mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 16:25:56 +00:00
Further changes for calamari_setup.py
Made suggestions from code reviews. Added no_epel option. Merged Dan Mick's changes that add the ability to get iceballs from http URL. Remove duplicate assignment and added some log.debugs Signed-off-by: Warren Usui <warren.usui@inktank.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
Calamari setup task
import contextlib
import re
import os
import subprocess
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import shutil
import subprocess
import webbrowser
from cStringIO import StringIO
from teuthology.orchestra import run
from teuthology import contextutil
@ -14,13 +17,96 @@ from teuthology import misc
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def task(ctx, config):
Do the setup of a calamari server.
- calamari_setup:
version: 'v80.1'
ice_tool_dir: <directory>
iceball_location: <directory>
Options are:
version -- ceph version we are testing against (defaults to 80.1)
ice_tool_dir -- optional local directory where ice-tool exists or will
be loaded (defaults to src in home directory)
ice_version -- version of ICE we're testing (with default)
iceball_location -- Can be an HTTP URL, in which case fetch from this
location, using 'ice_version' and distro information
to select the right tarball. Can also be a local
path. If local path is '.', and iceball is
not already present, then we try to build
an iceball using the ice_tool_dir commands.
ice_git_location -- location of ice tool on git
start_browser -- If True, start a browser. To be used by runs that will
bring up a browser quickly for human use. Set to False
for overnight suites that are testing for problems in
the installation itself (defaults to False).
email -- email address for the user (defaults to x@y.com)
no_epel -- indicates if we should remove epel files prior to yum
installations. Defaults to True.
calamari_user -- user name to log into gui (defaults to admin)
calamari_password -- calamari user password (defaults to admin)
cal_svr = None
start_browser = config.get('start_browser', False)
no_epel = config.get('no_epel', True)
for remote_, roles in ctx.cluster.remotes.items():
if 'client.0' in roles:
cal_svr = remote_
if not cal_svr:
raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles')
with contextutil.nested(
lambda: adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, no_epel),
lambda: calamari_install(config, cal_svr),
lambda: ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr),
lambda: calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr),
lambda: browser(start_browser, cal_svr.hostname),
def adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, no_epel):
For each remote machine, fix the repos if yum is used.
ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os)
if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
if no_epel:
for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
fix_yum_repos(remote, ice_distro)
if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
if no_epel:
for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
def restore_yum_repos(remote):
Copy the old saved repo back in.
if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus:
return False
if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'mv', '/etc/yum.repos.d.old',
return False
def fix_yum_repos(remote, distro):
For yum calamari installations, the repos.d directory should only
contain a repo file named rhel<version-number>.repo
distroname, distroversion = distro.split()
if distro.startswith('centos'):
cmds = [
'sudo mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d.old'.split(),
@ -40,10 +126,8 @@ def fix_yum_repos(remote, distro):
if remote.run(args=cmd).exitstatus:
return False
map "distroversion" from Remote.os to a tuple of
(repo title, repo name descriptor, apt-mirror repo path chunk)
# map "distroversion" from Remote.os to a tuple of
# (repo title, repo name descriptor, apt-mirror repo path chunk)
yum_repo_params = {
'rhel 6.4': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'),
'rhel 6.5': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'),
@ -70,15 +154,128 @@ def fix_yum_repos(remote, distro):
return True
def restore_yum_repos(remote):
def get_iceball_with_http(urlbase, ice_version, ice_distro, destdir):
Copy iceball with http to destdir
url = '/'.join((
ver=ice_version, distro=ice_distro
# stream=True means we don't download until copyfileobj below,
# and don't need a temp file
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
log.info('saved %s as %s' % (url, filename))
def calamari_install(config, cal_svr):
Copy the old saved repo back in.
Install calamari
The steps here are:
-- Get the iceball, building it if necessary.
-- Copy the iceball to the calamari server, and untarring it.
-- Running ice-setup.py on the calamari server.
