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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install Openstack.
# Usage: openstack <openstack-site> <ceph-monitor>
# This script installs Openstack on one node, and connects it to a ceph
# cluster on another set of nodes. It is intended to run from a third
# node.
# Assumes a single node Openstack cluster and a single monitor ceph
# cluster.
# The execs directory contains scripts to be run on remote sites.
# The files directory contains files to be copied to remote sites.
set -fv
source ./copy_func.sh
source ./fix_conf_file.sh
./packstack.sh $openstack_node $ceph_node
echo 'done running packstack'
sleep 60
./connectceph.sh $openstack_node $ceph_node
echo 'done connecting'
sleep 60
./image_create.sh $openstack_node $ceph_node