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// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
* Ceph - scalable distributed file system
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. See file COPYING.
#ifndef __MDCACHE_H
#define __MDCACHE_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <ext/hash_map>
#include "include/types.h"
#include "include/filepath.h"
#include "CInode.h"
#include "CDentry.h"
#include "CDir.h"
#include "include/Context.h"
#include "events/EMetaBlob.h"
class MDS;
class Migrator;
class Renamer;
class Logger;
class Message;
class MMDSResolve;
class MMDSResolveAck;
class MMDSCacheRejoin;
class MMDSCacheRejoinAck;
class MDiscover;
class MDiscoverReply;
class MCacheExpire;
class MDirUpdate;
class MDentryUnlink;
class MLock;
class Message;
class MClientRequest;
class MMDSSlaveRequest;
class MMDSFragmentNotify;
class ESubtreeMap;
// MDCache
//typedef const char* pchar;
struct PVList {
map<MDSCacheObject*,version_t> ls;
version_t add(MDSCacheObject* o, version_t v) {
return ls[o] = v;
/** active_request_t
* state we track for requests we are currently processing.
* mostly information about locks held, so that we can drop them all
* the request is finished or forwarded. see request_*().
struct MDRequest {
metareqid_t reqid;
// -- i am a client (master) request
MClientRequest *client_request; // client request (if any)
vector<CDentry*> trace; // original path traversal.
CInode *ref; // reference inode. if there is only one, and its path is pinned.
// -- i am a slave request
MMDSSlaveRequest *slave_request; // slave request (if one is pending; implies slave == true)
int slave_to_mds; // this is a slave request if >= 0.
// -- misc --
LogSegment *ls; // the log segment i'm committing to
utime_t now;
// -- my pins and locks --
// cache pins (so things don't expire)
set< MDSCacheObject* > pins;
set<CInode*> stickydirs;
// auth pins
set< MDSCacheObject* > remote_auth_pins;
set< MDSCacheObject* > auth_pins;
// held locks
set< SimpleLock* > rdlocks; // always local.
set< SimpleLock* > wrlocks; // always local.
set< SimpleLock* > xlocks; // local or remote.
set< SimpleLock*, SimpleLock::ptr_lt > locks; // full ordering
// if this flag is set, do not attempt to acquire further locks.
// (useful for wrlock, which may be a moving auth target)
bool done_locking;
bool committing;
bool aborted;
struct More {
set<int> slaves; // mds nodes that have slave requests to me (implies client_request)
set<int> waiting_on_slave; // peers i'm waiting for slavereq replies from.
// for rename/link/unlink
set<int> witnessed; // nodes who have journaled a RenamePrepare
map<MDSCacheObject*,version_t> pvmap;
// for rename
set<int> extra_witnesses; // replica list from srcdn auth (rename)
version_t src_reanchor_atid; // src->dst
version_t dst_reanchor_atid; // dst->stray
bufferlist inode_import;
version_t inode_import_v;
CInode* destdn_was_remote_inode;
bool was_link_merge;
map<int,entity_inst_t> imported_client_map;
map<CInode*, map<int,Capability::Export> > cap_imports;
// called when slave commits or aborts
Context *slave_commit;
More() :
src_reanchor_atid(0), dst_reanchor_atid(0), inode_import_v(0),
destdn_was_remote_inode(0), was_link_merge(false),
slave_commit(0) { }
} *_more;
// ---------------------------------------------------
MDRequest() :
client_request(0), ref(0),
slave_request(0), slave_to_mds(-1),
done_locking(false), committing(false), aborted(false),
_more(0) {}
MDRequest(metareqid_t ri, MClientRequest *req) :
reqid(ri), client_request(req), ref(0),
slave_request(0), slave_to_mds(-1),
done_locking(false), committing(false), aborted(false),
_more(0) {}
MDRequest(metareqid_t ri, int by) :
reqid(ri), client_request(0), ref(0),
slave_request(0), slave_to_mds(by),
done_locking(false), committing(false), aborted(false),
_more(0) {}
~MDRequest() {
delete _more;
bool is_master() { return slave_to_mds < 0; }
bool is_slave() { return slave_to_mds >= 0; }
