diff --git a/README b/README
index ee25e7c6122..dfa1bdc0357 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Building Ceph
 To prepare the source tree after it has been git cloned,
-        $ git submodule update --init
+	$ git submodule update --init
 To build the server daemons, and FUSE client, execute the following:
@@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ Building the Documentation
-To build the documentation, you must install the following: 
+To build the documentation, you must install the following:
-- python-dev 
-- python-pip 
-- python-virualenv 
-- doxygen 
+- python-dev
+- python-pip
+- python-virualenv
+- doxygen
 - ditaa
-- libxml2-dev 
-- libxslt-dev 
-- dot 
+- libxml2-dev
+- libxslt-dev
+- dot
 - graphviz
-For example: 
+For example:
 	sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-virualenv doxygen ditaa libxml2-dev libxslt-dev dot graphviz
@@ -98,25 +98,23 @@ To build the documentation, ensure that you are in the top-level `/ceph director
 Build Prerequisites
-To build the source code, you must install the following: 
+To build the source code, you must install the following:
-- automake 
-- autoconf 
-- automake 
-- gcc 
-- g++ 
-- libboost-dev 
-- libedit-dev 
-- libssl-dev 
-- libtool 
-- libfcgi 
-- libfcgi-dev 
-- libfuse-dev 
-- linux-kernel-headers 
+- automake
+- autoconf
+- automake
+- gcc
+- g++
+- libboost-dev
+- libedit-dev
+- libssl-dev
+- libtool
+- libfcgi
+- libfcgi-dev
+- libfuse-dev
+- linux-kernel-headers
 - libcrypto++-dev
-For example: 
+For example:
 	$ apt-get install automake autoconf automake gcc g++ libboost-dev libedit-dev libssl-dev libtool libfcgi libfcgi-dev libfuse-dev linux-kernel-headers libcrypto++-dev
diff --git a/doc/api/s3.rst b/doc/api/s3.rst
index 3cb69369713..9523009231c 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ API
 - :doc:`Authentication and ACLs <s3/authentication>`
 - :doc:`Service Operations <s3/serviceops>`
 - :doc:`Bucket Operations <s3/bucketops>`
-- :doc:`Object Operations <s3/objectops>` 
+- :doc:`Object Operations <s3/objectops>`
 .. toctree::
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ API
    Service Ops <s3/serviceops>
    Bucket Ops <s3/bucketops>
    Object Ops <s3/objectops>
 Features Support
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/authentication.rst b/doc/api/s3/authentication.rst
index 5bfc74afcff..d443c0ac0eb 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/authentication.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/authentication.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Authentication and ACLs
-Requests to the RADOS Gateway (RGW) can be either authenticated or unauthenticated. 
-RGW assumes unauthenticated requests are sent by an anonymous user. RGW supports 
-canned ACLs. 
+Requests to the RADOS Gateway (RGW) can be either authenticated or unauthenticated.
+RGW assumes unauthenticated requests are sent by an anonymous user. RGW supports
+canned ACLs.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ approach. The HTTP header signing is similar to OAuth 1.0, but avoids the comple
 	Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
-In the foregoing example, replace ``{access-key}`` with the value for your access key ID followed by 
+In the foregoing example, replace ``{access-key}`` with the value for your access key ID followed by
 a colon (``:``). Replace ``{hash-of-header-and-secret}`` with a hash of the header string and the secret
 corresponding to the access key ID.
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ To generate the hash of the header string and secret, you must:
 	str = "HTTP/1.1\nPUT /buckets/bucket/object.mpeg\nHost: cname.domain.com\n
 	Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 00:01:01 +0000\nContent-Length: 9999999\nContent-Encoding: mpeg";
 	secret = "valueOfSecret";
 2. Generate an HMAC using a SHA-1 hashing algorithm. ::
     hmac = object.hmac-sha1(str, secret);
 3. Encode the ``hmac`` result using base-64. ::
     encodedHmac = someBase64Encoder.encode(hmac);
@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ Each grant has a different meaning when applied to a bucket versus applied to an
 | ``WRITE_ACP``    | Grantee can write bucket ACL.                          | Grantee can write to the object ACL.         |
 | ``FULL_CONTROL`` | Grantee has full permissions for object in the bucket. | Grantee can read or write to the object ACL. |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst b/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
index e03dff8ef3d..ce0a9968e1d 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ create buckets as an anonymous user.
-In general, bucket names should follow domain name constraints. 
+In general, bucket names should follow domain name constraints.
 - Bucket names must be unique.
-- Bucket names must begin and end with a lowercase letter. 
-- Bucket names may contain a dash (-). 
+- Bucket names must begin and end with a lowercase letter.
+- Bucket names may contain a dash (-).
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Syntax
     PUT /{bucket} HTTP/1.1
     Host: cname.domain.com
     x-amz-acl: public-read-write
     Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Parameters
 HTTP Response
-If the bucket name is unique, within constraints and unused, the operation will succeed. 
-If a bucket with the same name already exists and the user is the bucket owner, the operation will succeed. 
+If the bucket name is unique, within constraints and unused, the operation will succeed.
+If a bucket with the same name already exists and the user is the bucket owner, the operation will succeed.
 If the bucket name is already in use, the operation will fail.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Syntax
     DELETE /{bucket} HTTP/1.1
     Host: cname.domain.com
     Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
 HTTP Response
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ HTTP Response
 Bucket Response Entities
-``GET /{bucket}`` returns a container for buckets with the following fields. 
+``GET /{bucket}`` returns a container for buckets with the following fields.
 | Name                   | Type      | Description                                                                      |
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ List Bucket Multipart Uploads
 ``GET /?uploads`` returns a list of the current in-progress multipart uploads--i.e., the application initiates a multipart upload, but
-the service hasn't completed all the uploads yet. 
