@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ bool ImageWatcher::is_lock_owner() const {
int ImageWatcher::register_watch() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "registering image watcher" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " registering image watcher" << dendl;
RWLock::WLocker l(m_watch_lock);
assert(m_watch_state == WATCH_STATE_UNREGISTERED);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int ImageWatcher::register_watch() {
int ImageWatcher::unregister_watch() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "unregistering image watcher" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " unregistering image watcher" << dendl;
Mutex::Locker l(m_aio_request_lock);
@ -152,25 +152,26 @@ int ImageWatcher::try_lock() {
iter->addr, sizeof(iter->addr)) == 0) &&
(locker_handle == iter->cookie)) {
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
m_owner_client_id = ClientId(iter->watcher_id, locker_handle);
set_owner_client_id(ClientId(iter->watcher_id, locker_handle));
return 0;
if (m_image_ctx.blacklist_on_break_lock) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 1) << "blacklisting client: " << locker << "@"
<< locker_address << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 1) << this << " blacklisting client: " << locker
<< "@" << locker_address << dendl;
librados::Rados rados(m_image_ctx.md_ctx);
r = rados.blacklist_add(locker_address,
if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "unable to blacklist client: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " unable to blacklist client: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
return r;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "breaking exclusive lock: " << locker << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << " breaking exclusive lock: " << locker
<< dendl;
r = rados::cls::lock::break_lock(&m_image_ctx.md_ctx,
m_image_ctx.header_oid, RBD_LOCK_NAME,
locker_cookie, locker);
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::request_lock(
Mutex::Locker l(m_aio_request_lock);
bool request_pending = !m_aio_requests.empty();
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << "queuing aio request: " << c
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << this << " queuing aio request: " << c
<< dendl;
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::request_lock(
RWLock::RLocker l(m_watch_lock);
if (m_watch_state == WATCH_STATE_REGISTERED) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "requesting exclusive lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << this << " requesting exclusive lock" << dendl;
// run notify request in finisher to avoid blocking aio path
FunctionContext *ctx = new FunctionContext(
@ -227,17 +228,18 @@ bool ImageWatcher::try_request_lock() {
if (r < 0) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "failed to acquire exclusive lock:"
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << " failed to acquire exclusive lock:"
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
return false;
if (is_lock_owner()) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << "successfully acquired exclusive lock"
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << this << " successfully acquired exclusive lock"
<< dendl;
} else {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << "unable to acquire exclusive lock, retrying"
<< dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << this
<< " unable to acquire exclusive lock, retrying"
<< dendl;
return is_lock_owner();
@ -257,34 +259,34 @@ int ImageWatcher::get_lock_owner_info(entity_name_t *locker, std::string *cookie
if (lockers.empty()) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << "no lockers detected" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << this << " no lockers detected" << dendl;
return 0;
if (lock_tag != WATCHER_LOCK_TAG) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "locked by external mechanism: tag="
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << " locked by external mechanism: tag="
<< lock_tag << dendl;
return -EBUSY;
if (lock_type == LOCK_SHARED) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "shared lock type detected" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << " shared lock type detected" << dendl;
return -EBUSY;
rados::cls::lock::locker_info_t>::iterator iter = lockers.begin();
if (!decode_lock_cookie(iter->first.cookie, handle)) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "locked by external mechanism: cookie="
<< iter->first.cookie << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << " locked by external mechanism: "
<< "cookie=" << iter->first.cookie << dendl;
return -EBUSY;
*locker = iter->first.locker;
*cookie = iter->first.cookie;
*address = stringify(iter->second.addr);
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "retrieved exclusive locker: " << *locker
<< "@" << *address << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " retrieved exclusive locker: "
<< *locker << "@" << *address << dendl;
return 0;
@ -297,13 +299,13 @@ int ImageWatcher::lock() {
return r;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "acquired exclusive lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " acquired exclusive lock" << dendl;
m_lock_owner_state = LOCK_OWNER_STATE_LOCKED;
ClientId owner_client_id = get_client_id();
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
m_owner_client_id = owner_client_id;
if (m_image_ctx.object_map.enabled()) {
@ -348,12 +350,12 @@ int ImageWatcher::unlock()
return 0;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "releasing exclusive lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " releasing exclusive lock" << dendl;
