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synced 2025-02-09 12:00:04 +00:00
149 lines
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149 lines
3.1 KiB
use strict;
my $starttime = 1;
my $endtime = -1;
my $avgrows = 0;
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
if ($_ eq '-avg') {
$avgrows = 1;
elsif ($_ eq '-start') {
$starttime = shift @ARGV;
elsif ($_ eq '-end') {
$endtime = shift @ARGV;
else {
die "i don't understand arg $_";
my @files = @ARGV;
if (scalar(@files) == 1 && $files[0] =~ /\*/) {
my ($dir, $pat) = $files[0] =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/;
@files = ();
$pat =~ s/\*//;
# print "dir $dir pat $pat\n";
for my $f (readdir(D)) {
# print "$f\n";
next unless $f =~ /^$pat/;
push(@files, "$dir/$f");
# print "files = @files\n";
my @data;
for my $f (@files) {
push( @data, <I> );
close I;
my %sum; # time -> name -> val
my %col; # colnum -> name .. colnums start at 0 (time doesn't count)
my %min;
my %max;
my %avg;
my %tcount;
my $files;
for (@data) {
my @r = split(/\s+/,$_);
my $r = shift @r;
# column headings?
if ($r =~ /^\#/) {
my $num = 0;
while (my $name = shift @r) {
$col{$num} = $name;
next unless int $r;
next if $r < $starttime;
next if $endtime > 0 && $r > $endtime;
$files = $tcount{$r} if $tcount{$r} > $files;
#print "$r: @r\n";
my $i = 0;
while (@r) {
my $v = shift @r;
$sum{$r}->{$col{$i}} += $v; # if $v > 0;
$min{$col{$i}} = $v
if ($min{$col{$i}} > $v || !(defined $min{$col{$i}}));
$max{$col{$i}} = $v
if ($max{$col{$i}} < $v);
$avg{$col{$i}} += $v;
## dump
my @c = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %col;
# cols
print join("\t",'#', map { $col{$_} } @c) . "\n";
my $n = 0;
for my $k (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %sum) {
if ($avgrows) {
print join("\t",$k, #map int,
map { $sum{$k}->{$col{$_}}/$tcount{$k} } @c ) . "\n";
} else {
print join("\t",$k, map { $sum{$k}->{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
my $rows = $n || 1;
#my $files = $tcount{$starttime};
my %avgval;
## devt
#warn "rows $rows, files $files\n";
my %avgvalvart; # std dev of each col avg, over time
for my $k (keys %avg) {
my $av = $avgval{$k} = $avg{$k} / ($rows*$files);
my $var = 0.0;
for my $t (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %sum) {
my $a = $sum{$t}->{$k} / $files;
$var += ($a - $av) * ($a - $av);
$avgvalvart{$k} = $var / $rows;
print "\n";
print join("\t",'#', map { $col{$_} } @c) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#minval', map { $min{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#maxval', map { $max{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#rows', map { $rows } @c) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#files', map { $files } @c) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#sum',
map { $avg{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#avgval', #map int,
map { $avgval{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
# map { ($rows*$files) ? ($_ / ($rows*$files)):0 } map { $avg{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#avgvalvart',
map { $avgvalvart{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#avgvaldevt',
map { sqrt($_) } map { $avgvalvart{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";
print join("\t", '#avgsum', #map int,
map { $_ / $rows } map { $avg{$col{$_}} } @c ) . "\n";