+the service hasn't completed all the uploads yet.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ You may specify parameters for ``GET /{bucket}?uploads``, but none of them are r
 | ``max-uploads``        | Integer   | The maximum number of multipart uploads. The range from 1-1000. The default is 1000. |
 | ``upload-id-marker``   | String    | Ignored if ``key-marker`` isn't specified. Specifies the ``ID`` of first             |
-|                        |           | upload to list in lexicographical order at or following the ``ID``.                  |      
+|                        |           | upload to list in lexicographical order at or following the ``ID``.                  |
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/commons.rst b/doc/api/s3/commons.rst
index 17f5f076a99..0b8e1f4f4c2 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/commons.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/commons.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Common Entities
 Bucket and Host Name
-There are two different modes of accessing the buckets. The first (preferred) method 
+There are two different modes of accessing the buckets. The first (preferred) method
 identifies the bucket as the top-level directory in the URI. ::
 	GET /mybucket HTTP/1.1
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst b/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
index bf69d0395ee..9f3c8c436e2 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Syntax
-    POST /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId= HTTP/1.1 
+    POST /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId= HTTP/1.1
 Request Entities
@@ -377,5 +377,3 @@ Syntax
     DELETE /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId= HTTP/1.1
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/serviceops.rst b/doc/api/s3/serviceops.rst
index 186e2207f0f..c55ce988bd1 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/serviceops.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/serviceops.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Service Operations
 List Buckets
-``GET /`` returns a list of buckets created by the user making the request. ``GET /`` only 
+``GET /`` returns a list of buckets created by the user making the request. ``GET /`` only
 returns buckets created by an authenticated user. You cannot make an anonymous request.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Syntax
 	GET / HTTP/1.1
 	Host: cname.domain.com
 	Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
 Response Entities
@@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ Response Entities
 | ``DisplayName``            | String      | The bucket owner's display name.                                |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/config-cluster/ceph-conf.rst b/doc/config-cluster/ceph-conf.rst
index c8f0213f7aa..d740a8218eb 100644
--- a/doc/config-cluster/ceph-conf.rst
+++ b/doc/config-cluster/ceph-conf.rst
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
  Ceph Configuration Files
-When you start the Ceph service, the initialization process activates a series 
-of daemons that run in the background. The hosts in a typical RADOS cluster run 
-at least one of three processes or daemons: 
+When you start the Ceph service, the initialization process activates a series
+of daemons that run in the background. The hosts in a typical RADOS cluster run
+at least one of three processes or daemons:
 - RADOS (``ceph-osd``)
 - Monitor (``ceph-mon``)
 - Metadata Server (``ceph-mds``)
-Each process or daemon looks for a ``ceph.conf`` file that provides their 
-configuration settings. The default ``ceph.conf`` locations in sequential 
-order include: 
+Each process or daemon looks for a ``ceph.conf`` file that provides their
+configuration settings. The default ``ceph.conf`` locations in sequential
+order include:
-	1. ``$CEPH_CONF`` (*i.e.,* the path following 
-            the ``$CEPH_CONF`` environment variable)
+	1. ``$CEPH_CONF`` (*i.e.,* the path following
+	    the ``$CEPH_CONF`` environment variable)
 	2. ``-c path/path``  (*i.e.,* the ``-c`` command line argument)
 	3. ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf``
 	4. ``~/.ceph/config``
 	5. ``./ceph.conf`` (*i.e.,* in the current working directory)
-The ``ceph.conf`` file provides the settings for each Ceph daemon. Once you 
+The ``ceph.conf`` file provides the settings for each Ceph daemon. Once you
 have installed the Ceph packages on the OSD Cluster hosts, you need to create
 a ``ceph.conf`` file to configure your OSD cluster.
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ The ``ceph.conf`` file defines:
 - Paths to Hosts
 - Runtime Options
-You can add comments to the ``ceph.conf`` file by preceding comments with 
+You can add comments to the ``ceph.conf`` file by preceding comments with
 a semi-colon (;). For example::
 	; <--A semi-colon precedes a comment
-	; A comment may be anything, and always follows a semi-colon on each line. 
+	; A comment may be anything, and always follows a semi-colon on each line.
 	; We recommend that you provide comments in your configuration file(s).
 Configuration File Basics
-The ``ceph.conf`` file configures each instance of the three common processes 
-in a RADOS cluster. 
+The ``ceph.conf`` file configures each instance of the three common processes
+in a RADOS cluster.
 | Setting Scope   | Process      | Setting      | Instance Naming | Description                                     |
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ in a RADOS cluster.
-The configuration system supports certain 'metavariables,' which are typically 
-used in ``[global]`` or process/daemon settings. If metavariables occur inside 
-a configuration value, Ceph expands them into a concrete value--similar to how 
+The configuration system supports certain 'metavariables,' which are typically
+used in ``[global]`` or process/daemon settings. If metavariables occur inside
+a configuration value, Ceph expands them into a concrete value--similar to how
 Bash shell expansion works.
 There are a few different metavariables:
@@ -84,36 +84,36 @@ There are a few different metavariables:
 Global Settings
-The Ceph configuration file supports a hierarchy of settings, where child 
-settings inherit the settings of the parent. Global settings affect all 
-instances of all processes in the cluster. Use the ``[global]`` setting for 
-values that are common for all hosts in the cluster. You can override each 
-``[global]`` setting by: 
+The Ceph configuration file supports a hierarchy of settings, where child
+settings inherit the settings of the parent. Global settings affect all
+instances of all processes in the cluster. Use the ``[global]`` setting for
+values that are common for all hosts in the cluster. You can override each
+``[global]`` setting by:
 1. Changing the setting in a particular ``[group]``.
-2. Changing the setting in a particular process type (*e.g.,* ``[osd]``, ``[mon]``, ``[mds]`` ). 
+2. Changing the setting in a particular process type (*e.g.,* ``[osd]``, ``[mon]``, ``[mds]`` ).
 3. Changing the setting in a particular process (*e.g.,* ``[osd.1]`` )
-Overriding a global setting affects all child processes, except those that 
+Overriding a global setting affects all child processes, except those that
 you specifically override. For example::
-	[global]		
-		; Enable authentication between hosts within the cluster.			
-		auth supported = cephx 
+	[global]
+		; Enable authentication between hosts within the cluster.
+		auth supported = cephx
 Process/Daemon Settings
-You can specify settings that apply to a particular type of process. When you 
-specify settings under ``[osd]``, ``[mon]`` or ``[mds]`` without specifying a 
-particular instance, the setting will apply to all OSDs, monitors or metadata 
+You can specify settings that apply to a particular type of process. When you
+specify settings under ``[osd]``, ``[mon]`` or ``[mds]`` without specifying a
+particular instance, the setting will apply to all OSDs, monitors or metadata
 daemons respectively.
