mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 08:57:27 +00:00
radosgw-admin-rest: Add task for RESTful admin api.
Signed-off-by caleb miles <caleb.miles@inktank.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ nose >=1.0.0
fudge >=1.0.3
boto >=2.0b4
requests ==0.14.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
# The test cases in this file have been annotated for inventory.
# To extract the inventory (in csv format) use the command:
# grep '^ *# TESTCASE' | sed 's/^ *# TESTCASE //'
from cStringIO import StringIO
import logging
import json
import boto.exception
import boto.s3.connection
import boto.s3.acl
import requests
import time
from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
from teuthology import misc as teuthology
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def successful_ops(out):
summary = out['summary']
if len(summary) == 0:
return 0
entry = summary[0]
return entry['total']['successful_ops']
def rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd):
log.info('radosgw-admin: %s' % cmd)
testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
pre = [
'--format', 'json',
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
proc = remote.run(
r = proc.exitstatus
out = proc.stdout.getvalue()
j = None
if not r and out != '':
j = json.loads(out)
log.info(' json result: %s' % j)
except ValueError:
j = out
log.info(' raw result: %s' % j)
return (r, j)
def rgwadmin_rest(connection, cmd, params=None, headers=None, raw=False):
log.info('radosgw-admin-rest: %s %s' % (cmd, params))
put_cmds = ['create', 'link', 'add']
post_cmds = ['unlink', 'modify']
delete_cmds = ['trim', 'rm', 'process']
get_cmds = ['check', 'info', 'show', 'list']
bucket_sub_resources = ['object', 'policy', 'index']
user_sub_resources = ['subuser', 'key', 'caps']
zone_sub_resources = ['pool', 'log', 'garbage']
def get_cmd_method_and_handler(cmd):
if cmd[1] in put_cmds:
return 'PUT', requests.put
elif cmd[1] in delete_cmds:
return 'DELETE', requests.delete
elif cmd[1] in post_cmds:
return 'POST', requests.post
elif cmd[1] in get_cmds:
return 'GET', requests.get
def get_resource(cmd):
if cmd[0] == 'bucket' or cmd[0] in bucket_sub_resources:
if cmd[0] == 'bucket':
return 'bucket', ''
return 'bucket', cmd[0]
elif cmd[0] == 'user' or cmd[0] in user_sub_resources:
if cmd[0] == 'user':
return 'user', ''
return 'user', cmd[0]
elif cmd[0] == 'usage':
return 'usage', ''
elif cmd[0] == 'zone' or cmd[0] in zone_sub_resources:
if cmd[0] == 'zone':
return 'zone', ''
return 'zone', cmd[0]
Adapted from the build_request() method of boto.connection
def build_admin_request(conn, method, resource = '', headers=None, data='',
query_args=None, params=None):
path = conn.calling_format.build_path_base('admin', resource)
auth_path = conn.calling_format.build_auth_path('admin', resource)
host = conn.calling_format.build_host(conn.server_name(), 'admin')
if query_args:
path += '?' + query_args
boto.log.debug('path=%s' % path)
auth_path += '?' + query_args
boto.log.debug('auth_path=%s' % auth_path)
return AWSAuthConnection.build_base_http_request(conn, method, path,
auth_path, params, headers, data, host)
method, handler = get_cmd_method_and_handler(cmd)
resource, query_args = get_resource(cmd)
request = build_admin_request(connection, method, resource,
query_args=query_args, headers=headers)
url = '{protocol}://{host}{path}'.format(protocol=request.protocol,
host=request.host, path=request.path)
result = handler(url, params=params, headers=request.headers)
if raw:
log.info(' text result: %s' % result.txt)
return result.status_code, result.txt
log.info(' json result: %s' % result.json)
return result.status_code, result.json
def task(ctx, config):
Test radosgw-admin functionality through the RESTful interface
assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \
or isinstance(config, dict), \
"task s3tests only supports a list or dictionary for configuration"
all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_)
for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')]
if config is None:
config = all_clients
if isinstance(config, list):
config = dict.fromkeys(config)
clients = config.keys()