More* more() {
if (!_more) _more = new More();
return _more;
bool slave_did_prepare() { return more()->slave_commit; }
// pin items in cache
void pin(MDSCacheObject *o) {
if (pins.count(o) == 0) {
void set_stickydirs(CInode *in) {
if (stickydirs.count(in) == 0) {
// auth pins
bool is_auth_pinned(MDSCacheObject *object) {
return auth_pins.count(object) || remote_auth_pins.count(object);
void auth_pin(MDSCacheObject *object) {
if (!is_auth_pinned(object)) {
void auth_unpin(MDSCacheObject *object) {
void drop_local_auth_pins() {
for (set<MDSCacheObject*>::iterator it = auth_pins.begin();
it != auth_pins.end();
it++) {
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MDRequest &mdr)
out << "request(" << mdr.reqid;
//if (mdr.request) out << " " << *mdr.request;
if (mdr.is_slave()) out << " slave_to mds" << mdr.slave_to_mds;
if (mdr.client_request) out << " cr=" << mdr.client_request;
if (mdr.slave_request) out << " sr=" << mdr.slave_request;
out << ")";
return out;
struct MDSlaveUpdate {
EMetaBlob commit;
EMetaBlob rollback;
xlist<MDSlaveUpdate*>::item xlistitem;
Context *waiter;
MDSlaveUpdate() : xlistitem(this), waiter(0) {}
MDSlaveUpdate(EMetaBlob c, EMetaBlob r, xlist<MDSlaveUpdate*> &list) :
commit(c), rollback(r),
waiter(0) {
~MDSlaveUpdate() {
if (waiter) waiter->finish(0);
delete waiter;
class MDCache {
// my master
MDS *mds;
// -- my cache --
LRU lru; // dentry lru for expiring items from cache
hash_map<inodeno_t,CInode*> inode_map; // map of inodes by ino
CInode *root; // root inode
CInode *stray; // my stray dir
set<CInode*> base_inodes; // inodes < MDS_INO_BASE (root, stray, etc.)
// -- discover --
// waiters
map<int, hash_map<inodeno_t, list<Context*> > > waiting_for_base_ino;
// in process discovers, by mds.
// this is just enough info to kick any waiters in the event of a failure.
// FIXME: use pointers here instead of identifiers?
map<int, hash_map<inodeno_t,int> > discover_dir;
map<int, hash_map<dirfrag_t,int> > discover_dir_sub;
void discover_base_ino(inodeno_t want_ino, Context *onfinish, int from=-1);
void discover_dir_frag(CInode *base, frag_t approx_fg, Context *onfinish,
int from=-1);
void discover_path(CInode *base, filepath want_path, Context *onfinish,
bool want_xlocked=false, int from=-1);
void discover_path(CDir *base, filepath want_path, Context *onfinish,
bool want_xlocked=false);
void discover_ino(CDir *base, inodeno_t want_ino, Context *onfinish,
bool want_xlocked=false);
void kick_discovers(int who); // after a failure.
int get_num_inodes() { return inode_map.size(); }
int get_num_dentries() { return lru.lru_get_size(); }
// -- subtrees --
map<CDir*,set<CDir*> > subtrees; // nested bounds on subtrees.
// adjust subtree auth specification
// dir->dir_auth
// imports/exports/nested_exports
// join/split subtrees as appropriate
bool is_subtrees() { return !subtrees.empty(); }
void list_subtrees(list<CDir*>& ls);
void adjust_subtree_auth(CDir *root, pair<int,int> auth);
void adjust_subtree_auth(CDir *root, int a, int b=CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN) {
adjust_subtree_auth(root, pair<int,int>(a,b));
void adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(CDir *dir, set<CDir*>& bounds, pair<int,int> auth);
void adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(CDir *dir, set<CDir*>& bounds, int a) {
adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(dir, bounds, pair<int,int>(a, CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN));
void adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(CDir *dir, list<dirfrag_t>& bounds, pair<int,int> auth);
void adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(CDir *dir, list<dirfrag_t>& bounds, int a) {
adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(dir, bounds, pair<int,int>(a, CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN));
void map_dirfrag_set(list<dirfrag_t>& dfs, set<CDir*>& result);
void try_subtree_merge(CDir *root);