 Instance Settings
-You may specify settings for particular instances of an daemon. You may specify 
-an instance by entering its type, delimited by a period (.) and by the 
-instance ID. The instance ID for an OSD is always numeric, but it may be 
-alphanumeric for monitors and metadata servers. :: 
+You may specify settings for particular instances of an daemon. You may specify
+an instance by entering its type, delimited by a period (.) and by the
+instance ID. The instance ID for an OSD is always numeric, but it may be
+alphanumeric for monitors and metadata servers. ::
 		; settings affect osd.1 only.
@@ -124,17 +124,17 @@ alphanumeric for monitors and metadata servers. ::
 ``host`` and ``addr`` Settings
-The `Hardware Recommendations <../hardware-recommendations>`_ section 
-provides some hardware guidelines for configuring the cluster. It is possible 
-for a single host to run multiple daemons. For example, a single host with 
-multiple disks or RAIDs may run one ``ceph-osd`` for each disk or RAID. 
-Additionally, a host may run both a ``ceph-mon`` and an ``ceph-osd`` daemon 
-on the same host. Ideally, you will have a host for a particular type of 
-process. For example, one host may run ``ceph-osd`` daemons, another host 
+The `Hardware Recommendations <../hardware-recommendations>`_ section
+provides some hardware guidelines for configuring the cluster. It is possible
+for a single host to run multiple daemons. For example, a single host with
+multiple disks or RAIDs may run one ``ceph-osd`` for each disk or RAID.
+Additionally, a host may run both a ``ceph-mon`` and an ``ceph-osd`` daemon
+on the same host. Ideally, you will have a host for a particular type of
+process. For example, one host may run ``ceph-osd`` daemons, another host
 may run a ``ceph-mds`` daemon, and other hosts may run ``ceph-mon`` daemons.
-Each host has a name identified by the ``host`` setting, and a network location 
-(i.e., domain name or IP address) identified by the ``addr`` setting. For example:: 
+Each host has a name identified by the ``host`` setting, and a network location
+(i.e., domain name or IP address) identified by the ``addr`` setting. For example::
 		host = hostNumber1
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ Each host has a name identified by the ``host`` setting, and a network location
 Monitor Configuration
-Ceph typically deploys with 3 monitors to ensure high availability should a 
-monitor instance crash. An odd number of monitors (3) ensures that the Paxos 
+Ceph typically deploys with 3 monitors to ensure high availability should a
+monitor instance crash. An odd number of monitors (3) ensures that the Paxos
 algorithm can determine which version of the cluster map is the most accurate.
-.. note:: You may deploy Ceph with a single monitor, but if the instance fails, 
-          the lack of a monitor may interrupt data service availability.
+.. note:: You may deploy Ceph with a single monitor, but if the instance fails,
+	  the lack of a monitor may interrupt data service availability.
-Ceph monitors typically listen on port ``6789``. 
+Ceph monitors typically listen on port ``6789``.
 Example Configuration File
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ Example Configuration File
 Configuration File Deployment Options
-The most common way to deploy the ``ceph.conf`` file in a cluster is to have 
+The most common way to deploy the ``ceph.conf`` file in a cluster is to have
 all hosts share the same configuration file.
-You may create a ``ceph.conf`` file for each host if you wish, or specify a 
-particular ``ceph.conf`` file for a subset of hosts within the cluster. However, 
-using per-host ``ceph.conf``configuration files imposes a maintenance burden as the 
-cluster grows. In a typical deployment, an administrator creates a ``ceph.conf`` file 
+You may create a ``ceph.conf`` file for each host if you wish, or specify a
+particular ``ceph.conf`` file for a subset of hosts within the cluster. However,
+using per-host ``ceph.conf``configuration files imposes a maintenance burden as the
+cluster grows. In a typical deployment, an administrator creates a ``ceph.conf`` file
 on the Administration host and then copies that file to each OSD Cluster host.
-The current cluster deployment script, ``mkcephfs``, does not make copies of the 
+The current cluster deployment script, ``mkcephfs``, does not make copies of the
 ``ceph.conf``. You must copy the file manually.
diff --git a/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-conf.rst b/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-conf.rst
index 71caed7eb6f..183967ded5f 100644
--- a/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-conf.rst
+++ b/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-conf.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  Deploying Ceph Configuration
-Ceph's current deployment script does not copy the configuration file you 
-created from the Administration host to the OSD Cluster hosts. Copy the 
-configuration file you created (*i.e.,* ``mycluster.conf`` in the example below) 
+Ceph's current deployment script does not copy the configuration file you
+created from the Administration host to the OSD Cluster hosts. Copy the
+configuration file you created (*i.e.,* ``mycluster.conf`` in the example below)
 from the Administration host to ``etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` on each OSD Cluster host.
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@ from the Administration host to ``etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` on each OSD Cluster host.
 	ssh myserver01 sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf <mycluster.conf
 	ssh myserver02 sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf <mycluster.conf
 	ssh myserver03 sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf <mycluster.conf
 The current deployment script doesn't copy the start services. Copy the ``start``
 services from the Administration host to each OSD Cluster host. ::
 	ssh myserver01 sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start
 	ssh myserver02 sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start
 	ssh myserver03 sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start
 The current deployment script may not create the default server directories. Create
 server directories for each instance of a Ceph daemon.
-Using the exemplary ``ceph.conf`` file, you would perform the following: 
+Using the exemplary ``ceph.conf`` file, you would perform the following:
-On ``myserver01``:: 
+On ``myserver01``::
-	mkdir srv/osd.0 
+	mkdir srv/osd.0
 	mkdir srv/mon.a
 On ``myserver02``::
@@ -35,14 +35,13 @@ On ``myserver02``::
 	mkdir srv/osd.1
 	mkdir srv/mon.b
-On ``myserver03``::	
+On ``myserver03``::
 	mkdir srv/osd.2
 	mkdir srv/mon.c
 On ``myserver04``::
 	mkdir srv/osd.3
 .. important:: The ``host`` variable determines which host runs each instance of a Ceph daemon.
diff --git a/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-with-mkcephfs.rst b/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-with-mkcephfs.rst
index b31a41465fc..143e6fef217 100644
--- a/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-with-mkcephfs.rst
+++ b/doc/config-cluster/deploying-ceph-with-mkcephfs.rst
@@ -6,19 +6,18 @@ Once you have copied your Ceph Configuration to the OSD Cluster hosts, you may d
 .. note::  ``mkcephfs`` is a quick bootstrapping tool. It does not handle more complex operations, such as upgrades.
