mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:39:05 +00:00
mgr/cephadm: enable osd previews
Signed-off-by: Joshua Schmid <jschmid@suse.de>
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import uuid
from ceph.deployment import inventory, translate
from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec
from ceph.deployment.drive_selection import selector
from ceph.deployment.drive_selection.selector import DriveSelection
from ceph.deployment.service_spec import \
HostPlacementSpec, NFSServiceSpec, ServiceSpec, PlacementSpec, assert_valid_host
@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ class SpecStore():
del self.spec_created[service_name]
self.mgr.set_store(SPEC_STORE_PREFIX + service_name, None)
def find(self, service_name=None):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> List[ServiceSpec]
def find(self, service_name: Optional[str] = None) -> List[ServiceSpec]:
specs = []
for sn, spec in self.specs.items():
if not service_name or \
@ -2102,10 +2101,23 @@ class CephadmOrchestrator(orchestrator.Orchestrator, MgrModule):
def create_osds(self, drive_group: DriveGroupSpec):
self.log.debug("Processing DriveGroup {}".format(drive_group))
self.log.debug(f"Processing DriveGroup {drive_group}")
ret = []
for host, drive_selection in self.prepare_drivegroup(drive_group):
self.log.info('Applying %s on host %s...' % (drive_group.service_id, host))
cmd = self.driveselection_to_ceph_volume(drive_group, drive_selection)
if not cmd:
self.log.debug("No data_devices, skipping DriveGroup: {}".format(drive_group.service_id))
ret_msg = self._create_osd(host, cmd)
return ", ".join(ret)
def prepare_drivegroup(self, drive_group: DriveGroupSpec) -> List[Tuple[str, DriveSelection]]:
# 1) use fn_filter to determine matching_hosts
matching_hosts = drive_group.placement.pattern_matches_hosts([x for x in self.cache.get_hosts()])
# 2) Map the inventory to the InventoryHost object
host_ds_map = []
def _find_inv_for_host(hostname: str, inventory_dict: dict):
# This is stupid and needs to be loaded with the host
@ -2114,27 +2126,49 @@ class CephadmOrchestrator(orchestrator.Orchestrator, MgrModule):
return _inventory
raise OrchestratorError("No inventory found for host: {}".format(hostname))
ret = []
# 3) iterate over matching_host and call DriveSelection and to_ceph_volume
# 3) iterate over matching_host and call DriveSelection
self.log.debug(f"Checking matching hosts -> {matching_hosts}")
for host in matching_hosts:
inventory_for_host = _find_inv_for_host(host, self.cache.devices)
self.log.debug(f"Found inventory for host {inventory_for_host}")
drive_selection = selector.DriveSelection(drive_group, inventory_for_host)
drive_selection = DriveSelection(drive_group, inventory_for_host)
self.log.debug(f"Found drive selection {drive_selection}")
cmd = translate.to_ceph_volume(drive_group, drive_selection).run()
self.log.debug(f"translated to cmd {cmd}")
if not cmd:
self.log.debug("No data_devices, skipping DriveGroup: {}".format(drive_group.service_name()))
self.log.info('Applying %s on host %s...' % (
drive_group.service_name(), host))
ret_msg = self._create_osd(host, cmd)
return ", ".join(ret)
host_ds_map.append((host, drive_selection))
return host_ds_map
def _create_osd(self, host, cmd):
def driveselection_to_ceph_volume(self, drive_group: DriveGroupSpec,
drive_selection: DriveSelection,
preview: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
self.log.debug(f"Translating DriveGroup <{drive_group}> to ceph-volume command")
