crimson/common: discard failure of finally() block

instead of assuming that the function passed to finally() returns an
erroratorized future, in this change:

* s/safe_then/then_wrapped/ to handle the exception thrown by
  the finally function.
* specialize for the case where the finally function does not return
  a future, and just call it. note, in seastar's implementation of
  finally, `finally_body` is used for specializing these two cases.
* rename "future" to "result", for better readability.

Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <>
This commit is contained in:
Kefu Chai 2020-09-19 10:32:45 +08:00
parent 7eceaf45de
commit 5fb318fd25

View File

@ -592,23 +592,26 @@ private:
return seastar::future<ValuesT...>::get0();
template <class FuncT>
auto finally(FuncT &&func) {
using func_result_t = std::invoke_result_t<FuncT>;
using func_errorator_t = get_errorator_t<func_result_t>;
using return_errorator_t = func_errorator_t;
using futurator_t =
typename return_errorator_t::template futurize<func_result_t>;
return this->then_wrapped(
[ func = std::forward<FuncT>(func)
] (auto&& future) mutable noexcept {
return futurator_t::invoke(std::forward<FuncT>(func)).safe_then(
[future = std::forward<decltype(future)>(future)]() mutable {
return std::move(future);
[func = std::forward<FuncT>(func)](auto &&result) mutable noexcept {
if constexpr (seastar::is_future<std::invoke_result_t<FuncT>>::value) {
return ::seastar::futurize_invoke(std::forward<FuncT>(func)).then_wrapped(
[result = std::move(result)](auto&& f_res) mutable {
// TODO: f_res.failed()
return std::move(result);
} else {
try {
} catch (...) {
// TODO: rethrow
return std::move(result);
// taking ErrorFuncOne and ErrorFuncTwo separately from ErrorFuncTail