-	For production environments, you will deploy Ceph using Chef cookbooks (coming soon!). 
-To run ``mkcephfs``, execute the following:: 
+	For production environments, you will deploy Ceph using Chef cookbooks (coming soon!).
+To run ``mkcephfs``, execute the following::
 	$ mkcephfs -a -c <path>/ceph.conf -k mycluster.keyring
-The script adds an admin key to the ``mycluster.keyring``, which is analogous to a root password. 
-To start the cluster, execute the following:: 
+The script adds an admin key to the ``mycluster.keyring``, which is analogous to a root password.
+To start the cluster, execute the following::
 	/etc/init.d/ceph -a start
-Ceph should begin operating. You can check on the health of your Ceph cluster with the following:: 
+Ceph should begin operating. You can check on the health of your Ceph cluster with the following::
 	ceph -k mycluster.keyring -c <path>/ceph.conf health
diff --git a/doc/config-cluster/file-system-recommendations.rst b/doc/config-cluster/file-system-recommendations.rst
index 4af540d81bd..6ea4950286e 100644
--- a/doc/config-cluster/file-system-recommendations.rst
+++ b/doc/config-cluster/file-system-recommendations.rst
@@ -2,26 +2,26 @@
 Hard Disk and File System Recommendations
-Ceph aims for data safety, which means that when the application receives notice 
-that data was written to the disk, that data was actually written to the disk. 
-For old kernels (<2.6.33), disable the write cache if the journal is on a raw 
+Ceph aims for data safety, which means that when the application receives notice
+that data was written to the disk, that data was actually written to the disk.
+For old kernels (<2.6.33), disable the write cache if the journal is on a raw
 disk. Newer kernels should work fine.
-Use ``hdparm`` to disable write caching on the hard disk:: 
+Use ``hdparm`` to disable write caching on the hard disk::
-	$ hdparm -W 0 /dev/hda 0 	 
+	$ hdparm -W 0 /dev/hda 0
-Ceph OSDs depend on the Extended Attributes (XATTRs) of the underlying file 
+Ceph OSDs depend on the Extended Attributes (XATTRs) of the underlying file
 system for:
 - Internal object state
 - Snapshot metadata
-- RADOS Gateway Access Control Lists (ACLs). 
+- RADOS Gateway Access Control Lists (ACLs).
 Ceph OSDs rely heavily upon the stability and performance of the underlying file
-system. The underlying file system must provide sufficient capacity for XATTRs. 
-File system candidates for Ceph include B tree and B+ tree file systems such as: 
+system. The underlying file system must provide sufficient capacity for XATTRs.
+File system candidates for Ceph include B tree and B+ tree file systems such as:
 - ``btrfs``
 - ``XFS``
@@ -34,19 +34,18 @@ If you are using ``ext4``, enable XATTRs. ::
    The RADOS Gateway's ACL and Ceph snapshots easily surpass the 4-kilobyte limit
    for XATTRs in ``ext4``, causing the ``ceph-osd`` process to crash. Version 0.45
-   or newer uses ``leveldb`` to bypass this limitation. ``ext4`` is a poor file 
-   system choice if you intend to deploy the RADOS Gateway or use snapshots on 
-   versions earlier than 0.45. 
+   or newer uses ``leveldb`` to bypass this limitation. ``ext4`` is a poor file
+   system choice if you intend to deploy the RADOS Gateway or use snapshots on
+   versions earlier than 0.45.
 .. tip:: Use ``xfs`` initially and ``btrfs`` when it is ready for production.
-   The Ceph team believes that the best performance and stability will come from 
-   ``btrfs.`` The ``btrfs`` file system has internal transactions that keep the 
-   local data set in a consistent state. This makes OSDs based on ``btrfs`` simple 
-   to deploy, while providing scalability not currently available from block-based 
-   file systems. The 64-kb XATTR limit for ``xfs`` XATTRS is enough to accommodate 
-   RDB snapshot metadata and RADOS Gateway ACLs. So ``xfs`` is the second-choice 
-   file system of the Ceph team in the long run, but ``xfs`` is currently more 
-   stable than ``btrfs``.  If you only plan to use RADOS and ``rbd`` without 
+   The Ceph team believes that the best performance and stability will come from
+   ``btrfs.`` The ``btrfs`` file system has internal transactions that keep the
+   local data set in a consistent state. This makes OSDs based on ``btrfs`` simple
+   to deploy, while providing scalability not currently available from block-based
+   file systems. The 64-kb XATTR limit for ``xfs`` XATTRS is enough to accommodate
+   RDB snapshot metadata and RADOS Gateway ACLs. So ``xfs`` is the second-choice
+   file system of the Ceph team in the long run, but ``xfs`` is currently more
+   stable than ``btrfs``.  If you only plan to use RADOS and ``rbd`` without
    snapshots and without ``radosgw``, the ``ext4`` file system should work just fine.
diff --git a/doc/config-cluster/index.rst b/doc/config-cluster/index.rst
index 46f627db367..a36122e98c4 100644
--- a/doc/config-cluster/index.rst
+++ b/doc/config-cluster/index.rst
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
  Configuring a Storage Cluster
-Ceph can run with a cluster containing thousands of Object Storage Devices 
-(OSDs). A minimal system will have at least two OSDs for data replication. To 
-configure OSD clusters, you must provide settings in the configuration file. 
-Ceph provides default values for many settings, which you can override in the 
-configuration file. Additionally, you can make runtime modification to the 
+Ceph can run with a cluster containing thousands of Object Storage Devices
+(OSDs). A minimal system will have at least two OSDs for data replication. To
+configure OSD clusters, you must provide settings in the configuration file.
+Ceph provides default values for many settings, which you can override in the
+configuration file. Additionally, you can make runtime modification to the
 configuration using command-line utilities.