cmd: Optional[str] = translate.to_ceph_volume(drive_group, drive_selection, preview=preview).run()
self.log.debug(f"Resulting ceph-volume cmd: {cmd}")
return cmd
def preview_drivegroups(self, drive_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
dg_specs: Optional[List[DriveGroupSpec]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]]:
# find drivegroups
if drive_group_name:
drive_groups = cast(List[DriveGroupSpec],
elif dg_specs:
drive_groups = dg_specs
drive_groups = []
ret_all = []
for drive_group in drive_groups:
# prepare driveselection
for host, ds in self.prepare_drivegroup(drive_group):
cmd = self.driveselection_to_ceph_volume(drive_group, ds, preview=True)
if not cmd:
self.log.debug("No data_devices, skipping DriveGroup: {}".format(drive_group.service_name()))
out, err, code = self._run_ceph_volume_command(host, cmd)
if out:
concat_out = json.loads(" ".join(out))
ret_all.append({'data': concat_out, 'drivegroup': drive_group.service_id, 'host': host})
return ret_all
def _run_ceph_volume_command(self, host: str, cmd: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], int]:
# get bootstrap key
@ -2153,8 +2187,6 @@ class CephadmOrchestrator(orchestrator.Orchestrator, MgrModule):
'keyring': keyring,
before_osd_uuid_map = self.get_osd_uuid_map(only_up=True)
split_cmd = cmd.split(' ')
_cmd = ['--config-json', '-', '--']
@ -2163,6 +2195,11 @@ class CephadmOrchestrator(orchestrator.Orchestrator, MgrModule):
return out, err, code
def _create_osd(self, host, cmd):
out, err, code = self._run_ceph_volume_command(host, cmd)
if code == 1 and ', it is already prepared' in '\n'.join(err):
# HACK: when we create against an existing LV, ceph-volume
# returns an error and the above message. To make this
@ -2182,6 +2219,7 @@ class CephadmOrchestrator(orchestrator.Orchestrator, MgrModule):
'lvm', 'list',
'--format', 'json',
before_osd_uuid_map = self.get_osd_uuid_map(only_up=True)
osds_elems = json.loads('\n'.join(out))
fsid = self._cluster_fsid
osd_uuid_map = self.get_osd_uuid_map()
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from execnet.gateway_bootstrap import HostNotFound
from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, PlacementSpec, RGWSpec, \
NFSServiceSpec, IscsiServiceSpec
from ceph.deployment.drive_selection.selector import DriveSelection
from ceph.deployment.inventory import Devices, Device
from orchestrator import ServiceDescription, DaemonDescription, InventoryHost, \
HostSpec, OrchestratorError
from tests import mock
@ -157,7 +159,6 @@ class TestCephadm(object):
c = cephadm_module.daemon_action(what, 'rgw', 'myrgw.foobar')
assert wait(cephadm_module, c) == [what + " rgw.myrgw.foobar from host 'test'"]
@mock.patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('[]'))
def test_mon_add(self, cephadm_module):
with self._with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
@ -207,6 +208,54 @@ class TestCephadm(object):
out = wait(cephadm_module, c)
assert out == "Created no osd(s) on host test; already created?"
@mock.patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('{}'))
def test_prepare_drivegroup(self, cephadm_module):
with self._with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
dg = DriveGroupSpec(placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern='test'), data_devices=DeviceSelection(paths=['']))
out = cephadm_module.prepare_drivegroup(dg)
assert len(out) == 1
f1 = out[0]
assert f1[0] == 'test'
assert isinstance(f1[1], DriveSelection)
