2020-06-08 12:26:47 +00:00
Lua Scripting
.. versionadded :: Pacific
.. contents ::
This feature allows users to upload Lua scripts to different context in the radosgw. The two supported context are "preRequest" that will execute a script before the
operation was taken, and "postRequest" that will execute after each operation is taken. Script may be uploaded to address requests for users of a specific tenant.
The script can access fields in the request and modify some fields. All Lua language features can be used in the script.
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
Script Management via CLI
To upload a script:
# radosgw-admin script put --infile={lua-file} --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
To print the content of the script to standard output:
# radosgw-admin script get --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
To remove the script:
# radosgw-admin script rm --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
Context Free Functions
Debug Log
The `` RGWDebugLog() `` function accepts a string and prints it to the debug log with priority 20.
Each log message is prefixed `` Lua INFO: `` . This function has no return value.
Request Fields
.. warning :: This feature is experimental. Fields may be removed or renamed in the future.
.. note ::
- Although Lua is a case-sensitive language, field names provided by the radosgw are case-insensitive. Function names remain case-sensitive.
- Fields marked "optional" can have a nil value.
- Fields marked as "iterable" can be used by the pairs() function and with the # length operator.
- All table fields can be used with the bracket operator `` [] `` .
- `` time `` fields are strings with the following format: `` %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S `` .
| Field | Type | Description | Iterable | Writeable | Optional |
| `` Request.RGWOp `` | string | radosgw operation | no | no | no |
| `` Request.DecodedURI `` | string | decoded URI | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ContentLength `` | integer | size of the request | no | no | no |
| `` Request.GenericAttributes `` | table | string to string generic attributes map | yes | no | no |
| `` Request.Response `` | table | response to the request | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode `` | integer | HTTP status code | no | yes | no |
| `` Request.Response.HTTPStatus `` | string | HTTP status text | no | yes | no |
| `` Request.Response.RGWCode `` | integer | radosgw error code | no | yes | no |
| `` Request.Response.Message `` | string | response message | no | yes | no |
| `` Request.SwiftAccountName `` | string | swift account name | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.Bucket `` | table | info on the bucket | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.Bucket.Tenant `` | string | tenant of the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Name `` | string | bucket name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Marker `` | string | bucket marker (initial id) | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Id `` | string | bucket id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Count `` | integer | number of objects in the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Size `` | integer | total size of objects in the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.ZoneGroupId `` | string | zone group of the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.CreationTime `` | time | creation time of the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.MTime `` | time | modification time of the bucket | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Quota `` | table | bucket quota | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxSize `` | integer | bucket quota max size | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxObjects `` | integer | bucket quota max number of objects | no | no | no |
| `` Reques.Bucket.Quota.Enabled `` | boolean | bucket quota is enabled | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.Quota.Rounded `` | boolean | bucket quota is rounded to 4K | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.PlacementRule `` | table | bucket placement rule | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.Name `` | string | bucket placement rule name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.StorageClass `` | string | bucket placement rule storage class | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.User `` | table | bucket owner | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.User.Tenant `` | string | bucket owner tenant | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Bucket.User.Id `` | string | bucket owner id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Object `` | table | info on the object | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.Object.Name `` | string | object name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Object.Instance `` | string | object version | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Object.Id `` | string | object id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Object.Size `` | integer | object size | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Object.MTime `` | time | object mtime | no | no | no |
| `` Request.CopyFrom `` | table | information on copy operation | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.CopyFrom.Tenant `` | string | tenant of the object copied from | no | no | no |
| `` Request.CopyFrom.Bucket `` | string | bucket of the object copied from | no | no | no |
| `` Request.CopyFrom.Object `` | table | object copied from. See: `` Request.Object `` | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.ObjectOwner `` | table | object owner | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ObjectOwner.DisplayName `` | string | object owner display name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ObjectOwner.User `` | table | object user. See: `` Request.Bucket.User `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ZoneGroup.Name `` | string | name of zone group | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ZoneGroup.Endpoint `` | string | endpoint of zone group | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl `` | table | user ACL | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Owner `` | table | user ACL owner. See: `` Request.ObjectOwner `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants `` | table | user ACL map of string to grant | yes | no | no |