# just use the first client...
client = clients[0]
admin_user = 'ada'
admin_display_name = 'Ms. Admin User'
admin_access_key = 'MH1WC2XQ1S8UISFDZC8W'
admin_secret_key = 'dQyrTPA0s248YeN5bBv4ukvKU0kh54LWWywkrpoG'
admin_caps = 'users=read, write; usage=read, write; buckets=read, write; zone=read, write'
user1 = 'foo'
user2 = 'fud'
subuser1 = 'foo:foo1'
subuser2 = 'foo:foo2'
display_name1 = 'Foo'
display_name2 = 'Fud'
email = 'foo@foo.com'
access_key = '9te6NH5mcdcq0Tc5i8i1'
secret_key = 'Ny4IOauQoL18Gp2zM7lC1vLmoawgqcYP/YGcWfXu'
access_key2 = 'p5YnriCv1nAtykxBrupQ'
secret_key2 = 'Q8Tk6Q/27hfbFSYdSkPtUqhqx1GgzvpXa4WARozh'
swift_secret1 = 'gpS2G9RREMrnbqlp29PP2D36kgPR1tm72n5fPYfL'
swift_secret2 = 'ri2VJQcKSYATOY6uaDUX7pxgkW+W1YmC6OCxPHwy'
bucket_name = 'myfoo'
# legend (test cases can be easily grep-ed out)
# TESTCASE 'testname','object','method','operation','assertion'
# TESTCASE 'create-admin-user','user','create','administrative user','succeeds'
(err, out) = rgwadmin(ctx, client, [
'user', 'create',
'--uid', admin_user,
'--display-name', admin_display_name,
'--access-key', admin_access_key,
'--secret', admin_secret_key,
'--max-buckets', '0',
'--caps', admin_caps
assert not err
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
remote_host = remote.name.split('@')[1]
admin_conn = boto.s3.connection.S3Connection(
# TESTCASE 'info-nosuch','user','info','non-existent user','fails'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {"uid": user1})
assert ret == 404
# TESTCASE 'create-ok','user','create','w/all valid info','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['user', 'create'],
{'uid' : user1,
'display-name' : display_name1,
'email' : email,
'access-key' : access_key,
'secret-key' : secret_key,
'max-buckets' : '4'
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'info-existing','user','info','existing user','returns correct info'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert out['user_id'] == user1
assert out['email'] == email
assert out['display_name'] == display_name1
assert len(out['keys']) == 1
assert out['keys'][0]['access_key'] == access_key
assert out['keys'][0]['secret_key'] == secret_key
assert not out['suspended']
# TESTCASE 'suspend-ok','user','suspend','active user','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'modify'], {'uid' : user1, 'suspended' : True})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'suspend-suspended','user','suspend','suspended user','succeeds w/advisory'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert out['suspended']
# TESTCASE 're-enable','user','enable','suspended user','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'modify'], {'uid' : user1, 'suspended' : 'false'})
assert not err
# TESTCASE 'info-re-enabled','user','info','re-enabled user','no longer suspended'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert not out['suspended']
# TESTCASE 'add-keys','key','create','w/valid info','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['key', 'create'],
{'uid' : user1,
'access-key' : access_key2,
'secret-key' : secret_key2
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'info-new-key','user','info','after key addition','returns all keys'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['keys']) == 2
assert out['keys'][0]['access_key'] == access_key2 or out['keys'][1]['access_key'] == access_key2
assert out['keys'][0]['secret_key'] == secret_key2 or out['keys'][1]['secret_key'] == secret_key2
# TESTCASE 'rm-key','key','rm','newly added key','succeeds, key is removed'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['key', 'rm'],
{'uid' : user1,
'access-key' : access_key2
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert len(out['keys']) == 1
assert out['keys'][0]['access_key'] == access_key
assert out['keys'][0]['secret_key'] == secret_key
# TESTCASE 'add-swift-key','key','create','swift key','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['subuser', 'create'],
{'subuser' : subuser1,
'secret-key' : swift_secret1,
'key-type' : 'swift'
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'info-swift-key','user','info','after key addition','returns all keys'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['swift_keys']) == 1
assert out['swift_keys'][0]['user'] == subuser1
assert out['swift_keys'][0]['secret_key'] == swift_secret1
# TESTCASE 'add-swift-subuser','key','create','swift sub-user key','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['subuser', 'create'],
{'subuser' : subuser2,
'secret-key' : swift_secret2,
'key-type' : 'swift'
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'info-swift-subuser','user','info','after key addition','returns all sub-users/keys'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['swift_keys']) == 2
assert out['swift_keys'][0]['user'] == subuser2 or out['swift_keys'][1]['user'] == subuser2
assert out['swift_keys'][0]['secret_key'] == swift_secret2 or out['swift_keys'][1]['secret_key'] == swift_secret2
# TESTCASE 'rm-swift-key1','key','rm','subuser','succeeds, one key is removed'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['key', 'rm'],
{'subuser' : subuser1,