"devices, preview, exp_command",
# no preview and only one disk, prepare is used due the hack that is in place.
(['/dev/sda'], False, "lvm prepare --bluestore --data /dev/sda --no-systemd"),
# no preview and multiple disks, uses batch
(['/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb'], False, "lvm batch --no-auto /dev/sda /dev/sdb --yes --no-systemd"),
# preview and only one disk needs to use batch again to generate the preview
(['/dev/sda'], True, "lvm batch --no-auto /dev/sda --report --format json"),
# preview and multiple disks work the same
(['/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb'], True, "lvm batch --no-auto /dev/sda /dev/sdb --yes --no-systemd --report --format json"),
@mock.patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('{}'))
def test_driveselection_to_ceph_volume(self, cephadm_module, devices, preview, exp_command):
with self._with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
dg = DriveGroupSpec(placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern='test'), data_devices=DeviceSelection(paths=devices))
ds = DriveSelection(dg, Devices([Device(path) for path in devices]))
preview = preview
out = cephadm_module.driveselection_to_ceph_volume(dg, ds, preview)
assert out in exp_command
@mock.patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('{}'))
def test_preview_drivegroups_str(self, _run_c_v_command, _ds_to_cv, _prepare_dg, _find_store, cephadm_module):
with self._with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
dg = DriveGroupSpec(placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern='test'), data_devices=DeviceSelection(paths=['']))
_find_store.return_value = [dg]
_prepare_dg.return_value = [('host1', 'ds_dummy')]
_run_c_v_command.return_value = ("{}", '', 0)
@mock.patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm(
@ -941,6 +941,14 @@ class Orchestrator(object):
""" Update OSD cluster """
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_unmanaged_flag(self, service_name: str, unmanaged_flag: bool) -> HandleCommandResult:
raise NotImplementedError()
def preview_drivegroups(self, drive_group_name: Optional[str] = 'osd',
dg_specs: Optional[List[DriveGroupSpec]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]]:
""" Get a preview for OSD deployments """
raise NotImplementedError()
def remove_osds(self, osd_ids: List[str],
replace: bool = False,
force: bool = False) -> Completion:
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from ._interface import OrchestratorClientMixin, DeviceLightLoc, _cli_read_comma
RGWSpec, InventoryFilter, InventoryHost, HostSpec, CLICommandMeta, \
ServiceDescription, DaemonDescription, IscsiServiceSpec
def nice_delta(now, t, suffix=''):
if t:
return to_pretty_timedelta(now - t) + suffix
@ -457,18 +458,98 @@ class OrchestratorCli(OrchestratorClientMixin, MgrModule):
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=table.get_string())
def set_unmanaged_flag(self, service_name: str, unmanaged_flag: bool) -> HandleCommandResult:
# setting unmanaged for $service_name
completion = self.describe_service(service_name=service_name)
services: List[ServiceDescription] = completion.result
specs = list()
for service in services:
spec = service.spec
spec.unmanaged = unmanaged_flag
completion = self.apply(specs)
if specs:
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=f"Changed <unmanaged> flag to <{unmanaged_flag}> for "
f"{[spec.service_name() for spec in specs]}")
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=f"No specs found with the <service_name> -> {service_name}")
'orch apply osd',
'name=all_available_devices,type=CephBool,req=false '
'name=preview,type=CephBool,req=false '
'name=service_name,type=CephString,req=false '
'name=unmanaged,type=CephBool,req=false '
'Create OSD daemon(s) using a drive group spec')
def _apply_osd(self, all_available_devices=False, inbuf=None):
# type: (bool, Optional[str]) -> HandleCommandResult
def _apply_osd(self,
all_available_devices: bool = False,
preview: bool = False,
service_name: Optional[str] = None,
unmanaged: Optional[bool] = None,
format: Optional[str] = 'plain',
inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult:
"""Apply DriveGroupSpecs to create OSDs"""
usage = """
ceph orch apply osd -i <json_file/yaml_file>
ceph orch apply osd --use-all-devices
ceph orch apply osd --service-name <service_name> --preview
ceph orch apply osd --service-name <service_name> --unmanaged=True|False
def print_preview(prev, format):
if format != 'plain':
return to_format(prev, format)
table = PrettyTable(
['NAME', 'HOST', 'DATA', 'DB', 'WAL'],
table.align = 'l'
table.left_padding_width = 0
table.right_padding_width = 1
for data in prev:
dg_name = data.get('drivegroup')
hostname = data.get('host')
for osd in data.get('data', {}).get('osds', []):
db_path = '-'
wal_path = '-'
block_db = osd.get('block.db', {}).get('path')
block_wal = osd.get('block.wal', {}).get('path')
block_data = osd.get('data', {}).get('path', '')
if not block_data:
if block_db:
db_path = data.get('data', {}).get('vg', {}).get('devices', [])
if block_wal:
wal_path = data.get('data', {}).get('wal_vg', {}).get('devices', [])
table.add_row((dg_name, hostname, block_data, db_path, wal_path))
out = table.get_string()
if not out:
out = "No pending deployments."