-When Ceph starts, it activates three daemons: 
+When Ceph starts, it activates three daemons:
 - ``ceph-osd`` (mandatory)
 - ``ceph-mon`` (mandatory)
 - ``ceph-mds`` (mandatory for cephfs only)
-Each process, daemon or utility loads the host's configuration file. A process 
-may have information about more than one daemon instance (*i.e.,* multiple 
-contexts). A daemon or utility only has information about a single daemon 
+Each process, daemon or utility loads the host's configuration file. A process
+may have information about more than one daemon instance (*i.e.,* multiple
+contexts). A daemon or utility only has information about a single daemon
 instance (a single context).
 .. note:: Ceph can run on a single host for evaluation purposes.
diff --git a/doc/config-ref/mds-config.rst b/doc/config-ref/mds-config.rst
index 565e508b09d..041dd0a2022 100644
--- a/doc/config-ref/mds-config.rst
+++ b/doc/config-ref/mds-config.rst
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 | ``mds_session_autoclose``         | Float                   | 300        | // autoclose idle session                      |
-| ``mds_reconnect_timeout``         | Float                   | 45         | // secs to wait for clients during mds restart |   
+| ``mds_reconnect_timeout``         | Float                   | 45         | // secs to wait for clients during mds restart |
 | ``mds_tick_interval``             | Float                   | 5          |                                                |
diff --git a/doc/dev/documenting.rst b/doc/dev/documenting.rst
index f66d7b40ad5..2c67273f973 100644
--- a/doc/dev/documenting.rst
+++ b/doc/dev/documenting.rst
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ Inkscape
 You can use Inkscape to generate scalable vector graphics.
 http://inkscape.org for restructedText documents.
-If you generate diagrams with Inkscape, you should 
+If you generate diagrams with Inkscape, you should
 commit both the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file and export a
 Portable Network Graphic (PNG) file. Reference the PNG file.
 By committing the SVG file, others will be able to update the
 SVG diagrams using Inkscape.
-HTML5 will support SVG inline.
\ No newline at end of file
+HTML5 will support SVG inline.
diff --git a/doc/dev/generatedocs.rst b/doc/dev/generatedocs.rst
index f795ec028c2..84f2064820d 100644
--- a/doc/dev/generatedocs.rst
+++ b/doc/dev/generatedocs.rst
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ You must set up SSH keys with github to clone the Ceph
 repository. If you do not have SSH keys for github, execute:
 	``$ ssh-keygen -d``
 Get the key to add to your github account:
 	``$ cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub``
 Copy the public key. Then, go to your your github account,
 click on **Account Settings** (*i.e.*, the tools icon); then,
-click **SSH Keys** on the left side navbar. 
+click **SSH Keys** on the left side navbar.
 Click **Add SSH key** in the **SSH Keys** list, enter a name for
 the key, paste the key you generated, and press the **Add key**
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ button.
 To clone the Ceph repository, execute:
 	``$ git clone git@github:ceph/ceph.git``
 You should have a full copy of the Ceph repository.
 Install the Required Tools
-If you do not have Sphinx and its dependencies installed, 
+If you do not have Sphinx and its dependencies installed,
 a list of dependencies will appear in the output. Install
 the dependencies on your system, and then execute the build.
-To run Sphinx, at least the following are required: 
+To run Sphinx, at least the following are required:
 - ``python-dev``
 - ``python-pip``
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ To run Sphinx, at least the following are required:
 - ``graphviz``
 Execute ``apt-get install`` for each dependency that isn't
-installed on your host. 
+installed on your host.
 	``$ apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv libxml2-dev libxslt-dev doxygen ditaa graphviz``
 Build the Documents
@@ -80,6 +80,6 @@ Once you have installed all the dependencies, execute the build:
 Once you build the documentation set, you may navigate to the source directory to view it:
 	``$ cd build-doc/output``
 There should be an ``html`` directory and a ``man`` directory containing documentation
-in HTML and manpage formats respectively.
\ No newline at end of file
+in HTML and manpage formats respectively.
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index b4cd0b12e77..07726b4eb37 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
  Welcome to Ceph
-Ceph uniquely delivers **object, block, and file storage in one unified 
-system**. Ceph is highly reliable, easy to manage, and free. The power of Ceph 
-can transform your company’s IT infrastructure and your ability to manage vast 
-amounts of data. Ceph delivers extraordinary scalability--thousands of clients 
-accessing petabytes to exabytes of data. Ceph leverages commodity hardware and 
-intelligent daemons to accommodate large numbers of storage hosts, which 
-communicate with each other to replicate data, and redistribute data 
-dynamically. Ceph's cluster of monitors oversees the hosts in the Ceph storage 
+Ceph uniquely delivers **object, block, and file storage in one unified
+system**. Ceph is highly reliable, easy to manage, and free. The power of Ceph
+can transform your company’s IT infrastructure and your ability to manage vast
+amounts of data. Ceph delivers extraordinary scalability--thousands of clients
+accessing petabytes to exabytes of data. Ceph leverages commodity hardware and
+intelligent daemons to accommodate large numbers of storage hosts, which
+communicate with each other to replicate data, and redistribute data
+dynamically. Ceph's cluster of monitors oversees the hosts in the Ceph storage
 cluster to ensure that the storage hosts are running smoothly.
 .. image:: images/stack.png
diff --git a/doc/install/download-packages.rst b/doc/install/download-packages.rst
index 21df35231f0..e9f1c43ffd7 100644
--- a/doc/install/download-packages.rst
+++ b/doc/install/download-packages.rst
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
  Downloading Debian/Ubuntu Packages
-We automatically build Debian/Ubuntu packages for any branches or tags that 
-appear in the ``ceph.git`` `repository <http://github.com/ceph/ceph>`_. If you 
-want to build your own packages (*e.g.,* for RPM), see 
+We automatically build Debian/Ubuntu packages for any branches or tags that
+appear in the ``ceph.git`` `repository <http://github.com/ceph/ceph>`_. If you
+want to build your own packages (*e.g.,* for RPM), see
 `Build Ceph Packages <../../source/build-packages>`_.
-When you download release packages, you will receive the latest package build, 
-which may be several weeks behind the current release or the most recent code. 
-It may contain bugs that have already been fixed in the most recent versions of 
-the code. Until packages contain only stable code, you should carefully consider 
+When you download release packages, you will receive the latest package build,
+which may be several weeks behind the current release or the most recent code.
+It may contain bugs that have already been fixed in the most recent versions of
+the code. Until packages contain only stable code, you should carefully consider
 the tradeoffs of installing from a package or retrieving the latest release
 or the most current source code and building Ceph.