| | | note: grants without an Id are not presented when iterated | | | |
| | | and only one of them can be accessed via brackets | | | |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"] `` | table | user ACL grant | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].Type `` | integer | user ACL grant type | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User `` | table | user ACL grant user | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User.Tenant `` | table | user ACL grant user tenant | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User.Id `` | table | user ACL grant user id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].GroupType `` | integer | user ACL grant group type | no | no | no |
| `` Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].Referer `` | string | user ACL grant referer | no | no | no |
| `` Request.BucketAcl `` | table | bucket ACL. See: `` Request.UserAcl `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.ObjectAcl `` | table | object ACL. See: `` Request.UserAcl `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Environment `` | table | string to string environment map | yes | no | no |
| `` Request.Policy `` | table | policy | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.Policy.Text `` | string | policy text | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Policy.Id `` | string | policy Id | no | no | yes |
| `` Request.Policy.Statements `` | table | list of string statements | yes | no | no |
| `` Request.UserPolicies `` | table | list of user policies | yes | no | no |
| `` Request.UserPolicies[<index>] `` | table | user policy. See: `` Request.Policy `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.RGWId `` | string | radosgw host id: `` <host>-<zone>-<zonegroup> `` | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP `` | table | HTTP header | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.Parameters `` | table | string to string parameter map | yes | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.Resources `` | table | string to string resource map | yes | no | no |
2020-10-13 16:54:18 +00:00
| `` Request.HTTP.Metadata `` | table | string to string metadata map | yes | yes | no |
2020-06-08 12:26:47 +00:00
| `` Request.HTTP.Host `` | string | host name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.Method `` | string | HTTP method | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.URI `` | string | URI | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.QueryString `` | string | HTTP query string | no | no | no |
| `` Request.HTTP.Domain `` | string | domain name | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Time `` | time | request time | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Dialect `` | string | "S3" or "Swift" | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Id `` | string | request Id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.TransactionId `` | string | transaction Id | no | no | no |
| `` Request.Tags `` | table | object tags map | yes | no | no |
Request Functions
Operations Log
The `` Request.Log() `` function prints the requests into the operations log. This function has no parameters. It returns 0 for success and an error code if it fails.
Lua Code Samples
- Print information on source and destination objects in case of copy:
.. code-block :: lua
function print_object(object)
RGWDebugLog(" Name: " .. object.Name)
RGWDebugLog(" Instance: " .. object.Instance)
RGWDebugLog(" Id: " .. object.Id)
RGWDebugLog(" Size: " .. object.Size)
RGWDebugLog(" MTime: " .. object.MTime)
if Request.CopyFrom and Request.Object and Request.CopyFrom.Object then
RGWDebugLog("copy from object:")
RGWDebugLog("to object:")
- Print ACLs via a "generic function":
.. code-block :: lua
function print_owner(owner)
RGWDebugLog(" Dispaly Name: " .. owner.DisplayName)
RGWDebugLog(" Id: " .. owner.User.Id)
RGWDebugLog(" Tenanet: " .. owner.User.Tenant)
function print_acl(acl_type)
index = acl_type .. "ACL"
acl = Request[index]
if acl then
RGWDebugLog(acl_type .. "ACL Owner")
RGWDebugLog(" there are " .. #acl.Grants .. " grant for owner")
for k,v in pairs(acl.Grants) do
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Key: " .. k)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Type: " .. v.Type)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Group Type: " .. v.GroupType)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Referer: " .. v.Referer)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant User Tenant: " .. v.User.Tenant)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant User Id: " .. v.User.Id)
RGWDebugLog("no " .. acl_type .. " ACL in request: " .. Request.Id)
- Use of operations log only in case of errors:
.. code-block :: lua
if Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode ~= 200 then
RGWDebugLog("request is bad, use ops log")
rc = Request.Log()
RGWDebugLog("ops log return code: " .. rc)
- Set values into the error message:
.. code-block :: lua
if Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode == 500 then
Request.Response.Message = "<Message> something bad happened :-( </Message>"
2020-10-13 16:54:18 +00:00
- Add metadata to objects that was not originally sent by the client:
In the `preRequest` context we should add:
.. code-block :: lua
if Request.RGWOp == 'put_obj' then
Request.HTTP.Metadata["x-amz-meta-mydata"] = "my value"
In the `postRequest` context we look at the metadata:
.. code-block :: lua
RGWDebugLog("number of metadata entries is: " .. #Request.HTTP.Metadata)
for k, v in pairs(Request.HTTP.Metadata) do
RGWDebugLog("key=" .. k .. ", " .. "value=" .. v)