rgw: Add URL format support for bucket quota modification

Allow admin to change the quota of a individual bucket through Admin API
with params in URL

Fixes: http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/21811
Signed-off-by: Jeegn Chen <jeegnchen@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Jeegn Chen 2017-12-14 08:08:49 +00:00
parent b2893d1710
commit 46b1186f14

View File

@ -239,12 +239,41 @@ void RGWOp_Set_Bucket_Quota::execute()
http_ret = -EINVAL;
bool use_http_params;
if (s->content_length > 0) {
use_http_params = false;
} else {
const char *encoding = s->info.env->get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING");
use_http_params = (!encoding || strcmp(encoding, "chunked") != 0);
RGWQuotaInfo quota;
bool empty;
http_ret = rgw_rest_get_json_input(store->ctx(), s, quota, QUOTA_INPUT_MAX_LEN, &empty);
if (http_ret < 0) {
ldout(store->ctx(), 20) << "failed to retrieve input" << dendl;
if (!use_http_params) {
bool empty;
http_ret = rgw_rest_get_json_input(store->ctx(), s, quota, QUOTA_INPUT_MAX_LEN, &empty);
if (http_ret < 0) {
if (!empty)
/* was probably chunked input, but no content provided, configure via http params */
use_http_params = true;
if (use_http_params) {
RGWBucketInfo bucket_info;
map<string, bufferlist> attrs;
RGWObjectCtx obj_ctx(store);
http_ret = store->get_bucket_info(obj_ctx, uid.tenant, bucket, bucket_info, NULL, &attrs);
if (http_ret < 0) {
RGWQuotaInfo *old_quota = &bucket_info.quota;
int64_t old_max_size_kb = rgw_rounded_kb(old_quota->max_size);
int64_t max_size_kb;
RESTArgs::get_int64(s, "max-objects", old_quota->max_objects, &quota.max_objects);
RESTArgs::get_int64(s, "max-size-kb", old_max_size_kb, &max_size_kb);
quota.max_size = max_size_kb * 1024;
RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "enabled", old_quota->enabled, &quota.enabled);
RGWBucketAdminOpState op_state;