ceph-volume: tests: add tests for lvm devices and API

Signed-off-by: Alfredo Deza <adeza@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Alfredo Deza 2017-07-14 13:26:52 -04:00
parent 352dc37924
commit 86b6589551
5 changed files with 162 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from ceph_volume.devices.lvm import api
def test(): pass

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import pytest
from ceph_volume import process, exceptions
from ceph_volume.devices.lvm import api
class TestParseTags(object):
def test_no_tags_means_empty_dict(self):
result = api.parse_tags('')
assert result == {}
def test_single_tag_gets_parsed(self):
result = api.parse_tags('ceph.osd_something=1')
assert result == {'ceph.osd_something': '1'}
def test_multiple_csv_expands_in_dict(self):
result = api.parse_tags('ceph.osd_something=1,ceph.foo=2,ceph.fsid=0000')
# assert them piecemeal to avoid the un-ordered dict nature
assert result['ceph.osd_something'] == '1'
assert result['ceph.foo'] == '2'
assert result['ceph.fsid'] == '0000'
class TestGetAPIVgs(object):
def test_report_is_emtpy(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: ('{}', '', 0))
assert api.get_api_vgs() == []
def test_report_has_stuff(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"vg":[{"vg_name":"VolGroup00"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_vgs() == [{'vg_name': 'VolGroup00'}]
def test_report_has_multiple_items(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"vg":[{"vg_name":"VolGroup00"},{"vg_name":"ceph_vg"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_vgs() == [{'vg_name': 'VolGroup00'}, {'vg_name': 'ceph_vg'}]
def test_does_not_get_poluted_with_non_vg_items(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"vg":[{"vg_name":"VolGroup00"}],"lv":[{"lv":"1"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_vgs() == [{'vg_name': 'VolGroup00'}]
class TestGetAPILvs(object):
def test_report_is_emtpy(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: ('{}', '', 0))
assert api.get_api_lvs() == []
def test_report_has_stuff(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"lv":[{"lv_name":"VolGroup00"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_lvs() == [{'lv_name': 'VolGroup00'}]
def test_report_has_multiple_items(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"lv":[{"lv_name":"VolName"},{"lv_name":"ceph_lv"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_lvs() == [{'lv_name': 'VolName'}, {'lv_name': 'ceph_lv'}]
def test_does_not_get_poluted_with_non_lv_items(self, monkeypatch):
report = '{"report":[{"lv":[{"lv_name":"VolName"}],"vg":[{"vg":"1"}]}]}'
monkeypatch.setattr(api.process, 'call', lambda x: (report, '', 0))
assert api.get_api_lvs() == [{'lv_name': 'VolName'}]
def volumes(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(process, 'call', lambda x: ('{}', '', 0))
volumes = api.Volumes()
return volumes
class TestGetLV(object):
def test_nothing_is_passed_in(self):
# so we return a None
assert api.get_lv() is None
def test_single_lv_is_matched(self, volumes, monkeypatch):
FooVolume = api.Volume(lv_name='foo', lv_path='/dev/vg/foo', lv_tags="ceph.type=data")
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'Volumes', lambda: volumes)
assert api.get_lv(lv_name='foo') == FooVolume
class TestVolumes(object):
def test_volume_get_has_no_volumes(self, volumes):
assert volumes.get() is None
def test_volume_has_multiple_matches(self, volumes):
volume1 = volume2 = api.Volume(lv_name='foo', lv_path='/dev/vg/lv', lv_tags='')
with pytest.raises(exceptions.MultipleLVsError):
def test_find_the_correct_one(self, volumes):
volume1 = api.Volume(lv_name='volume1', lv_path='/dev/vg/lv', lv_tags='')
volume2 = api.Volume(lv_name='volume2', lv_path='/dev/vg/lv', lv_tags='')
assert volumes.get(lv_name='volume1') == volume1

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import pytest
from ceph_volume.devices import lvm
class TestLVM(object):
def test_main_spits_help_with_no_arguments(self, capsys):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Use LVM and LVM-based technologies like dmcache to deploy' in stdout
def test_main_shows_activate_subcommands(self, capsys):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'activate ' in stdout
assert 'Discover and mount' in stdout
def test_main_shows_prepare_subcommands(self, capsys):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'prepare ' in stdout
assert 'Format an LVM device' in stdout
class TestPrepare(object):
def test_main_spits_help_with_no_arguments(self, capsys):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Prepare an OSD by assigning an ID and FSID' in stdout
def test_main_shows_full_help(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'required arguments:' in stdout
assert 'A logical group name or a path' in stdout
class TestActivate(object):
def test_main_spits_help_with_no_arguments(self, capsys):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Activate OSDs by discovering them with' in stdout
def test_main_shows_full_help(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'optional arguments' in stdout
assert 'positional arguments' in stdout