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synced 2025-03-11 02:39:05 +00:00
Merge pull request #795 from ceph/wip-list-inconsistent-obj
task/scrub_test: tests for list inconsistent obj APIs Reviewed-by: Samuel Just <sjust@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ overrides:
- deep-scrub 1 errors
- repair 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
- repair 1 errors, 1 fixed
- shard [0-9]+ missing
- deep-scrub 1 missing, 0 inconsistent objects
- install:
- ceph:
@ -1,15 +1,320 @@
"""Scrub testing"""
from cStringIO import StringIO
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import time
import ctypes
import tempfile
import ceph_manager
from teuthology import misc as teuthology
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def wait_for_victim_pg(manager):
"""Return a PG with some data and its acting set"""
# wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
victim = None
while victim is None:
stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
for pg in stats:
size = pg['stat_sum']['num_bytes']
if size > 0:
victim = pg['pgid']
acting = pg['acting']
return victim, acting
def find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd):
"""Return a file to be fuzzed"""
(osd_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only('osd.%d' % osd).remotes.iterkeys()
data_path = os.path.join(
# fuzz time
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as ls_fp:
args=['sudo', 'ls', data_path],
ls_out = ls_fp.getvalue()
# find an object file we can mess with
osdfilename = next(line for line in ls_out.split('\n')
if not line.startswith('__'))
assert osdfilename is not None
# Get actual object name from osd stored filename
objname, _ = osdfilename.split('__', 1)
objname = objname.replace(r'\u', '_')
return osd_remote, os.path.join(data_path, osdfilename), objname
def corrupt_file(osd_remote, path):
# put a single \0 at the beginning of the file
args=['sudo', 'dd',
'of=%s' % path,
'bs=1', 'count=1', 'conv=notrunc']
def deep_scrub(manager, victim):
# scrub, verify inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'deep-scrub', victim)
# Give deep-scrub a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert inconsistent
def repair(manager, victim):
# repair, verify no longer inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'repair', victim)
# Give repair a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert not inconsistent
def test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path):
corrupt_file(osd_remote, obj_path)
deep_scrub(manager, pg)
repair(manager, pg)
def test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, objname):
# Test deep-scrub with various omap modifications
# Modify omap on specific osd
log.info('fuzzing omap of %s' % objname)
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'key'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
'badkey', 'badval'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'badhdr'])
deep_scrub(manager, pg)
# please note, the repair here is errnomous, it rewrites the correct omap
# digest and data digest on the replicas with the corresponding digests
# from the primary osd which is hosting the victim object, see
# find_victim_object().
# so we need to either put this test and the end of this task or
# undo the mess-up manually before the "repair()" that just ensures
# the cleanup is sane, otherwise the succeeding tests will fail. if they
# try set "badkey" in hope to get an "inconsistent" pg with a deep-scrub.
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'hdr'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'badkey'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
'key', 'val'])
repair(manager, pg)
class MessUp:
def __init__(self, manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id,
obj_name, obj_path, omap_key, omap_val):
self.manager = manager
self.osd = osd_remote
self.pool = pool
self.osd_id = osd_id
self.obj = obj_name
self.path = obj_path
self.omap_key = omap_key
self.omap_val = omap_val
def _test_with_file(self, messup_cmd, *checks):
temp = tempfile.mktemp()
backup_cmd = ['sudo', 'cp', self.path, temp]
yield checks
restore_cmd = ['sudo', 'mv', temp, self.path]
def remove(self):
cmd = 'sudo rm {path}'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd, 'missing')
def append(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path} bs=1 count=1 ' \
'conv=notrunc oflag=append'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def truncate(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/null of={path}'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def change_obj(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path} bs=1 count=1 ' \
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def rm_omap(self):
cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj,
self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
def add_omap(self):
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey', 'badval']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
def change_omap(self):
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, 'badval']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
class InconsistentObjChecker:
"""Check the returned inconsistents/inconsistent info"""
CEPH_NOSNAP = ctypes.c_uint64(-2).value
def __init__(self, osd, acting, obj_name):
self.osd = osd
self.acting = acting
self.obj = obj_name
assert self.osd in self.acting
def basic_checks(self, inc):
assert inc['object']['name'] == self.obj
assert inc['object']['snap'] == self.CEPH_NOSNAP
assert len(inc['shards']) == len(self.acting), \
"the number of returned shard does not match with the acting set"
def run(self, check, inc):
func = getattr(self, check)
def _get_attrs(self, inc, attr_name):
bad_attr = None
good_attr = None
for shard in inc['shards']:
log.info('shard = %r' % shard)
log.info('attr = %s' % attr_name)
assert 'osd' in shard
assert attr_name in shard
osd = shard['osd']
attr = shard[attr_name]
if osd == self.osd:
assert bad_attr is None, \
"multiple entries found for the given OSD"
bad_attr = attr
assert osd in self.acting, "shard not in acting set"
assert good_attr is None or good_attr == attr, \
"multiple good attrs found"