void try_subtree_merge_at(CDir *root);
void subtree_merge_writebehind_finish(CInode *in, LogSegment *ls);
void eval_subtree_root(CDir *dir);
CDir *get_subtree_root(CDir *dir);
void remove_subtree(CDir *dir);
void get_subtree_bounds(CDir *root, set<CDir*>& bounds);
void get_wouldbe_subtree_bounds(CDir *root, set<CDir*>& bounds);
void verify_subtree_bounds(CDir *root, const set<CDir*>& bounds);
void verify_subtree_bounds(CDir *root, const list<dirfrag_t>& bounds);
void adjust_subtree_after_rename(CInode *diri, CDir *olddir);
void get_auth_subtrees(set<CDir*>& s);
void get_fullauth_subtrees(set<CDir*>& s);
int num_subtrees();
int num_subtrees_fullauth();
int num_subtrees_fullnonauth();
// delayed cache expire
map<CDir*, map<int, MCacheExpire*> > delayed_expire; // subtree root -> expire msg
// -- requests --
hash_map<metareqid_t, MDRequest*> active_requests;
MDRequest* request_start(MClientRequest *req);
MDRequest* request_start_slave(metareqid_t rid, int by);
bool have_request(metareqid_t rid) {
return active_requests.count(rid);
MDRequest* request_get(metareqid_t rid);
void request_pin_ref(MDRequest *r, CInode *ref, vector<CDentry*>& trace);
void request_finish(MDRequest *mdr);
void request_forward(MDRequest *mdr, int mds, int port=0);
void dispatch_request(MDRequest *mdr);
void request_forget_foreign_locks(MDRequest *mdr);
void request_cleanup(MDRequest *r);
// inode purging
map<CInode*, map<off_t, off_t> > purging; // inode -> newsize -> oldsize
map<CInode*, map<off_t, LogSegment*> > purging_ls;
map<CInode*, map<off_t, list<Context*> > > waiting_for_purge;
// -- recovery --
set<int> recovery_set;
void set_recovery_set(set<int>& s);
void handle_mds_failure(int who);
void handle_mds_recovery(int who);
// [resolve]
// from EImportStart w/o EImportFinish during journal replay
map<dirfrag_t, list<dirfrag_t> > my_ambiguous_imports;
// from MMDSResolves
map<int, map<dirfrag_t, list<dirfrag_t> > > other_ambiguous_imports;
map<int, map<metareqid_t, MDSlaveUpdate> > uncommitted_slave_updates; // for replay.
map<metareqid_t, bool> ambiguous_slave_updates; // for log trimming.
map<metareqid_t, Context*> waiting_for_slave_update_commit;
friend class ESlaveUpdate;
set<int> wants_resolve; // nodes i need to send my resolve to
set<int> got_resolve; // nodes i got resolves from
set<int> need_resolve_ack; // nodes i need a resolve_ack from
void handle_resolve(MMDSResolve *m);
void handle_resolve_ack(MMDSResolveAck *m);
void maybe_resolve_finish();
void disambiguate_imports();
void recalc_auth_bits();
// ambiguous imports
void add_ambiguous_import(dirfrag_t base, list<dirfrag_t>& bounds);
void add_ambiguous_import(CDir *base, const set<CDir*>& bounds);
bool have_ambiguous_import(dirfrag_t base) {
return my_ambiguous_imports.count(base);
void cancel_ambiguous_import(dirfrag_t dirino);
void finish_ambiguous_import(dirfrag_t dirino);
void send_resolve(int who);
void send_resolve_now(int who);
void send_resolve_later(int who);
void maybe_send_pending_resolves();
ESubtreeMap *create_subtree_map();
// [rejoin]
set<int> rejoin_gather; // nodes from whom i need a rejoin
set<int> rejoin_sent; // nodes i sent a rejoin to
set<int> rejoin_ack_gather; // nodes from whom i need a rejoin ack
map<inodeno_t,map<int,inode_caps_reconnect_t> > cap_exports; // ino -> client -> capex
map<inodeno_t,string> cap_export_paths;
map<inodeno_t,map<int, map<int,inode_caps_reconnect_t> > > cap_imports; // ino -> client -> frommds -> capex
map<inodeno_t,string> cap_import_paths;
set<CInode*> rejoin_undef_inodes;
void rejoin_walk(CDir *dir, MMDSCacheRejoin *rejoin);
void handle_cache_rejoin(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void handle_cache_rejoin_weak(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
CInode* rejoin_invent_inode(inodeno_t ino);
void handle_cache_rejoin_strong(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void rejoin_scour_survivor_replicas(int from, MMDSCacheRejoin *ack);
