:Description:A list of ``{hostname}:{port}`` entries that clients can use to connect to a Ceph monitor. If not set, Ceph searches ``[mon.*]`` sections.
:Description:The hostname. Use this setting for specific daemon instances (e.g., ``[osd.0]``).
:Required:Yes, for daemon instances.
..tip:: Do not use ``localhost``. To get your host name, execute ``hostname`` on your command line and use the name of your host (to the first period, not the fully-qualified domain name).
.. important: You should not specify any value for ``host`` when using a third party deployment system that retrieves the host name for you.
``public network``
:Description:The IP address and netmask of the public (front-side) network (e.g., ````). Set in ``[global]``.
``public addr``
:Description:The IP address for the public (front-side) network. Set for each daemon.
:Type:IP Address
``cluster network``
:Description:The IP address and netmask of the cluster (back-side) network (e.g., ````). Set in ``[global]``.
``cluster addr``
:Description:The IP address for the cluster (back-side) network. Set for each daemon.
``admin socket``
:Description:The socket for executing administrative commands irrespective of whether Ceph monitors have established a quorum.
``pid file``
:Description:Each running Ceph daemon has a running process identifier (PID) file.
:Default:N/A. The default path is ``/var/run/$cluster/$name.pid``. The PID file is generated upon start-up.
:Description:The directory Ceph daemons change to once they are up and running. Default ``/`` directory recommended.
``max open files``
:Description:If set, when the Ceph service starts, Ceph sets the ``max open fds`` at the OS level (i.e., the max # of file descriptors). It helps prevents OSDs from running out of file descriptors.