good_attr = attr
assert bad_attr is not None, \
"good {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
assert good_attr is not None, \
"bad {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
assert good_attr != bad_attr, \
"bad attr is identical to the good ones: " \
"{0} == {1}".format(good_attr, bad_attr)
return bad_attr, good_attr
def data_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
assert inc['data_digest_mismatch'] is True
self._get_attrs(inc, 'data_digest')
def missing(self, inc):
assert inc['missing'] is True
has_missing, _ = self._get_attrs(inc, 'missing')
assert has_missing is True, "the removed shard is not missing"
def size_mismatch(self, inc):
assert inc['size_mismatch'] is True
self._get_attrs(inc, 'size')
def omap_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
assert inc['omap_digest_mismatch'] is True
self._get_attrs(inc, 'omap_digest')
def test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd_id,
obj_name, obj_path):
mon = manager.controller
pool = 'rbd'
omap_key = 'key'
omap_val = 'val'
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', pool, 'setomapval', obj_name,
omap_key, omap_val])
messup = MessUp(manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id, obj_name, obj_path,
omap_key, omap_val)
for test in [messup.rm_omap, messup.add_omap, messup.change_omap,
messup.append, messup.truncate, messup.change_obj,
with test() as checks:
deep_scrub(manager, pg)
cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-pg {pool} ' \
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as out:
mon.run(args=cmd.split(), stdout=out)
pgs = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert pgs == [pg]
cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-obj {pg} ' \
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as out:
mon.run(args=cmd.split(), stdout=out)
objs = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert len(objs) == 1
checker = InconsistentObjChecker(osd_id, acting, obj_name)
inc_obj = objs[0]
for check in checks:
log.info('inc = %r', inc_obj)
checker.run(check, inc_obj)
def task(ctx, config):
Test [deep] scrub
@ -25,8 +330,7 @@ def task(ctx, config):
- deep-scrub 1 errors
- repair 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
- repair 1 errors, 1 fixed
- scrub_test:
- scrub_test:
if config is None:
config = {}
@ -34,7 +338,7 @@ def task(ctx, config):
'scrub_test task only accepts a dict for configuration'
first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
(mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
num_osds = teuthology.num_instances_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'osd')
log.info('num_osds is %s' % num_osds)
@ -52,148 +356,23 @@ def task(ctx, config):
# write some data
p = manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'bench', '--no-cleanup', '1', 'write', '-b', '4096'])
err = p.exitstatus
log.info('err is %d' % err)
p = manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'bench', '--no-cleanup', '1',
'write', '-b', '4096'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
# wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
victim = None
osd = None
while victim is None:
stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
for pg in stats:
size = pg['stat_sum']['num_bytes']
if size > 0:
victim = pg['pgid']
osd = pg['acting'][0]
pg, acting = wait_for_victim_pg(manager)
osd = acting[0]
if victim is None:
log.info('messing with PG %s on osd %d' % (victim, osd))
(osd_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only('osd.%d' % osd).remotes.iterkeys()
data_path = os.path.join(
# fuzz time
ls_fp = StringIO()
args=[ 'sudo', 'ls', data_path ],
ls_out = ls_fp.getvalue()
# find an object file we can mess with
osdfilename = None
for line in ls_out.split('\n'):
if 'object' in line:
osdfilename = line
assert osdfilename is not None
# Get actual object name from osd stored filename
objname=objname.replace('\u', '_')
log.info('fuzzing %s' % objname)
# put a single \0 at the beginning of the file
args=[ 'sudo', 'dd',
'of=%s' % os.path.join(data_path, osdfilename),
'bs=1', 'count=1', 'conv=notrunc'
# scrub, verify inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'deep-scrub', victim)
# Give deep-scrub a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert inconsistent
# repair, verify no longer inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'repair', victim)
# Give repair a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert not inconsistent
# Test deep-scrub with various omap modifications
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapval', objname, 'key', 'val'])
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapheader', objname, 'hdr'])
# Modify omap on specific osd
log.info('fuzzing omap of %s' % objname)
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'key']);
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname, 'badkey', 'badval']);
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'badhdr']);
# scrub, verify inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'deep-scrub', victim)
# Give deep-scrub a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert inconsistent
# repair, verify no longer inconsistent
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'repair', victim)
# Give repair a chance to start
while True:
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
state = stats['state']
# wait for the scrub to finish
if 'scrubbing' in state:
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert not inconsistent
osd_remote, obj_path, obj_name = find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd)
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapval', obj_name, 'key', 'val'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapheader', obj_name, 'hdr'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
log.info('messing with PG %s on osd %d' % (pg, osd))
test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path)
test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, obj_name)
test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd,
obj_name, obj_path)
log.info('test successful!')
Reference in New Issue
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