void handle_cache_rejoin_ack(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void handle_cache_rejoin_purge(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void handle_cache_rejoin_missing(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void handle_cache_rejoin_full(MMDSCacheRejoin *m);
void rejoin_send_acks();
void rejoin_trim_undef_inodes();
void rejoin_gather_finish();
void rejoin_send_rejoins();
void rejoin_export_caps(inodeno_t ino, string& path, int client, inode_caps_reconnect_t& icr) {
cap_exports[ino][client] = icr;
cap_export_paths[ino] = path;
void rejoin_recovered_caps(inodeno_t ino, string& path, int client, inode_caps_reconnect_t& icr,
int frommds=-1) {
cap_imports[ino][client][frommds] = icr;
cap_import_paths[ino] = path;
void rejoin_import_cap(CInode *in, int client, inode_caps_reconnect_t& icr, int frommds);
friend class Locker;
friend class Migrator;
friend class Renamer;
friend class MDBalancer;
// subsystems
Migrator *migrator;
Renamer *renamer;
MDCache(MDS *m);
// debug
void log_stat(Logger *logger);
// root inode
CInode *get_root() { return root; }
void set_root(CInode *r);
CInode *get_stray() { return stray; }
// cache
void set_cache_size(size_t max) { lru.lru_set_max(max); }
size_t get_cache_size() { return lru.lru_get_size(); }
// trimming
bool trim(int max = -1); // trim cache
void trim_dentry(CDentry *dn, map<int, MCacheExpire*>& expiremap);
void trim_dirfrag(CDir *dir, CDir *con,
map<int, MCacheExpire*>& expiremap);
void trim_inode(CDentry *dn, CInode *in, CDir *con,
map<int,class MCacheExpire*>& expiremap);
void send_expire_messages(map<int, MCacheExpire*>& expiremap);
void trim_non_auth(); // trim out trimmable non-auth items
// shutdown
void shutdown_start();
void shutdown_check();
bool shutdown_pass();
bool shutdown_export_strays();
bool shutdown_export_caps();
bool shutdown(); // clear cache (ie at shutodwn)
bool did_shutdown_log_cap;
// inode_map
bool have_inode( inodeno_t ino ) { return inode_map.count(ino) ? true:false; }
CInode* get_inode( inodeno_t ino ) {
if (have_inode(ino))
return inode_map[ino];
return NULL;
CDir* get_dirfrag(dirfrag_t df) {
if (!have_inode(df.ino)) return NULL;
return inode_map[df.ino]->get_dirfrag(df.frag);
void get_dirfrags_under(dirfrag_t df, list<CDir*>& ls) {
if (have_inode(df.ino))
inode_map[df.ino]->get_dirfrags_under(df.frag, ls);
MDSCacheObject *get_object(MDSCacheObjectInfo &info);
CInode *create_inode();
void add_inode(CInode *in);
void remove_inode(CInode *in);
void touch_inode(CInode *in) {
if (in->get_parent_dn())
void touch_dentry(CDentry *dn) {
// touch ancestors
if (dn->get_dir()->get_inode()->get_parent_dn())
// touch me
if (dn->is_auth())
void inode_remove_replica(CInode *in, int rep);
void dentry_remove_replica(CDentry *dn, int rep);
void rename_file(CDentry *srcdn, CDentry *destdn);
// inode purging
void purge_inode(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize, LogSegment *ls);
void _do_purge_inode(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize);
void purge_inode_finish(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize);
void purge_inode_finish_2(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize);
bool is_purging(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize) {
return purging.count(in) && purging[in].count(newsize);
void wait_for_purge(CInode *in, off_t newsize, Context *c) {
void add_recovered_purge(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize, LogSegment *ls);
void remove_recovered_purge(CInode *in, off_t newsize, off_t oldsize);
void start_recovered_purges();
CDir *get_auth_container(CDir *in);
CDir *get_export_container(CDir *dir);
void find_nested_exports(CDir *dir, set<CDir*>& s);
void find_nested_exports_under(CDir *import, CDir *dir, set<CDir*>& s);
CInode *create_root_inode();
void open_root(Context *c);
CInode *create_stray_inode(int whose=-1);
void open_local_stray();
void open_foreign_stray(int who, Context *c);
