_adapter.lua --context=postRequest
* Add the packages used in the script:
radosgw-admin script-package add --package='elasticsearch 1.0.0-1' --allow-compilation
radosgw-admin script-package add --package='lunajson' --allow-compilation
radosgw-admin script-package add --package='lua-cjson 2.1.0-1' --allow-compilation
* Restart radosgw.
* Send a request:
s3cmd --host=localhost:8000 --host-bucket="localhost:8000/%(bucket)" --access_key=0555b35654ad1656d804 --secret_key=h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q== mb s3://mybucket
s3cmd --host=localhost:8000 --host-bucket="localhost:8000/%(bucket)" --access_key=0555b35654ad1656d804 --secret_key=h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q== put -P /etc/hosts s3://mybucket
curl http://localhost:8000/mybucket/hosts
* Search by bucket id from Elasticsearch:
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/rgw/_search?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"match": {
"Bucket.Id": "05382336-b2db-409f-82dc-f28ab5fef978.4471.4471"
## Requirements
* Lua 5.3

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
local http = require("socket.http")
local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
local respbody = {}
local op = "rgw_other_request_content_length"
if (Request.RGWOp == "put_obj") then
op = "rgw_put_request_content_length"
elseif (Request.RGWOp == "get_obj") then
op = "rgw_get_request_content_length"
local field = op .. " " .. tostring(Request.ContentLength) .. "\n"
local body, code, headers, status = http.request{
url = "",
method = "POST",
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
["Content-Length"] = string.len(field)
source = ltn12.source.string(field),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Introduction
This directory contains an example `prometheus_adapter.lua` on how to
use [Lua Scripting](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/lua-scripting/)
to push metrics from the RGW requests to [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/),
specifically to collect information on object sizes.
## Prometheus
As every single run of a lua script is short-lived,
so [Pushgateway](https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway)
should be used as an intermediate service to enable Prometheus to scrape data
from RGW.
* Install and run Pushgateway using docker:
docker pull prom/pushgateway
docker run -p 9091:9091 -it prom/pushgateway
* Install and run Prometheus using docker:
docker pull prom/prometheus
docker run --network host -v ${CEPH_DIR}/examples/lua/config/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus
[Full documentation for Prometheus installation](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/installation/)
## Usage
* Upload the script:
radosgw-admin script put --infile=prometheus_adapter.lua --context=postRequest
* Add the packages used in the script:
radosgw-admin script-package add --package='luasocket' --allow-compilation
* Restart radosgw.
* Send a request:
s3cmd --host=localhost:8000 --host-bucket="localhost:8000/%(bucket)" --access_key=0555b35654ad1656d804 --secret_key=h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q== mb s3://mybucket
s3cmd --host=localhost:8000 --host-bucket="localhost:8000/%(bucket)" --access_key=0555b35654ad1656d804 --secret_key=h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q== put -P /etc/hosts s3://mybucket
curl http://localhost:8000/mybucket/hosts
* Open `http://localhost:9090` by browser and search for `rgw_request_content_length`
## Requirements
* Lua 5.3 or higher