The ``ubuntu`` user on the machine has some `build scripts <>`_ that help with pulling, pushing, and signing packages.
The GPG signing key permanently lives on a `Nitrokey Pro <>`_ and is passed through to the VM via RHV. This helps to ensure that the key cannot be exported or leave the datacenter in any way.
For each new major (alphabetical) release, you must create one ``ceph-release`` RPM for each RPM repo (e.g., one for el8 and one for el9). `chacra <>`_ is a python service we use to store DEB and RPM repos. The chacra repos are configured to include this ceph-release RPM, but it must be built separately. You must make sure that chacra is properly configured to include this RPM for each particular release.
1. QE finishes testing and finds a stopping point. That commit is pushed to the ``$release-release`` branch in ceph.git (e.g., ``quincy-release``). This allows work to continue in the working ``$release`` branch without having to freeze it during the release process.
2. The Ceph Council approves and notifies the "Build Lead".
3. The "Build Lead" starts the `Jenkins multijob <>`_, which triggers all builds.
4. Packages are pushed to
5. Packages are pulled from to the Signer VM.
6. Packages are signed.
7. Packages are pushed to
8. Release containers are built and pushed to
1. Check out the most recent tag. For example, if we're releasing a security fix on top of 17.2.3, ``git checkout -f -B quincy-release origin/v17.2.3``
2.``git cherry-pick -x`` the necessary security fix commits
6. The "Build Lead" should set ``RELEASE_TYPE=SECURITY`` instead of ``STABLE``.
7. Finally, the `ceph-tag <>`_ steps need to be manually run by the "Build Lead" as close to the Announcement time as possible::
# Example using quincy pretending 17.2.4 is the security release version
# Add the ceph-releases repo (also requires GitHub Admin Role). The `ceph-setup <>`_ job will have already created and pushed the tag to ceph-releases.git.
Once QE has determined a stopping point in the working (e.g., ``quincy``) branch, that commit should be pushed to the corresponding ``quincy-release`` branch.
See `the Ceph Tracker wiki page that explains how to write the release notes <>`_.
#. Obtain the sha1 of the version commit from the `build job <>`_ or the ``sha1`` file created by the `ceph-setup <>`_ job.
#. Download the packages from to the signing virtual machine. These packages get downloaded to ``/opt/repos`` where the `Sepia Lab Long Running (Ceph) Cluster <>`_ is mounted.
If this was a regular release (not a hotfix release or a security release), the only commit in that Pull Request should be the version commit. For example, see `v15.2.17's version commit PR <>`_.