qa/standalone/ add new functional tests

- sudo as needed
- clean up afterward

There is still a bit of missing coverage, but this captures most of it.

Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <>
This commit is contained in:
Sage Weil 2019-10-23 10:54:33 -05:00
parent a779cb8fd0
commit 202d615d38

qa/standalone/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#!/bin/bash -ex
[ -z "$SUDO" ] && SUDO=sudo
[ -x ../src/ceph-daemon ] && CEPH_DAEMON=../src/ceph-daemon
[ -x ./ceph-daemon ] && CEPH_DAEMON=.ceph-daemon
which ceph-daemon && CEPH_DAEMON=$(which ceph-daemon)
# clean up previous run(s)?
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON rm-cluster --fsid $FSID --force
TMPDIR=`mktemp -d -p .`
trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" TERM HUP INT
function expect_false()
set -x
if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
## version + --image
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image ceph/daemon-base:latest-nautilus version \
| grep 'ceph version 14'
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image ceph/daemon-base:latest-mimic version \
| grep 'ceph version 13'
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image $IMAGE version | grep 'ceph version'
# try force docker; this won't work if docker isn't installed
which docker && ( $SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --docker version | grep 'ceph version' )
## bootstrap
CONFIG=`mktemp -p $TMPDIR`
KEYRING=`mktemp -p $TMPDIR`
log to file = true
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image $IMAGE bootstrap \
--mon-id a \
--mgr-id x \
--mon-ip $IP \
--fsid $FSID \
--config $ORIG_CONFIG \
--output-config $CONFIG \
--output-keyring $KEYRING \
test -e $CONFIG
test -e $KEYRING
$SUDO test -e /var/log/ceph/$FSID/ceph-mon.a.log
$SUDO test -e /var/log/ceph/$FSID/ceph-mgr.x.log
for u in \
ceph-$ \
ceph-$FSID@mon.a \
ceph-$FSID@mgr.x; do
systemctl is-enabled $u
systemctl is-active $u
systemctl | grep system-ceph | grep -q .slice # naming is escaped and annoying
## ls
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON ls | jq '.[]' | jq 'select(.name == "mon.a").fsid' \
| grep $FSID
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON ls | jq '.[]' | jq 'select(.name == "mgr.x").fsid' \
| grep $FSID
## exec (and ceph -s works)
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON exec --fsid $FSID -n mon.a -- \
ceph -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/keyring -n mon. -s | grep $FSID
## deploy
# add mon.b
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image $IMAGE deploy --name mon.b \
--fsid $FSID \
--mon-ip $IP:3301 \
--keyring /var/lib/ceph/$FSID/mon.a/keyring \
--config $CONFIG
for u in ceph-$FSID@mon.b; do
systemctl is-enabled $u
systemctl is-active $u
# add mgr.y
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON exec --fsid $FSID -n mon.a -- \
ceph -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/keyring -n mon. \
auth get-or-create mgr.y \
mon 'allow profile mgr' \
osd 'allow *' \
mds 'allow *' > $TMPDIR/keyring.mgr.y
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image $IMAGE deploy --name mgr.y \
--fsid $FSID \
--keyring $TMPDIR/keyring.mgr.y \
--config $CONFIG
for u in ceph-$FSID@mgr.y; do
systemctl is-enabled $u
systemctl is-active $u
for f in `seq 1 30`; do
if $SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON exec --fsid $FSID -n mon.a -- \
ceph -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/keyring -n mon. -s -f json-pretty \
| jq '.mgrmap.num_standbys' | grep -q 1 ; then break; fi
sleep 1
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON exec --fsid $FSID -n mon.a -- \
ceph -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a/keyring -n mon. -s -f json-pretty \
| jq '.mgrmap.num_standbys' | grep -q 1
## run
## shell
## enter
## unit
## adopt
## ceph-volume
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON --image $IMAGE ceph-volume --fsid $FSID -- inventory --format=json \
| jq '.[]'
## rm-daemon
# mon and osd require --force
expect_false $SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON rm-daemon --fsid $FSID --name mon.a
# mgr does not
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON rm-daemon --fsid $FSID --name mgr.x
## rm-cluster
expect_false $SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON rm-cluster --fsid $FSID
$SUDO $CEPH_DAEMON rm-cluster --fsid $FSID --force
rm -rf $TMPDIR
echo PASS