m_lock_owner_state = LOCK_OWNER_STATE_NOT_LOCKED;
int r = rados::cls::lock::unlock(&m_image_ctx.md_ctx, m_image_ctx.header_oid,
RBD_LOCK_NAME, encode_lock_cookie());
if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "failed to release exclusive lock: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " failed to release exclusive lock: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
return r;
@ -362,6 +364,9 @@ int ImageWatcher::unlock()
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
FunctionContext *ctx = new FunctionContext(
boost::bind(&ImageWatcher::notify_released_lock, this));
m_task_finisher->queue(TASK_CODE_RELEASED_LOCK, ctx);
@ -371,26 +376,27 @@ int ImageWatcher::unlock()
bool ImageWatcher::release_lock()
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "releasing exclusive lock by request" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " releasing exclusive lock by request"
<< dendl;
if (!is_lock_owner()) {
return false;
if (!is_lock_owner()) {
return false;
RWLock::WLocker l2(m_image_ctx.md_lock);
RWLock::RLocker owner_locker(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
RWLock::WLocker md_locker(m_image_ctx.md_lock);
if (!is_lock_owner()) {
return false;
return true;
@ -410,7 +416,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::schedule_async_progress(const AsyncRequestId &request,
int ImageWatcher::notify_async_progress(const AsyncRequestId &request,
uint64_t offset, uint64_t total) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << "remote async request progress: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << this << " remote async request progress: "
<< request << " @ " << offset
<< "/" << total << dendl;
@ -430,7 +436,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::schedule_async_complete(const AsyncRequestId &request,
int ImageWatcher::notify_async_complete(const AsyncRequestId &request,
int r) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << "remote async request finished: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << this << " remote async request finished: "
<< request << " = " << r << dendl;
bufferlist bl;
@ -443,7 +449,7 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_async_complete(const AsyncRequestId &request,
int ret = m_image_ctx.md_ctx.notify2(m_image_ctx.header_oid, bl,
if (ret < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "failed to notify async complete: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " failed to notify async complete: "
<< cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl;
if (ret == -ETIMEDOUT) {
schedule_async_complete(request, r);
@ -541,6 +547,7 @@ bool ImageWatcher::decode_lock_cookie(const std::string &tag,
void ImageWatcher::schedule_retry_aio_requests(bool use_timer) {
Context *ctx = new FunctionContext(boost::bind(
&ImageWatcher::retry_aio_requests, this));
if (use_timer) {
@ -559,11 +566,12 @@ void ImageWatcher::retry_aio_requests() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << "retrying pending aio requests" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 15) << this << " retrying pending aio requests"
<< dendl;
for (std::vector<AioRequest>::iterator iter = lock_request_restarts.begin();
iter != lock_request_restarts.end(); ++iter) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << "retrying aio request: " << iter->second
<< dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << this << " retrying aio request: "
<< iter->second << dendl;
@ -585,6 +593,13 @@ void ImageWatcher::cancel_async_requests() {
void ImageWatcher::set_owner_client_id(const WatchNotify::ClientId& client_id) {
m_owner_client_id = client_id;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " current lock owner: "
<< m_owner_client_id << dendl;
ClientId ImageWatcher::get_client_id() {
RWLock::RLocker l(m_watch_lock);
return ClientId(m_image_ctx.md_ctx.get_instance_id(), m_watch_handle);
@ -596,14 +611,14 @@ void ImageWatcher::notify_release_lock() {
void ImageWatcher::notify_released_lock() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "notify released lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " notify released lock" << dendl;
bufferlist bl;
::encode(NotifyMessage(ReleasedLockPayload(get_client_id())), bl);
m_image_ctx.md_ctx.notify2(m_image_ctx.header_oid, bl, NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, NULL);
void ImageWatcher::notify_request_lock() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "notify request lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " notify request lock" << dendl;
@ -620,12 +635,20 @@ void ImageWatcher::notify_request_lock() {
if (r == -ETIMEDOUT) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "timed out requesting lock: retrying" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << "timed out requesting lock: retrying"
<< dendl;
} else if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "error requesting lock: " << cpp_strerror(r)
<< dendl;
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " error requesting lock: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
} else {
// lock owner acked -- but resend if we don't see them release the lock
int retry_timeout = m_image_ctx.cct->_conf->client_notify_timeout;
FunctionContext *ctx = new FunctionContext(
boost::bind(&ImageWatcher::notify_request_lock, this));
retry_timeout, ctx);
@ -640,7 +663,7 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_lock_owner(bufferlist &bl) {
if (r < 0 && r != -ETIMEDOUT) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "lock owner notification failed: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " lock owner notification failed: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