CDentry *get_or_create_stray_dentry(CInode *in);
Context *_get_waiter(MDRequest *mdr, Message *req);
int path_traverse(MDRequest *mdr, Message *req, filepath& path,
vector<CDentry*>& trace, bool follow_trailing_sym,
int onfail);
bool path_is_mine(filepath& path);
bool path_is_mine(string& p) {
filepath path(p);
return path_is_mine(path);
CDir *path_traverse_to_dir(filepath& path);
void open_remote_dirfrag(CInode *diri, frag_t fg, Context *fin);
CInode *get_dentry_inode(CDentry *dn, MDRequest *mdr);
void open_remote_ino(inodeno_t ino, MDRequest *mdr, Context *fin);
void open_remote_ino_2(inodeno_t ino, MDRequest *mdr,
vector<Anchor>& anchortrace,
Context *onfinish);
C_Gather *parallel_fetch(map<inodeno_t,string>& pathmap);
void make_trace(vector<CDentry*>& trace, CInode *in);
// -- anchors --
void anchor_create(MDRequest *mdr, CInode *in, Context *onfinish);
void anchor_destroy(CInode *in, Context *onfinish);
void _anchor_create_prepared(CInode *in, version_t atid);
void _anchor_create_logged(CInode *in, version_t atid, LogSegment *ls);
void _anchor_destroy_prepared(CInode *in, version_t atid);
void _anchor_destroy_logged(CInode *in, version_t atid, LogSegment *ls);
friend class C_MDC_AnchorCreatePrepared;
friend class C_MDC_AnchorCreateLogged;
friend class C_MDC_AnchorDestroyPrepared;
friend class C_MDC_AnchorDestroyLogged;
// -- stray --
void eval_stray(CDentry *dn);
void eval_remote(CDentry *dn);
void _purge_stray(CDentry *dn);
void _purge_stray_logged(CDentry *dn, version_t pdv, LogSegment *ls);
friend class C_MDC_PurgeStray;
void reintegrate_stray(CDentry *dn, CDentry *rlink);
void migrate_stray(CDentry *dn, int src, int dest);
// == messages ==
void dispatch(Message *m);
// -- replicas --
void handle_discover(MDiscover *dis);
void handle_discover_reply(MDiscoverReply *m);
CDir* add_replica_dir(CInode *diri,
frag_t fg, CDirDiscover& dis,
int from,
list<Context*>& finished);
CDir* forge_replica_dir(CInode *diri, frag_t fg, int from);
CDentry *add_replica_dentry(CDir *dir, CDentryDiscover &dis, list<Context*>& finished);
public: // for Server::handle_slave_rename_prep
CInode *add_replica_inode(CInodeDiscover& dis, CDentry *dn, list<Context*>& finished);
CDentry *add_replica_stray(bufferlist &bl, CInode *strayin, int from);
// -- namespace --
void handle_dentry_unlink(MDentryUnlink *m);
// -- fragmenting --
void adjust_dir_fragments(CInode *diri, frag_t basefrag, int bits,
list<CDir*>& frags, list<Context*>& waiters);
friend class EFragment;
void split_dir(CDir *dir, int byn);
void fragment_freeze(CInode *diri, list<CDir*>& startfrags, frag_t basefrag, int bits);
void fragment_mark_and_complete(CInode *diri, list<CDir*>& startfrags, frag_t basefrag, int bits);
void fragment_go(CInode *diri, list<CDir*>& startfrags, frag_t basefrag, int bits);
void fragment_stored(CInode *diri, frag_t basefrag, int bits, list<CDir*>& resultfrags);
void fragment_logged(CInode *diri, frag_t basefrag, int bits, list<CDir*>& resultfrags, vector<version_t>& pvs, LogSegment *ls);
friend class C_MDC_FragmentGo;
friend class C_MDC_FragmentMarking;
friend class C_MDC_FragmentStored;
friend class C_MDC_FragmentLogged;
void handle_fragment_notify(MMDSFragmentNotify *m);
// -- updates --
//int send_inode_updates(CInode *in);
//void handle_inode_update(MInodeUpdate *m);
int send_dir_updates(CDir *in, bool bcast=false);
void handle_dir_update(MDirUpdate *m);
// -- cache expiration --
void handle_cache_expire(MCacheExpire *m);
void process_delayed_expire(CDir *dir);
void discard_delayed_expire(CDir *dir);
// == crap fns ==
void show_cache();
void dump_cache();
void show_subtrees(int dbl=10);
CInode *hack_pick_random_inode() {
int n = rand() % inode_map.size();
hash_map<inodeno_t,CInode*>::iterator p = inode_map.begin();
while (n--) p++;
return p->second;
class C_MDS_RetryRequest : public Context {
MDCache *cache;
MDRequest *mdr;
C_MDS_RetryRequest(MDCache *c, MDRequest *r) : cache(c), mdr(r) {}
virtual void finish(int r) {