return out
if (inbuf or all_available_devices) and service_name:
# mutually exclusive
return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=usage)
if preview and not (service_name or all_available_devices or inbuf):
# get all stored drivegroups and print
prev = self.preview_drivegroups()
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=print_preview(prev, format))
if service_name and preview:
# get specified drivegroup and print
prev = self.preview_drivegroups(service_name)
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=print_preview(prev, format))
if service_name and unmanaged is not None:
return self.set_unmanaged_flag(service_name, unmanaged)
if not inbuf and not all_available_devices:
return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=usage)
if inbuf:
@ -476,7 +557,7 @@ Usage:
raise OrchestratorError('--all-available-devices cannot be combined with an osd spec')
drivegroups = yaml.load_all(inbuf)
dg_specs = [ServiceSpec.from_json(dg) for dg in drivegroups]
dg_specs = [DriveGroupSpec.from_json(dg) for dg in drivegroups]
except ValueError as e:
msg = 'Failed to read JSON/YAML input: {}'.format(str(e)) + usage
return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=msg)
@ -489,10 +570,12 @@ Usage:
completion = self.apply_drivegroups(dg_specs)
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str())
if not preview:
completion = self.apply_drivegroups(dg_specs)
ret = self.preview_drivegroups(dg_specs=dg_specs)
return HandleCommandResult(stdout=print_preview(ret, format))
'orch daemon add osd',
@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ class TestOrchestrator(MgrModule, orchestrator.Orchestrator):
return list(filter(_filter_func, daemons))
def preview_drivegroups(self, drive_group_name=None, dg_specs=None):
return [{}]
def create_osds(self, drive_group):
# type: (DriveGroupSpec) -> TestCompletion
""" Creates OSDs from a drive group specification.
@ -149,10 +149,12 @@ class DriveGroupSpec(ServiceSpec):
block_wal_size=None, # type: Optional[int]
journal_size=None, # type: Optional[int]
service_type=None, # type: Optional[str]
unmanaged=None, # type: Optional[bool]
unmanaged=False, # type: bool
assert service_type is None or service_type == 'osd'
super(DriveGroupSpec, self).__init__('osd', service_id=service_id, placement=placement)
super(DriveGroupSpec, self).__init__('osd', service_id=service_id,
#: A :class:`ceph.deployment.drive_group.DeviceSelection`
self.data_devices = data_devices
@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ class to_ceph_volume(object):
def __init__(self,
spec, # type: DriveGroupSpec
selection # type: DriveSelection
selection, # type: DriveSelection
self.spec = spec
self.selection = selection
self.preview = preview
def run(self):
# type: () -> Optional[str]
@ -54,6 +56,12 @@ class to_ceph_volume(object):
not db_devices and \
not wal_devices:
cmd = "lvm prepare --bluestore --data %s --no-systemd" % (' '.join(data_devices))
if self.preview:
# Like every horrible hack, this has sideffects on other features.
# In this case, 'lvm prepare' has neither a '--report' nor a '--format json' option
# which essentially doesn't allow for a proper previews here.
# Fall back to lvm batch in order to get a preview.
return f"lvm batch --no-auto {' '.join(data_devices)} --report --format json"
return cmd
if self.spec.objectstore == 'bluestore':
@ -81,4 +89,8 @@ class to_ceph_volume(object):
cmd += " --yes"
cmd += " --no-systemd"
if self.preview:
cmd += " --report"
cmd += " --format json"
return cmd
Reference in New Issue
Block a user