-When you execute the following commands to install the Debian/Ubuntu Ceph 
-packages, replace ``{ARCH}`` with the architecture of your CPU (*e.g.,* ``amd64`` 
-or ``i386``), ``{DISTRO}`` with the code name of your operating system 
-(*e.g.,* ``precise``, rather than the OS version number) and ``{BRANCH}`` with 
-the version of Ceph you want to run (e.g., ``master``, ``stable``, ``unstable``, 
-``v0.44``, *etc.*). 
+When you execute the following commands to install the Debian/Ubuntu Ceph
+packages, replace ``{ARCH}`` with the architecture of your CPU (*e.g.,* ``amd64``
+or ``i386``), ``{DISTRO}`` with the code name of your operating system
+(*e.g.,* ``precise``, rather than the OS version number) and ``{BRANCH}`` with
+the version of Ceph you want to run (e.g., ``master``, ``stable``, ``unstable``,
+``v0.44``, *etc.*).
 Adding Release Packages to APT
-We provide stable release packages for Debian/Ubuntu, which are signed signed 
-with the ``release.asc`` key. Click `here <http://ceph.newdream.net/debian/dists>`_ 
-to see the distributions and branches supported. To install a release package, 
-you must first add a release key. :: 
+We provide stable release packages for Debian/Ubuntu, which are signed signed
+with the ``release.asc`` key. Click `here <http://ceph.newdream.net/debian/dists>`_
+to see the distributions and branches supported. To install a release package,
+you must first add a release key. ::
 	$ wget -q -O- https://raw.github.com/ceph/ceph/master/keys/release.asc \ | sudo apt-key add -
-For Debian/Ubuntu releases, we use the Advanced Package Tool (APT). To retrieve 
-the release packages and updates and install them with ``apt``, you must add a 
+For Debian/Ubuntu releases, we use the Advanced Package Tool (APT). To retrieve
+the release packages and updates and install them with ``apt``, you must add a
 ``ceph.list`` file to your ``apt`` configuration with the following path::
 Open the file and add the following line::
 	deb http://ceph.com/debian/ {DISTRO} main
-Remember to replace ``{DISTRO}`` with the Linux distribution for your host. 
+Remember to replace ``{DISTRO}`` with the Linux distribution for your host.
 Then, save the file.
 Downloading Packages
-Once you add either release or autobuild packages for Debian/Ubuntu, you may 
+Once you add either release or autobuild packages for Debian/Ubuntu, you may
 download them with ``apt`` as follows::
 	sudo apt-get update
diff --git a/doc/install/hardware-recommendations.rst b/doc/install/hardware-recommendations.rst
index f4ff44e8cf2..bd4095976e0 100644
--- a/doc/install/hardware-recommendations.rst
+++ b/doc/install/hardware-recommendations.rst
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
  Hardware Recommendations
-Ceph runs on commodity hardware and a Linux operating system over a TCP/IP 
-network. The hardware recommendations for different processes/daemons differ 
+Ceph runs on commodity hardware and a Linux operating system over a TCP/IP
+network. The hardware recommendations for different processes/daemons differ
-OSD hosts should have ample data storage in the form of a hard drive or a RAID. 
-Ceph OSDs run the RADOS service, calculate data placement with CRUSH, and 
-maintain their own copy of the cluster map. Therefore, OSDs should have a 
-reasonable amount of processing power. 
+OSD hosts should have ample data storage in the form of a hard drive or a RAID.
+Ceph OSDs run the RADOS service, calculate data placement with CRUSH, and
+maintain their own copy of the cluster map. Therefore, OSDs should have a
+reasonable amount of processing power.
-Ceph monitors require enough disk space for the cluster map, but usually do 
+Ceph monitors require enough disk space for the cluster map, but usually do
 not encounter heavy loads. Monitor hosts do not need to be very powerful.
-Ceph metadata servers distribute their load. However, metadata servers must be 
-capable of serving their data quickly. Metadata servers should have strong 
+Ceph metadata servers distribute their load. However, metadata servers must be
+capable of serving their data quickly. Metadata servers should have strong
 processing capability and plenty of RAM.
 .. note:: If you are not using the Ceph File System, you do not need a meta data server.
@@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ processing capability and plenty of RAM.
 |              | Disk Space     |  1 MB per daemon                   |
 |              +----------------+------------------------------------+
 |              | Network        |  2-1GB Ethernet NICs               |
diff --git a/doc/install/index.rst b/doc/install/index.rst
index be2680c52dc..41853d79a1d 100644
--- a/doc/install/index.rst
+++ b/doc/install/index.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
  Installing Ceph
-Storage clusters are the foundation of the Ceph system. Ceph storage hosts 
-provide object storage. Clients access the Ceph storage cluster directly from 
-an application (using ``librados``), over an object storage protocol such as 
-Amazon S3 or OpenStack Swift (using ``radosgw``), or with a block device 
+Storage clusters are the foundation of the Ceph system. Ceph storage hosts
+provide object storage. Clients access the Ceph storage cluster directly from
+an application (using ``librados``), over an object storage protocol such as
+Amazon S3 or OpenStack Swift (using ``radosgw``), or with a block device
 (using ``rbd``). To begin using Ceph, you must first set up a storage cluster.
-The following sections provide guidance for configuring a storage cluster and 
+The following sections provide guidance for configuring a storage cluster and
 installing Ceph components:
 .. toctree::
diff --git a/doc/install/installing-packages.rst b/doc/install/installing-packages.rst
index fd5025138d8..527c85207e2 100644
--- a/doc/install/installing-packages.rst
+++ b/doc/install/installing-packages.rst
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
  Installing Ceph Packages
-Once you have downloaded or built Ceph packages, you may install them on your 
+Once you have downloaded or built Ceph packages, you may install them on your
 Admin host and OSD Cluster hosts.
-.. important:: All hosts should be running the same package version. 
-   To ensure that you are running the same version on each host with APT, 
-   you may execute ``sudo apt-get update`` on each host before you install 
+.. important:: All hosts should be running the same package version.
+   To ensure that you are running the same version on each host with APT,
+   you may execute ``sudo apt-get update`` on each host before you install
    the packages.