return r;
@ -652,7 +675,7 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_lock_owner(bufferlist &bl) {
bufferlist::iterator iter = response_bl.begin();
::decode(responses, iter);
} catch (const buffer::error &err) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "failed to decode response" << dendl;
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " failed to decode response" << dendl;
return -EINVAL;
@ -662,7 +685,8 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_lock_owner(bufferlist &bl) {
for (responses_t::iterator i = responses.begin(); i != responses.end(); ++i) {
if (i->second.length() > 0) {
if (lock_owner_responded) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "duplicate lock owners detected" << dendl;
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " duplicate lock owners detected"
<< dendl;
return -EIO;
lock_owner_responded = true;
@ -671,7 +695,7 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_lock_owner(bufferlist &bl) {
if (!lock_owner_responded) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "no lock owners detected" << dendl;
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " no lock owners detected" << dendl;
return -ETIMEDOUT;
@ -703,7 +727,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::async_request_timed_out(const AsyncRequestId &id) {
std::map<AsyncRequestId, AsyncRequest>::iterator it =
if (it != m_async_requests.end()) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "request timed-out: " << id << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " request timed-out: " << id << dendl;
@ -713,7 +737,8 @@ int ImageWatcher::notify_async_request(const AsyncRequestId &async_request_id,
ProgressContext& prog_ctx) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "async request: " << async_request_id << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " async request: " << async_request_id
<< dendl;
C_SaferCond ctx;
@ -767,7 +792,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::cleanup_async_request(const AsyncRequestId& async_request_id,
void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const HeaderUpdatePayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "image header updated" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " image header updated" << dendl;
Mutex::Locker lictx(m_image_ctx.refresh_lock);
@ -776,14 +801,15 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const HeaderUpdatePayload &payload,
void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const AcquiredLockPayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "image exclusively locked announcement" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " image exclusively locked announcement"
<< dendl;
if (payload.client_id.is_valid()) {
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
if (payload.client_id == m_owner_client_id) {
// we already know that the remote client is the owner
m_owner_client_id = payload.client_id;
RWLock::RLocker l(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
@ -795,13 +821,16 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const AcquiredLockPayload &payload,
void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const ReleasedLockPayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "exclusive lock released" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " exclusive lock released" << dendl;
if (payload.client_id.is_valid()) {
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
if (payload.client_id != m_owner_client_id) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " unexpected owner: "
<< payload.client_id << " != "
<< m_owner_client_id << dendl;
m_owner_client_id = ClientId();
RWLock::RLocker l(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
@ -813,7 +842,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const ReleasedLockPayload &payload,
void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const RequestLockPayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "exclusive lock requested" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " exclusive lock requested" << dendl;
if (payload.client_id == get_client_id()) {
@ -828,10 +857,10 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const RequestLockPayload &payload,
if (!m_owner_client_id.is_valid()) {
m_owner_client_id = ClientId();
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "queuing release of exclusive lock" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " queuing release of exclusive lock"
<< dendl;
FunctionContext *ctx = new FunctionContext(
boost::bind(&ImageWatcher::notify_release_lock, this));
m_task_finisher->queue(TASK_CODE_RELEASING_LOCK, ctx);
@ -844,7 +873,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const AsyncProgressPayload &payload,
std::map<AsyncRequestId, AsyncRequest>::iterator req_it =
if (req_it != m_async_requests.end()) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << "request progress: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 20) << this << " request progress: "
<< payload.async_request_id << " @ "
<< payload.offset << "/" << payload.total
<< dendl;
@ -859,7 +888,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const AsyncCompletePayload &payload,
std::map<AsyncRequestId, AsyncRequest>::iterator req_it =
if (req_it != m_async_requests.end()) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "request finished: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " request finished: "
<< payload.async_request_id << "="
<< payload.result << dendl;