'key-type' :'swift'
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert len(out['swift_keys']) == 1
# TESTCASE 'rm-subuser','subuser','rm','subuser','success, subuser is removed'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['subuser', 'rm'],
{'subuser' : subuser1
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert len(out['subusers']) == 1
# TESTCASE 'rm-subuser-with-keys','subuser','rm','subuser','succeeds, second subser and key is removed'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['subuser', 'rm'],
{'subuser' : subuser2,
'key-type' : 'swift',
'{purge-keys' :True
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert len(out['swift_keys']) == 0
assert len(out['subusers']) == 0
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats','bucket','info','no session/buckets','succeeds, empty list'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out) == 0
# connect to rgw
connection = boto.s3.connection.S3Connection(
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats2','bucket','stats','no buckets','succeeds, empty list'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'uid' : user1, 'stats' : True})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out) == 0
# create a first bucket
bucket = connection.create_bucket(bucket_name)
# TESTCASE 'bucket-list','bucket','list','one bucket','succeeds, expected list'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out) == 1
assert out[0] == bucket_name
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats3','bucket','stats','new empty bucket','succeeds, empty list'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['bucket', 'info'], {'bucket' : bucket_name, 'stats' : True})
assert ret == 200
assert out['owner'] == user1
bucket_id = out['id']
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats4','bucket','stats','new empty bucket','succeeds, expected bucket ID'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'uid' : user1, 'stats' : True})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out) == 1
assert out[0]['id'] == bucket_id # does it return the same ID twice in a row?
# use some space
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats5','bucket','stats','after creating key','succeeds, lists one non-empty object'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'bucket' : bucket_name, 'stats' : True})
assert ret == 200
assert out['id'] == bucket_id
assert out['usage']['rgw.main']['num_objects'] == 1
assert out['usage']['rgw.main']['size_kb'] > 0
# reclaim it
# TESTCASE 'bucket unlink', 'bucket', 'unlink', 'unlink bucket from user', 'fails', 'access denied error'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'unlink'], {'uid' : user1, 'bucket' : bucket_name})
assert ret == 200
# create a second user to link the bucket to
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn,
['user', 'create'],
{'uid' : user2,
'display-name' : display_name2,
'access-key' : access_key2,
'secret-key' : secret_key2,
'max-buckets' : '1',
assert ret == 200
# try creating an object with the first user before the bucket is relinked
denied = False
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError:
denied = True
assert not denied
# delete the object
# link the bucket to another user
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'link'], {'uid' : user2, 'bucket' : bucket_name})
assert ret == 200
# try creating an object with the first user which should cause an error
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError:
denied = True
assert denied
# relink the bucket to the first user and delete the second user
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'link'], {'uid' : user1, 'bucket' : bucket_name})
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'rm'], {'uid' : user2})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'object-rm', 'object', 'rm', 'remove object', 'succeeds, object is removed'
# upload an object
object_name = 'four'
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, object_name)
# now delete it
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['object', 'rm'], {'bucket' : bucket_name, 'object' : object_name})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'bucket-stats6','bucket','stats','after deleting key','succeeds, lists one no objects'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'info'], {'bucket' : bucket_name, 'stats' : True})
assert ret == 200
assert out['id'] == bucket_id
assert out['usage']['rgw.main']['num_objects'] == 0
# create a bucket for deletion stats
useless_bucket = connection.create_bucket('useless_bucket')
useless_key = useless_bucket.new_key('useless_key')
useless_key.set_contents_from_string('useless string')
# delete it
# wait for the statistics to flush
# need to wait for all usage data to get flushed, should take up to 30 seconds
timestamp = time.time()
while time.time() - timestamp <= (20 * 60): # wait up to 20 minutes
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'show'], {'categories' : 'delete_obj'}) # last operation we did is delete obj, wait for it to flush
if successful_ops(out) > 0:
assert time.time() - timestamp <= (20 * 60)
# TESTCASE 'usage-show' 'usage' 'show' 'all usage' 'succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'show'])
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['entries']) > 0
assert len(out['summary']) > 0
user_summary = out['summary'][0]
total = user_summary['total']
assert total['successful_ops'] > 0
# TESTCASE 'usage-show2' 'usage' 'show' 'user usage' 'succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'show'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['entries']) > 0
assert len(out['summary']) > 0
user_summary = out['summary'][0]
for entry in user_summary['categories']:
assert entry['successful_ops'] > 0
assert user_summary['user'] == user1
# TESTCASE 'usage-show3' 'usage' 'show' 'user usage categories' 'succeeds'
test_categories = ['create_bucket', 'put_obj', 'delete_obj', 'delete_bucket']
for cat in test_categories:
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'show'], {'uid' : user1, 'categories' : cat})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['summary']) > 0
user_summary = out['summary'][0]
assert user_summary['user'] == user1
assert len(user_summary['categories']) == 1
entry = user_summary['categories'][0]
assert entry['category'] == cat
assert entry['successful_ops'] > 0
# TESTCASE 'usage-trim' 'usage' 'trim' 'user usage' 'succeeds, usage removed'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'trim'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['usage', 'show'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 200
assert len(out['entries']) == 0
assert len(out['summary']) == 0
# TESTCASE 'user-suspend2','user','suspend','existing user','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'modify'], {'uid' : user1, 'suspended' : True})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'user-suspend3','user','suspend','suspended user','cannot write objects'
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e:
assert e.status == 403
# TESTCASE 'user-renable2','user','enable','suspended user','succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'modify'], {'uid' : user1, 'suspended' : 'false'})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'user-renable3','user','enable','reenabled user','can write objects'
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
# TESTCASE 'garbage-list', 'garbage', 'list', 'get list of objects ready for garbage collection'
# create an object large enough to be split into multiple parts
test_string = 'foo'*10000000
big_key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
# now delete the head
# TESTCASE 'rm-user-buckets','user','rm','existing user','fails, still has buckets'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'rm'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 409
# delete should fail because ``key`` still exists
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e:
assert e.status == 409
# TESTCASE 'policy', 'bucket', 'policy', 'get bucket policy', 'returns S3 policy'
bucket = connection.create_bucket(bucket_name)
# create an object
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
# should be private already but guarantee it
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['policy', 'show'], {'bucket' : bucket.name, 'object' : key.key})
assert ret == 200
acl = key.get_xml_acl()
assert acl == out.strip('\n')
# add another grantee by making the object public read
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['policy', 'show'], {'bucket' : bucket.name, 'object' : key.key})
assert ret == 200
acl = key.get_xml_acl()
assert acl == out.strip('\n')
# TESTCASE 'rm-bucket', 'bucket', 'rm', 'bucket with objects', 'succeeds'
bucket = connection.create_bucket(bucket_name)
key_name = ['eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven']
for i in range(4):
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['bucket', 'rm'], {'bucket' : bucket_name, 'purge-objects' : True})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'caps-add', 'caps', 'add', 'add user cap', 'succeeds'
caps = 'usage=read'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['caps', 'add'], {'uid' : user1, 'user-caps' : caps})
assert ret == 200
assert out[0]['perm'] == 'read'
# TESTCASE 'caps-rm', 'caps', 'rm', 'remove existing cap from user', 'succeeds'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['caps', 'rm'], {'uid' : user1, 'user-caps' : caps})
assert ret == 200
assert not out
# TESTCASE 'rm-user','user','rm','existing user','fails, still has buckets'
bucket = connection.create_bucket(bucket_name)
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'rm'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 409
# TESTCASE 'rm-user2', 'user', 'rm', user with data', 'succeeds'
bucket = connection.create_bucket(bucket_name)
key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'rm'], {'uid' : user1, 'purge-data' : True})
assert ret == 200
# TESTCASE 'rm-user3','user','info','deleted user','fails'
(ret, out) = rgwadmin_rest(admin_conn, ['user', 'info'], {'uid' : user1})
assert ret == 404
Reference in New Issue
Block a user