 Installing Packages with APT
-Once you download or build the packages and add your packages to APT 
-(see `Downloading Debian/Ubuntu Packages <../download-packages>`_), you may 
+Once you download or build the packages and add your packages to APT
+(see `Downloading Debian/Ubuntu Packages <../download-packages>`_), you may
 install them as follows::
 	$ sudo apt-get install ceph
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ You may install RPM packages as follows::
 	rpm -i rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ceph-*.rpm
 .. note: We do not build RPM packages at this time. You may build them
-         yourself by downloading the source code.
+	 yourself by downloading the source code.
 Proceed to Configuring a Cluster
-Once you have prepared your hosts and installed Ceph pages, proceed to 
-`Configuring a Storage Cluster <../../config-cluster>`_. 
+Once you have prepared your hosts and installed Ceph pages, proceed to
+`Configuring a Storage Cluster <../../config-cluster>`_.
diff --git a/doc/source/build-packages.rst b/doc/source/build-packages.rst
index 1895f661710..efda8ea40d8 100644
--- a/doc/source/build-packages.rst
+++ b/doc/source/build-packages.rst
@@ -2,49 +2,49 @@
 Build Ceph Packages
-To build packages, you must clone the `Ceph`_ repository. 
-You can create installation packages from the latest code using ``dpkg-buildpackage`` for Debian/Ubuntu 
+To build packages, you must clone the `Ceph`_ repository.
+You can create installation packages from the latest code using ``dpkg-buildpackage`` for Debian/Ubuntu
 or ``rpmbuild`` for the RPM Package Manager.
-.. tip:: When building on a multi-core CPU, use the ``-j`` and the number of cores * 2. 
+.. tip:: When building on a multi-core CPU, use the ``-j`` and the number of cores * 2.
    For example, use ``-j4`` for a dual-core processor to accelerate the build.
 Advanced Package Tool (APT)
-To create ``.deb`` packages for Debian/Ubuntu, ensure that you have cloned the `Ceph`_ repository, 
-installed the `build prerequisites`_ and installed ``debhelper``:: 
+To create ``.deb`` packages for Debian/Ubuntu, ensure that you have cloned the `Ceph`_ repository,
+installed the `build prerequisites`_ and installed ``debhelper``::
 	$ sudo apt-get install debhelper
-Once you have installed debhelper, you can build the packages: 
+Once you have installed debhelper, you can build the packages:
 	$ sudo dpkg-buildpackage
-For multi-processor CPUs use the ``-j`` option to accelerate the build.	
+For multi-processor CPUs use the ``-j`` option to accelerate the build.
 RPM Package Manager
-To create ``.prm`` packages, ensure that you have cloned the `Ceph`_ repository, 
+To create ``.prm`` packages, ensure that you have cloned the `Ceph`_ repository,
 installed the `build prerequisites`_ and installed ``rpm-build`` and ``rpmdevtools``::
 	$ yum install rpm-build rpmdevtools
 Once you have installed the tools, setup an RPM compilation environment::
 	$ rpmdev-setuptree
-Fetch the source tarball for the RPM compilation environment:: 
+Fetch the source tarball for the RPM compilation environment::
 	$ wget -P ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ http://ceph.newdream.net/download/ceph-<version>.tar.gz
 Build the RPM packages::
 	$ rpmbuild -tb ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ceph-<version>.tar.gz
-For multi-processor CPUs use the ``-j`` option to accelerate the build.	
+For multi-processor CPUs use the ``-j`` option to accelerate the build.
 .. _build prerequisites: ../build-prerequisites
diff --git a/doc/source/build-prerequisites.rst b/doc/source/build-prerequisites.rst
index 6333436eabb..7d5238f6b6f 100644
--- a/doc/source/build-prerequisites.rst
+++ b/doc/source/build-prerequisites.rst
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ openSUSE 11.2 (and later)
 Execute ``zypper install`` for each dependency that isn't installed on your host. ::
-	$zypper install boost-devel gcc-c++ libedit-devel libopenssl-devel fuse-devel	
+	$zypper install boost-devel gcc-c++ libedit-devel libopenssl-devel fuse-devel
 Prerequisites for Building Ceph Documentation
@@ -96,4 +96,3 @@ to install Sphinx. To run Sphinx, with ``admin/build-doc``, at least the followi
 Execute ``sudo apt-get install`` for each dependency that isn't installed on your host. ::
 	$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv libxml2-dev libxslt-dev doxygen ditaa graphviz
diff --git a/doc/source/building-ceph.rst b/doc/source/building-ceph.rst
index 626c1694661..e2d0af07690 100644
--- a/doc/source/building-ceph.rst
+++ b/doc/source/building-ceph.rst
@@ -13,26 +13,26 @@ Ceph provides ``automake`` and ``configure`` scripts to streamline the build pro
 	$ ./configure
 	$ make
-You can use ``make -j`` to execute multiple jobs depending upon your system. For example:: 
+You can use ``make -j`` to execute multiple jobs depending upon your system. For example::
 	$ make -j4
-To install Ceph locally, you may also use:: 
+To install Ceph locally, you may also use::
 	$ make install
-If you install Ceph locally, ``make`` will place the executables in ``usr/local/bin``. 
+If you install Ceph locally, ``make`` will place the executables in ``usr/local/bin``.
 You may add the ``ceph.conf`` file to the ``usr/local/bin`` directory to run an evaluation environment of Ceph from a single directory.
 Building Ceph Documentation
 Ceph utilizes Python’s Sphinx documentation tool. For details on the Sphinx documentation tool, refer to: `Sphinx <http://sphinx.pocoo.org>`_. To build the Ceph documentaiton, navigate to the Ceph repository and execute the build script::
 	$ cd ceph
 	$ admin/build-doc
 Once you build the documentation set, you may navigate to the source directory to view it::
 	$ cd build-doc/output
 There should be an ``/html`` directory and a ``/man`` directory containing documentation in HTML and manpage formats respectively.
diff --git a/doc/source/cloning-the-ceph-source-code-repository.rst b/doc/source/cloning-the-ceph-source-code-repository.rst
index 7b8593b402b..72d52be6c6c 100644
--- a/doc/source/cloning-the-ceph-source-code-repository.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cloning-the-ceph-source-code-repository.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ on your local host. To install ``git``, execute::
 	$ sudo apt-get install git
 You must also have a ``github`` account. If you do not have a
-``github`` account, go to `github.com <http://github.com>`_ and register. 