@ -877,11 +906,11 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const FlattenPayload &payload,
int r = prepare_async_request(payload.async_request_id, &new_request,
&ctx, &prog_ctx);
if (new_request) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "remote flatten request: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " remote flatten request: "
<< payload.async_request_id << dendl;
r = librbd::async_flatten(&m_image_ctx, ctx, *prog_ctx);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "remove flatten request failed: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " remove flatten request failed: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
cleanup_async_request(payload.async_request_id, ctx);
@ -901,12 +930,12 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const ResizePayload &payload,
int r = prepare_async_request(payload.async_request_id, &new_request,
&ctx, &prog_ctx);
if (new_request) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "remote resize request: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " remote resize request: "
<< payload.async_request_id << " "
<< payload.size << dendl;
r = librbd::async_resize(&m_image_ctx, ctx, payload.size, *prog_ctx);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "remove resize request failed: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " remove resize request failed: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
cleanup_async_request(payload.async_request_id, ctx);
@ -920,7 +949,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const SnapCreatePayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
RWLock::RLocker l(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
if (m_lock_owner_state == LOCK_OWNER_STATE_LOCKED) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "remote snap_create request: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " remote snap_create request: "
<< payload.snap_name << dendl;
int r = librbd::snap_create_helper(&m_image_ctx, NULL,
@ -933,7 +962,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const SnapRemovePayload &payload,
bufferlist *out) {
RWLock::RLocker l(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
if (m_lock_owner_state == LOCK_OWNER_STATE_LOCKED) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "remote snap_remove request: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " remote snap_remove request: "
<< payload.snap_name << dendl;
int r = librbd::snap_remove_helper(&m_image_ctx, NULL,
@ -952,11 +981,13 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_payload(const RebuildObjectMapPayload& payload,
int r = prepare_async_request(payload.async_request_id, &new_request,
&ctx, &prog_ctx);
if (new_request) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "remote rebuild object map request: "
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this
<< " remote rebuild object map request: "
<< payload.async_request_id << dendl;
r = librbd::async_rebuild_object_map(&m_image_ctx, ctx, *prog_ctx);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "remove rebuild object map request failed: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this
<< " remove rebuild object map request failed: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
cleanup_async_request(payload.async_request_id, ctx);
@ -985,23 +1016,23 @@ void ImageWatcher::handle_notify(uint64_t notify_id, uint64_t handle,
bufferlist::iterator iter = bl.begin();
::decode(notify_message, iter);
} catch (const buffer::error &err) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "error decoding image notification: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " error decoding image notification: "
<< err.what() << dendl;
apply_visitor(HandlePayloadVisitor(this, notify_id, handle),
void ImageWatcher::handle_error(uint64_t handle, int err) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "image watch failed: " << handle << ", "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " image watch failed: " << handle << ", "
<< cpp_strerror(err) << dendl;
Mutex::Locker l(m_owner_client_id_lock);
m_owner_client_id = ClientId();
RWLock::WLocker l(m_watch_lock);
@ -1021,7 +1052,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::acknowledge_notify(uint64_t notify_id, uint64_t handle,
void ImageWatcher::reregister_watch() {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << "re-registering image watch" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 10) << this << " re-registering image watch" << dendl;
RWLock::WLocker l(m_image_ctx.owner_lock);
@ -1041,7 +1072,7 @@ void ImageWatcher::reregister_watch() {
r = m_image_ctx.md_ctx.watch2(m_image_ctx.header_oid,
&m_watch_handle, &m_watch_ctx);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "failed to re-register image watch: "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this << " failed to re-register image watch: "
<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
if (r != -ESHUTDOWN) {
FunctionContext *ctx = new FunctionContext(boost::bind(
@ -1059,10 +1090,11 @@ void ImageWatcher::reregister_watch() {
if (was_lock_owner) {
r = try_lock();
if (r == -EBUSY) {
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << "lost image lock while re-registering "
<< "image watch" << dendl;
ldout(m_image_ctx.cct, 5) << this << "lost image lock while "
<< "re-registering image watch" << dendl;
} else if (r < 0) {
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << "failed to lock image while re-registering "
lderr(m_image_ctx.cct) << this
<< "failed to lock image while re-registering "
<< "image watch" << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;