-- Running calamari-ctl initialize.
if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus:
return False
if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'mv', '/etc/yum.repos.d.old',
return False
ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os)
ice_distro = ice_distro.replace(" ", "")
client_id = str(cal_svr)
at_loc = client_id.find('@')
if at_loc > 0:
client_id = client_id[at_loc + 1:]
convert = {'ubuntu12.04': 'precise', 'ubuntu14.04': 'trusty',
'rhel7.0': 'rhel7', 'debian7': 'wheezy'}
version = config.get('version', 'v0.80.1')
email = config.get('email', 'x@x.com')
ice_tool_dir = config.get('ice_tool_dir', '%s%s%s' %
(os.environ['HOME'], os.sep, 'src'))
calamari_user = config.get('calamari_user', 'admin')
calamari_password = config.get('calamari_passwd', 'admin')
git_icetool_loc = config.get('ice_git_location',
if ice_distro in convert:
ice_distro = convert[ice_distro]
log.info('calamari server on %s' % ice_distro)
iceball_loc = config.get('iceball_location', '.')
ice_version = config.get('ice_version', ICE_VERSION_DEFAULT)
if iceball_loc.startswith('http'):
get_iceball_with_http(iceball_loc, ice_version, ice_distro, '.')
iceball_loc = '.'
elif iceball_loc == '.':
ice_tool_loc = os.path.join(ice_tool_dir, 'ice-tools')
if not os.path.isdir(ice_tool_loc):
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone',
git_icetool_loc + os.sep +
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles')
exec_ice = os.path.join(ice_tool_loc, 'iceball', 'ice_repo_tgz.py')
subprocess.check_call([exec_ice, '-b', version, '-o', ice_distro])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to create %s distro' % ice_distro)
gz_file = ''
for file_loc in os.listdir(iceball_loc):
sfield = '^ICE-.*{0}\.tar\.gz$'.format(ice_distro)
if re.search(sfield, file_loc):
if file_loc > gz_file:
gz_file = file_loc
lgz_file = os.path.join(iceball_loc, gz_file)
cal_svr.put_file(lgz_file, os.path.join('/tmp/', gz_file))
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['gunzip', run.Raw('<'), "/tmp/%s" % gz_file,
run.Raw('|'), 'tar', 'xvf', run.Raw('-')])
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('remote tar failed')
icesetdata = 'yes\n%s\nhttp\n' % client_id
ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
ice_setup_io = StringIO()
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['sudo', 'python', 'ice_setup.py'], stdin=ice_in,
# Run Calamari-ceph connect.
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('ice_setup.py failed')
icesetdata = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (calamari_user, email, calamari_password,
ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['sudo', 'calamari-ctl', 'initialize'],
stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_setup_io)
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('calamari-ctl initialize failed')
log.info('Cleaning up after Calamari installation')
def ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr):
Install ceph if ceph was not previously installed by teuthology. This
code tests the case where calamari is installed on a brand new system.
loc_inst = False
if 'install' not in [x.keys()[0] for x in ctx.config['tasks']]:
loc_inst = True
ret = deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr)
if ret:
raise RuntimeError('ceph installs failed')
if loc_inst:
if not undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
log.error('Cleanup of Ceph installed by Calamari-setup failed')
def deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
@ -150,170 +347,6 @@ def undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
return ret
def task(ctx, config):
Do the setup of a calamari server.
- calamari_setup:
version: 'v80.1'
ice-tool-dir: <directory>
iceball-location: <directory>
Options are:
version -- ceph version we are testing against (defaults to 80.1)
ice-tool-dir -- local directory where ice-tool either exists or will
be loaded (defaults to src in home directory)
iceball-location -- location of preconfigured iceball (defaults to .)
start-browser -- If True, start a browser. To be used by runs that will
bring up a browser quickly for human use. Set to False
for overnight suites that are testing for problems in
the installation itself (defaults to True).
email -- email address for the user (defaults to x@y.com)
calamari_user -- user name to log into gui (defaults to admin)
calamari_password -- calamari user password (defaults to admin)
If iceball-location is '.', then we try to build a gz file using the
ice-tool-dir commands.
cal_svr = None
start_browser = config.get('start-browser', True)
for remote_, roles in ctx.cluster.remotes.items():
if 'client.0' in roles:
cal_svr = remote_
if not cal_svr:
raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles')
with contextutil.nested(
lambda: adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr),
lambda: calamari_install(config, cal_svr),
lambda: ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr),
lambda: calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr),
lambda: browser(start_browser, cal_svr.hostname),
def adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr):
For each remote machine, fix the repos if yum is used.
ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os)
if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
fix_yum_repos(remote, ice_distro)
if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
def calamari_install(config, cal_svr):
Install calamari
The steps here are:
-- Get the iceball, building it if necessary.
-- Copy the iceball to the calamari server, and untarring it.
-- Running ice-setup.py on the calamari server.
-- Running calamari-ctl initialize.
ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os)
ice_distro = ice_distro.replace(" ", "")
client_id = str(cal_svr)
at_loc = client_id.find('@')
if at_loc > 0:
client_id = client_id[at_loc + 1:]
convert = {'ubuntu12.04': 'precise', 'ubuntu14.04': 'trusty',
'rhel7.0': 'rhel7', 'debian7': 'wheezy'}
version = config.get('version', 'v0.80.1')
ice_tool_dir = config.get('ice-tool-dir', '%s%s%s' %
(os.environ['HOME'], os.sep, 'src'))
email = config.get('email', 'x@x.com')
ice_tool_dir = config.get('ice-tool-dir', '%s%s%s' %
(os.environ['HOME'], os.sep, 'src'))
calamari_user = config.get('calamari-user', 'admin')
calamari_password = config.get('calamari-passwd', 'admin')
if ice_distro in convert:
ice_distro = convert[ice_distro]
log.info('calamari server on %s' % ice_distro)
iceball_loc = config.get('iceball-location', '.')
if iceball_loc == '.':
ice_tool_loc = os.path.join(ice_tool_dir, 'ice-tools')
if not os.path.isdir(ice_tool_loc):
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone',
'git@github.com:inktankstorage/' +
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles')
exec_ice = os.path.join(ice_tool_loc, 'iceball', 'ice_repo_tgz.py')
subprocess.check_call([exec_ice, '-b', version, '-o', ice_distro])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to create %s distro' % ice_distro)
gz_file = ''
for file_loc in os.listdir(iceball_loc):
sfield = '^ICE-.*{0}\.tar\.gz$'.format(ice_distro)
if re.search(sfield, file_loc):
if file_loc > gz_file:
gz_file = file_loc
lgz_file = os.path.join(iceball_loc, gz_file)
subprocess.check_call(['scp', lgz_file, "%s:/tmp" % client_id])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('Copy of ICE zip file failed')
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['gunzip', run.Raw('<'), "/tmp/%s" % gz_file,
run.Raw('|'), 'tar', 'xvf', run.Raw('-')])
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('remote tar failed')
icesetdata = 'yes\n%s\nhttp\n' % client_id
ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
ice_setup_io = StringIO()
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['sudo', 'python', 'ice_setup.py'], stdin=ice_in,
# Run Calamari-ceph connect.
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('ice_setup.py failed')
icesetdata = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (calamari_user, email, calamari_password,
ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
ret = cal_svr.run(args=['sudo', 'calamari-ctl', 'initialize'],
stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_setup_io)
if ret.exitstatus:
raise RuntimeError('calamari-ctl initialize failed')
log.info('Cleaning up after Calamari installation')
def ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr):
Install ceph if ceph was not previously installed by teuthology. This
code tests the case where calamari is installed on a brand new system.
loc_inst = False
if 'install' not in [x.keys()[0] for x in ctx.config['tasks']]:
loc_inst = True
ret = deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr)
if ret:
raise RuntimeError('ceph installs failed')
if loc_inst:
if not undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
log.error('Cleanup of Ceph installed by Calamari-setup failed')
def calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user