+``github`` account, go to `github.com <http://github.com>`_ and register.
 Follow the directions for setting up git at `Set Up Git <http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/>`_.
 Clone the Source
@@ -15,24 +15,24 @@ Clone the Source
 To clone the Ceph source code repository, execute::
 	$ git clone git@github.com:ceph/ceph.git
 Once ``git clone`` executes, you should have a full copy of the Ceph repository.
 Clone the Submodules
-Before you can build Ceph, you must navigate to your new repository and get the ``init`` submodule and the ``update`` submodule:: 
+Before you can build Ceph, you must navigate to your new repository and get the ``init`` submodule and the ``update`` submodule::
-	$ cd ceph	
-	$ git submodule init 
-	$ git submodule update 
+	$ cd ceph
+	$ git submodule init
+	$ git submodule update
-.. tip:: Make sure you maintain the latest copies of these submodules. Running ``git status`` will tell you if the submodules are out of date:: 
+.. tip:: Make sure you maintain the latest copies of these submodules. Running ``git status`` will tell you if the submodules are out of date::
 	$ git status
 Choose a Branch
-Once you clone the source code and submodules, your Ceph repository will be on the ``master`` branch by default, which is the unstable development branch. You may choose other branches too. 
+Once you clone the source code and submodules, your Ceph repository will be on the ``master`` branch by default, which is the unstable development branch. You may choose other branches too.
 - ``master``: The unstable development branch.
 - ``stable``: The bugfix branch.
@@ -41,4 +41,3 @@ Once you clone the source code and submodules, your Ceph repository will be on t
 	git checkout master
diff --git a/doc/source/contributing.rst b/doc/source/contributing.rst
index 09a869be42b..ec6a92dc5dd 100644
--- a/doc/source/contributing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/contributing.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  Contributing Source Code
-If you are making source contributions, you must be added to the Ceph 
-project on github. You must also generate keys and add them to your 
+If you are making source contributions, you must be added to the Ceph
+project on github. You must also generate keys and add them to your
 github account.
 Generate SSH Keys
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ You must generate SSH keys for github to clone the Ceph
 repository. If you do not have SSH keys for ``github``, execute::
 	$ ssh-keygen -d
-Get the key to add to your ``github`` account (the following example 
+Get the key to add to your ``github`` account (the following example
 assumes you used the default file path)::
 	$ cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub
-Copy the public key. 
+Copy the public key.
 Add the Key
 Go to your your ``github`` account,
 click on "Account Settings" (i.e., the 'tools' icon); then,
-click "SSH Keys" on the left side navbar. 
+click "SSH Keys" on the left side navbar.
 Click "Add SSH key" in the "SSH Keys" list, enter a name for
 the key, paste the key you generated, and press the "Add key"
diff --git a/doc/source/downloading-a-ceph-release.rst b/doc/source/downloading-a-ceph-release.rst
index d9f8c7facc0..2193aa69814 100644
--- a/doc/source/downloading-a-ceph-release.rst
+++ b/doc/source/downloading-a-ceph-release.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  Downloading a Ceph Release Tarball
-As Ceph development progresses, the Ceph team releases new versions of the 
+As Ceph development progresses, the Ceph team releases new versions of the
 source code. You may download source code tarballs for Ceph releases here:
 `Ceph Release Tarballs <http://ceph.com/download/>`_
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index a649c654431..1f10d77adc2 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
  Ceph Source Code
-You can build Ceph from source by downloading a release or cloning the ``ceph`` 
-repository at github. If you intend to build Ceph from source, please see the 
-build pre-requisites first. Making sure you have all the pre-requisites 
+You can build Ceph from source by downloading a release or cloning the ``ceph``
+repository at github. If you intend to build Ceph from source, please see the
+build pre-requisites first. Making sure you have all the pre-requisites
 will save you time.
 .. toctree::
diff --git a/doc/start/get-involved-in-the-ceph-community.rst b/doc/start/get-involved-in-the-ceph-community.rst
index c1267d7928b..6a104ff3624 100644
--- a/doc/start/get-involved-in-the-ceph-community.rst
+++ b/doc/start/get-involved-in-the-ceph-community.rst
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ These are exciting times in the Ceph community! Get involved!
 | **Support**     | If you have a very specific problem, an         | http://inktank.com                            |
 |                 | immediate need, or if your deployment requires  |                                               |
 |                 | significant help, consider commercial support_. |                                               |
 .. _Subscribe: mailto:majordomo@vger.kernel.org?body=subscribe+ceph-devel
diff --git a/doc/start/index.rst b/doc/start/index.rst
index ee41d1c962d..62cbdeea933 100644
--- a/doc/start/index.rst
+++ b/doc/start/index.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  Getting Started
-Welcome to Ceph! The following sections provide information that will help you 
+Welcome to Ceph! The following sections provide information that will help you
 get started:
 .. toctree::
diff --git a/doc/start/quick-start.rst b/doc/start/quick-start.rst
index bf7e0210376..27929a986dc 100644
--- a/doc/start/quick-start.rst
+++ b/doc/start/quick-start.rst
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
  Quick Start
-Ceph is intended for large-scale deployments, but you may install Ceph on a 
-single host. Quick start is intended for Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions. 
+Ceph is intended for large-scale deployments, but you may install Ceph on a
+single host. Quick start is intended for Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions.
 1. Login to your host.
 2. Make a directory for Ceph packages. *e.g.,* ``$ mkdir ceph``
-3. `Get Ceph packages <../../install/download-packages>`_ and add them to your 
+3. `Get Ceph packages <../../install/download-packages>`_ and add them to your
    APT configuration file.
-4. Update and Install Ceph packages. 
-   See `Downloading Debian/Ubuntu Packages <../../install/download-packages>`_ 
+4. Update and Install Ceph packages.
+   See `Downloading Debian/Ubuntu Packages <../../install/download-packages>`_
    and `Installing Packages <../../install/installing-packages>`_ for details.
-5. Add a ``ceph.conf`` file. 
+5. Add a ``ceph.conf`` file.
    See `Ceph Configuration Files <../../config-cluster/ceph-conf>`_ for details.
-6. Run Ceph. 
+6. Run Ceph.
    See `Deploying Ceph with mkcephfs <../../config-cluster/deploying-ceph-with-mkcephfs>`_