mon: drop weird/failed mon features debug cli

Signed-off-by: Joao Eduardo Luis <>
This commit is contained in:
Joao Eduardo Luis 2017-02-13 00:31:33 +00:00
parent 64eae76fbe
commit 545bc83568
2 changed files with 0 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -441,22 +441,6 @@ COMMAND("mon remove " \
COMMAND("mon rm " \
"name=name,type=CephString", \
"remove monitor named <name>", "mon", "rw", "cli,rest")
COMMAND("mon debug set_feature" \
"name=feature_type,type=CephChoices,strings=persistent|optional " \
"name=feature_name,type=CephString " \
"name=sure,type=CephChoices,strings=--yes-i-really-mean-it,req=false", \
"set provided feature on mon map", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
COMMAND("mon debug list_features " \
"name=feature_type,type=CephString,req=false", \
"list available mon map features to be set/unset", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
COMMAND("mon debug unset_feature " \
"name=feature_type,type=CephChoices,strings=persistent|optional " \
"name=feature_name,type=CephString " \
"name=sure,type=CephChoices,strings=--yes-i-really-mean-it,req=false", \
"unset provided feature from monmap", \
"mon", "rw", "cli")
* OSD commands

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@ -331,123 +331,6 @@ void Monitor::do_admin_command(string command, cmdmap_t& cmdmap, string format,
if (f) {
} else if (boost::starts_with(command, "debug mon features")) {
// check if unsupported feature is set
if (!cct->check_experimental_feature_enabled("mon_debug_features_commands")) {
ss << "error: this is an experimental feature and is not enabled.";
goto abort;
if (command == "debug mon features list") {
mon_feature_t supported = ceph::features::mon::get_supported();
mon_feature_t persistent = ceph::features::mon::get_persistent();
if (f) {
supported.dump_with_value(f.get(), "supported");
persistent.dump_with_value(f.get(), "persistent");
f->close_section(); // ceph-mon
monmap->persistent_features.dump_with_value(f.get(), "persistent");
monmap->optional_features.dump_with_value(f.get(), "optional");
mon_feature_t required = monmap->get_required_features();
required.dump_with_value(f.get(), "required");
f->close_section(); // monmap
f->close_section(); // features
} else {
ss << "only structured formats allowed when listing";
} else if (command == "debug mon features set" ||
command == "debug mon features set_val" ||
command == "debug mon features unset" ||
command == "debug mon features unset_val") {
string n;
if (!cmd_getval(cct, cmdmap, "feature", n)) {
ss << "missing feature to set";
goto abort;
string f_type;
bool do_persistent = false, do_optional = false;
if (cmd_getval(cct, cmdmap, "feature_type", f_type)) {
if (f_type == "--persistent") {
do_persistent = true;
} else {
do_optional = true;
mon_feature_t feature;
if (command == "debug mon features set" ||
command == "debug mon features unset") {
feature = ceph::features::mon::get_feature_by_name(n);
if (feature == ceph::features::mon::FEATURE_NONE) {
ss << "no such feature '" << n << "'";
goto abort;
} else {
uint64_t feature_val;
string interr;
feature_val = strict_strtoll(n.c_str(), 10, &interr);
if (!interr.empty()) {
ss << "unable to parse feature value: " << interr;
goto abort;
feature = mon_feature_t(feature_val);
bool do_unset = false;
if (boost::ends_with(command, "unset") ||
boost::ends_with(command, "unset_val")) {
do_unset = true;
ss << (do_unset? "un" : "") << "setting feature '";
ss << "' on current monmap\n";
ss << "please note this change is not persistent; "
<< "changes to monmap will overwrite the changes\n";
if (!do_persistent && !do_optional) {
if (ceph::features::mon::get_persistent().contains_all(feature)) {
do_persistent = true;
} else {
do_optional = true;
ss << "\n" << (do_unset ? "un" : "") << "setting ";
mon_feature_t &target_feature = (do_persistent ?
monmap->persistent_features : monmap->optional_features);
if (do_persistent) {
ss << "persistent feature";
} else {
ss << "optional feature";
if (do_unset) {
} else {
} else {
ss << "unrecognized command";
} else {
assert(0 == "bad AdminSocket command binding");